Daily Scans
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:[<< Previous 20 entries]
08:37 pm [cyberghostface]
![[User Picture]](https://www.insanejournal.com/userpic/7354056/376381) [Link] |
Four pages of Deadpool goodness from Amazing Spider-Man #611
Tags: char: deadpool/wade wilson, char: spider-man/peter parker, creator: eric canete, creator: joe kelly, title: amazing spider-man
10:58 am [sherkahn]
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Deadpool #17 preview On today's show, we will be baking a gigantic disaster souffle. First, take one genuine hero leader, put him in a situation he/she doesn't understand. Next, add one Deadpool... #17 flavor. Add plenty of munitions and knife sharpeners (can never have too much). Presto! Let explode and bring about raw carnage until done.
Make sure you bring plenty of electric fans to cool things off, because the action is hot and the sh*t tends to hit them!
CBR has the full preview.
Tags: char: cyclops/scott summers, char: deadpool/wade wilson
03:45 pm [colonel_green]
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Merc with a Myth
Four scans apiece from Assault on New Olympus Prologue and Deadpool Team-Up #899, featuring the Incredible Hercules.
Tags: char: amadeus cho, char: arcade, char: athena/marvel, char: deadpool/wade wilson, char: hebe/marvel, char: hercules/marvel, char: may parker, char: nightmare, char: spider-man/peter parker, creator: dalibor talajic, creator: fred van lente, creator: greg pak, creator: rodney buchemi, publisher: marvel comics, title: incredible hercules
05:36 pm [queenursula]
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Introducing Lady Deadpool!
Tags: char: captain america/steve rogers, char: deadpool/wade wilson, char: lady deadpool, creator: rob liefeld, publisher: marvel comics
12:10 am [angelophile]
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More advance Marvel solicits This time from Comicbookresources.com, featuring the advanced X-men solicits and some stuff like might be of interest to certain members of the community.
Tags: char: deadpool/wade wilson, char: gambit/remy lebeau, char: jubilee/jubilation lee, char: lockheed, char: magneto/erik magnus lehnsherr, char: mystique/raven darkholme, char: northstar/jean-paul beaubier, char: rogue/anna marie, char: x-man/nate grey, genre: solicitations, group: x-men, publisher: marvel comics
01:18 pm [sherkahn]
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Previews of Deadpool #16 ComicBookResources has a 5 page preview.
Tags: char: cyclops/scott summers, char: deadpool/wade wilson, char: wolverine/logan/james howlett, group: x-men
10:05 pm [xdoop]
![[User Picture]](https://www.insanejournal.com/userpic/7353880/376622) [Link] |
Hulk #16 variant
Tags: char: deadpool/wade wilson, char: red hulk, creator: ed mcguinness, title: hulk
11:24 am [sherkahn]
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Deadpool:Merc With The Mouth preview #3 Since its Friday, I thought we could all unwind a little with a good laugh. CBR has the preview of the continuing adventures when Deadpool meets Un-Deadpool.
Current Mood: amused Current Music: Chemical Brothers: Setting Sun Tags: char: deadpool/wade wilson, publisher: marvel comics, title: deadpool
11:01 am [sherkahn]
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Where are the clowns?! Someone bring in the clowns! There has to be clowns!!!
This is the only thing that this is missing.
3 wordless pages of pure, high-grade, high-octane rocket fuel CRACK with Deadpool flavor for your eyes to enjoy and to blow your mind. CBR preview of Deadpool 900.
Current Mood: laughing my ass off Current Music: Nobody But Me - The Isley Brothers Tags: char: deadpool/wade wilson, genre: previews, publisher: marvel comics
07:15 pm [drsevarius]
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Deadpool #15: Wade goes to San Francisco...
Tags: char: deadpool/wade wilson, creator: daniel way, publisher: marvel comics, title: deadpool
03:20 pm [sherkahn]
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Someone cue the John Williams music To Jaws.
Newsarama has the preview.
