Daily Scans
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:[<< Previous 20 entries]
02:58 am [superfan1]
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Gotham City Sirens #5 ( Read more.. )
Tags: char: catwoman/selina kyle, char: harley quinn/harleen quinzel, char: poison ivy/pamela isley, creator: guillem march, creator: paul dini, publisher: dc comics, title: gotham city sirens
07:31 pm [nonners]
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Harley's one smart cookie Continuing the trend of showing Harley's smarter side.
Three panels from Gotham City Sirens 2.
( Read more... )
Tags: char: catwoman/selina kyle, char: harley quinn/harleen quinzel, char: poison ivy/pamela isley, creator: guillem march, creator: paul dini, title: gotham city sirens
11:15 pm [xdoop]
![[User Picture]](https://www.insanejournal.com/userpic/7353873/376622) [Link] |
Gotham City Sirens #4
Tags: char: harley quinn/harleen quinzel, char: hush/thomas elliot, char: joker, creator: guillem march, creator: paul dini, publisher: dc comics, title: gotham city sirens
11:16 pm [superfan1]
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Gotham City Sirens #4 ( You broke my heart cut )
Tags: char: catwoman/selina kyle, char: harley quinn/harleen quinzel, char: hush/thomas elliot, char: joker, char: poison ivy/pamela isley, creator: guillem march, creator: paul dini, title: gotham city sirens
11:24 am [benicio127]
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Return of Mr. J in comics Words cannot express my love for these two pages.
Upcoming Gotham City Sirens preview can be found here: http://dcu.blog.dccomics.com/2009/09/25/will-the-joker-cross-paths-with-the-gotham-city-sirens/
Tags: char: joker, creator: guillem march, creator: paul dini, title: gotham city sirens
03:56 pm [sailorlibra]
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More On Zee's Love Life (With Bruce and Otherwise) A montage featuring Zee's love life in general from Zatanna: Everyday Magic and a very sad scene between her and Bruce in Superman/Batman #61. This post was inspired by thebigapricot's earlier post, which was inspired by my earlier post, which in turn was inspired by my even earlier Zee post, which was inspired by whoever requested it. Overkill, yes? On the other hand, Zee clearly rocks and now you all know it.
recommended tags: char: zatanna zatara, char: batman/bruce wayne, creator: paul dini, creator: francis manapul, creator: michael green, creator: mike johnson, creator: rick mays
Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, char: zatanna zatara, creator: francis manapul, creator: michael green, creator: mike johnson, creator: paul dini, creator: rick mays, publisher: dc comics
03:01 pm [thebigapricot]
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Zatanna's Love Life Zatanna. Sexy. Beautiful. Talented. Smart. The second best wearer of fishnets in the DCU. Obsession of Paul Dini.
But why can't the girl have a little happiness and find some true love? With today's post from sailorlibra as inspiration, here's a look at some moments in Zatanna's search for the Magic of Love. Not dial-up friendly.

Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, char: john constantine, char: zatanna zatara, creator: grant morrison, creator: paul dini
12:20 am [sailorlibra]
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Three Scans From Detective 824 I had thought that all of Zee's appearances from Dini's run on 'Tec had been posted. I was wrong; her first showing was neglected.
recommended tags: char: zatanna zatara, char: batman/bruce wayne, title: detective comics, creator: paul dini, creator: don kramer
Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, char: zatanna zatara, creator: don kramer, creator: paul dini, publisher: dc comics, title: detective comics
12:42 am [espanolbot]
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How Bruce Met Zatanna, plus the casting of the upcoming Going Postal adaption ( Four Pages ) ( Moist von Lipwig etc. behind cut )
Tags: char: alfred pennyworth, char: batman/bruce wayne, char: zatanna zatara, creator: don kramer, creator: paul dini, publisher: dc comics, title: detective comics
02:08 pm [fleeting_feet]
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When a party isn't a party..... I had a hard time trying decide what I wanted to share. After looking at my growing collection of fun, I decided that I wanted to post some things from Harley Quinn's "Preludes and Knock-Knock Jokes" (190 pages of glossy goofy awesome). Not only is some of the stuff in there fun, but it covers the Bruce Wayne House Party/Demolition.
