Daily Scans
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Below are the 4 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:
01:34 am [jelly_ace]
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Batman Does Tartaros I was revisiting the Torment arc in Superman/Batman and discovered this little gem of a page in issue no. 41.
Current Mood: nerdy Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, char: bekka, char: orion, creator: alan burnett, creator: dustin nguyen, title: superman/batman
02:06 pm [seriousfic]
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The adventures of Scott Free when he was a boy. Seven pages from Orion 10 by Walt Simonson, with some beautiful drawing by Art Adams.
Tags: char: mr. miracle/scott free, char: orion, creator: walt simonson
10:21 am [seriousfic]
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The final defeat of Darkseid and the end of the Fourth World Saga No, for real.
Jack Kirby conceived the various Fourth World books to be part of one epic saga with a beginning, middle, and end... a maxi-series, if you will. Unfortunately, low sales forced the cancellation of each series, although on the bright side, this did free up the various characters to make later appearances in the DC universe. In 1985, Kirby wrote a graphic novel called The Hunger Dogs designed to bring the saga to a close, although DC editorial prevented a climactic Darkseid-Orion showdown from truly closing the book, even though The Hunger Dogs was evidently non-canon. Still, it's an interesting look at Kirby's intentions, thwarted as they were.
Current Music: Akira Yamaoka - Not Tomorrow Tags: char: darkseid, char: orion, creator: jack kirby
04:16 pm [04nbod]
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The Great Darkness Saga From Legion of Super-Heroes vol.2 290-294 (4 regular issues and a last double sized issue) Written by Paul Levitz. Art by Keith Giffen DC let this TPB go out of print but if there is any justice in the world it will get an absolute edition
Current Mood: drained Tags: char: brainiac 5/querl dox, char: cosmic boy/rokk krinn, char: darkseid, char: dream girl/dreamer/nura nal, char: highfather/izaya, char: invisible kid/jacques foccart, char: mon-el/lar gand, char: orion, char: saturn girl/imra ardeen, char: shadow lass/umbra/tasmia mallor, char: supergirl/kara zor-el, char: superman/clark kent, char: wildfire/drake burroughs, creator: keith giffen, creator: paul levitz, group: legion of super-heroes