Current Mood: amused Tags: char: deadpool/wade wilson, genre: previews, publisher: marvel comics, title: deadpool
10:07 pm [carissa_cat]
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Recommendations for a newbie I've only really got into comic books very recently and as such, do not have an exstensive collection or knowledge of what comic books are any good. I was planning to buy some off Amazon but I recently discovered a market seller who sells back issues of lots of titles. Seeing as how you guys are essentially professors of comic book knowledge I'm wondering if you could recommend some titles to me. I have varied tastes, so pretty much anything is appreciated.
Tags: char: deadpool/wade wilson, publisher: marvel comics
07:41 pm [galateus]
![[User Picture]](https://www.insanejournal.com/userpic/9213144/376674) [Link] |
Cable & Deadpool #31: The godly endowments of Hercules
Since this came up:
Tags: char: cable/nathan summers, char: deadpool/wade wilson, char: hercules/marvel, event: civil war, title: cable & deadpool
10:29 pm [proteus_lives]
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Deadpool doesn't just bump into the 4th Wall. He jumps through head-first! (Plus an Idea!) Greetings True Believers! I'm posting a selection of scans from Deadpool: Suicide Kings #5 about Wade exhibiting his "Comic Awareness" and I had an idea!
Why don't we have a breaking the 4th wall week? Rules would be simple, post scans from a story where a character breaks the 4th wall. Then classify it. Is it story-connected? It is over-done? Is it right for this story/character? Is it just for shits and giggles?
Does it sound fun? We have the usual suspects for breaking the 4th wall, Deadpool, She-Hulk, Animal Man but who else has done it???
So if you're interested, put in! To begin, I offer a couple of dee--lightful scans of DP and they will crack you up!
Oh and I have decided to call this week, "Breakin' the Wall, Breakin' the Wall."
( Read more... )
Current Location: Outer Dark Tags: char: deadpool/wade wilson, char: punisher/frank castle, char: spider-man/peter parker, group: wrecking crew, publisher: marvel comics, series: breakin' the wall
10:06 pm [benicio127]
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Wade finally gets a happy ending And lots of awesome fourth-wall breakage.
Spoilers for Deadpool: Suicide Kings 5.
Tags: char: deadpool/wade wilson, char: outlaw/inez temple, publisher: marvel comics
04:53 pm [taggerung301]
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Blind Al
Current Mood: tired Tags: char: blind al, char: deadpool/wade wilson
10:37 am [angelophile]
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Colour me surprised this wasn't posted already... Given the fans of these characters here.
From CBR's advanced X-titles solicits:
Tags: char: arcade, char: deadpool/wade wilson, char: hercules/marvel, char: nightmare, creator: humberto ramos, genre: solicitations, publisher: marvel comics
12:51 am [sir_razorback]
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Ryan Reynolds is Deadpool and Green Lantern
This isn't the most recent of news, but Ryan Reynolds has been confirmed as Hal for the upcoming GL movie. Now, while I was exploring internet rabbit trails from the Pat Lee post, which lead me to Matt Moylan's comment about the guy, which led me back to Lil'Formers, which I haven't read in a while. I decided to get caught up, and I found this image he came up with. Enjoy!
Tags: char: deadpool/wade wilson, char: green lantern/hal jordan, medium: webcomic, title: lil' formers
01:39 pm [sherkahn]
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Real Men of Genius Week - Wade Wilson Part 2 Scans_Daily presents, Real Men of Genius week. With courtesy spoilers previews from CBR...
Real Men of Genius......

Current Mood: amused Current Music: real Men of Genius Tags: char: deadpool/wade wilson, series: real men of genius week
06:57 am [sherkahn]
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Real Men of Genius Week - Wade Wilson Part 1 Scans_Daily presents, Real Men of Genius week. (***with nods to Proteus_Lives***)
Real Men of Genius......

Tags: char: bullseye/hawkeye, char: deadpool/wade wilson, series: real men of genius week
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