Tags: char: batgirl/oracle/barbara gordon, char: big barda/barda free, char: harley quinn/harleen quinzel, char: riddler/edward nigma, creator: bruce timm, creator: paul dini, creator: rachel dodson, creator: terry dodson, publisher: dc comics, title: preludes and knock knock jokes
05:33 pm [superfan1]
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Streets of Gotham #3 ( Images under cut )
Tags: char: batman/dick grayson, char: robin/damian wayne, creator: dustin nguyen, creator: paul dini, title: streets of gotham
11:12 pm [queenursula]
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Gotham City Sirens #2
Tags: char: catwoman/selina kyle, char: harley quinn/harleen quinzel, char: poison ivy/pamela isley, creator: guillem march, creator: paul dini, publisher: dc comics, title: gotham city sirens
04:58 pm [superfan1]
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Batman: Streets of Gotham #2 ( For once, I agree with damian )
Tags: char: alfred pennyworth, char: batman/dick grayson, char: hush/thomas elliot, char: robin/damian wayne, creator: dustin nguyen, creator: paul dini, title: streets of gotham
08:35 pm [kat8cha]
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Gotham City Sirens (sick of it yet?) Okay! First post on SD (hi guys) and I'm sharing my fave pages of Gotham Sirens. Since I saw the preview art I had to run out and get it. As much as I generally don't buy single comics (so EXPENSIVE in the long run) I had to. I really, really, really enjoyed Gotham Sirens... and was at the same time very annoyed. ( the art's not TERRIBLE, but the characterization just seems so easy... )
Tags: char: harley quinn/harleen quinzel, char: poison ivy/pamela isley, char: zatanna zatara, creator: guillem march, creator: paul dini, publisher: dc comics, title: gotham city sirens
07:54 am [kamino_neko]
![[User Picture]](https://www.insanejournal.com/userpic/7394490/376365) [Link] |
One more page from Gotham City Sirens My reasons for posting this page are twofold....firstly, to illustrate a point I made in the last Gotham City Sirens post about the way the artist draws faces - specifically, the blandness of the female faces, and relative cartooniness of the male faces.
Secondly...I'm a Riddler fan, who's been rather....distressed by his recent jobbing. For everyone. Former victims, supposed friends...it's one thing to have the Bat get one over on him, but Eddie's played the chump for everyone pretty constantly for a couple years, and this...bugs me. Eddie finally manages to get some back in GCS. Sort of.
Tags: char: catwoman/selina kyle, char: harley quinn/harleen quinzel, char: poison ivy/pamela isley, char: riddler/edward nigma, creator: paul dini, title: gotham city sirens
08:43 pm [colonel_green]
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Dini's Angels
Three scans from Gotham City Sirens #1.
Tags: char: harley quinn/harleen quinzel, char: poison ivy/pamela isley, char: zatanna zatara, creator: guillem march, creator: paul dini, publisher: dc comics, title: gotham city sirens
01:56 pm [aulayan]
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3 Pages from Batman Streets of Gotham
Tags: char: batman/dick grayson, char: harley quinn/harleen quinzel, char: jim gordon, char: robin/damian wayne, char: robin/nightwing/dick grayson, creator: dustin nguyen, creator: paul dini, publisher: dc comics, title: streets of gotham
01:32 pm [ghosty732]
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Batman: Streets of Gotham #1 Preview So DC's Blog has a preview up for Streets of Gotham #1. The Gotham City Police Department are called in to deal with what seems to be a bank robbery by someone they didn't think they'd be hearing from again...
Tags: creator: dustin nguyen, creator: paul dini, genre: previews, publisher: dc comics, title: streets of gotham
11:14 am [benicio127]
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Legends of the Bat-Mite For some humpday laughs... I *died* when I saw this clip. This will be airing Friday on Batman: The Brave and the Bold
Current Mood: amused Tags: char: bat-mite, char: batman/bruce wayne, char: deadpool/wade wilson, creator: paul dini, publisher: marvel comics, title: batman the brave and the bold
10:54 pm [sailorlibra]
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Zatanna Highlights from Detective Comics As per request, Zatanna as done by Dini. From issues 833, 834, 843, and 844.
Tags: char: alfred pennyworth, char: batman/bruce wayne, char: giovanni "john" zatara, char: joker, char: ventriloquist/peyton riley, char: zatanna zatara, creator: don kramer, creator: dustin nguyen, creator: paul dini, publisher: dc comics, title: detective comics
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