01:26 am [proteus_lives]
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Pic of Scarlett Johansson as the Black Widow. Greetings True Believers! I thought you would be interested in this pic from Iron Man 2. Follow the link!
( Read more... )
Current Location: Outer Dark Tags: char: black widow/natasha romanova, medium: movies
03:08 am [superfan1]
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Brave and the Bold #25 ( You can't unfortunately help, who you team up with sometimes )
Tags: char: blue beetle/jaime reyes, char: hardware/curt metcalf, creator: adam beechen, creator: hilary barta, creator: roger robinson
03:14 am [jlroberson]
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Blackest Night: Something You Don't Want To See
Current Location: Seattle Current Mood: discontent Current Music: Camper Van Beethoven, "O Death" Tags: char: flash/barry allen, char: green lantern/hal jordan, creator: geoff johns, creator: ivan reis, event: blackest night
08:02 am [kingrockwell]
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Lockjaw & The Pet Avengers 3
Tags: char: bo obama, char: frog thor, char: hairball, char: lockheed, char: lockjaw, char: ms. lion, char: redwing, char: thanos, char: zabu, creator: chris eliopoulos, creator: ig guara, publisher: marvel comics, title: lockjaw and the pet avengers
09:12 am [sherkahn]
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Deflating the Fat Cobra Previews for Iron Fist: Immortal Weapons #1 is up over at Newsarama .
Current Mood: cheerful Tags: char: fat cobra
10:14 am [mosellegreen]
![[User Picture]](https://www.insanejournal.com/userpic/8462173/399431) [Link] |
Golden Age Wonder Woman: The Origin Well, the next post in my archives is from Wonder Woman #1, 1942, which somebody else already handled quite well here. I'll just repost one panel which seriousfic also posted, which I found especially amusing.
On to the next post. In Wonder Woman #1, published in 1942, the story of her origin is retold.
http://pics.livejournal.com/mosellegreen/pic/0009zbqa http://pics.livejournal.com/mosellegreen/pic/000a08t8 http://pics.livejournal.com/mosellegreen/pic/000a18dz http://pics.livejournal.com/mosellegreen/pic/000a26eb http://pics.livejournal.com/mosellegreen/pic/000a3704 http://pics.livejournal.com/mosellegreen/pic/000a43ds http://pics.livejournal.com/mosellegreen/pic/000a5yr2
Tags: char: wonder woman/diana of themyscira, creator: william moulton marston, era: golden age, publisher: dc comics, title: wonder woman
11:53 am [xdoop]
![[User Picture]](https://www.insanejournal.com/userpic/7353875/376622) [Link] |
Super-Villain Nazi Team-Up!

Tags: char: adolf hitler, char: arnim zola, char: hate-monger/adolf hitler, char: red skull/johann schmidt, creator: al milgrom, creator: arvell jones, creator: bruce patterson, creator: carmine infantino, creator: keith pollard, creator: peter gillis, group: nazis, publisher: marvel comics, title: super-villain team-up
01:07 pm [seriousfic]
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Presented for your consideration, apropos of recent pictures...

Tags: char: black widow/natasha romanova
03:22 pm [jlroberson]
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Seaguy 2: Popular Entertainment
Current Location: Seattle Current Music: Stereolab, "Ping Pong" Tags: char: seaguy, creator: cameron stewart, creator: grant morrison
03:50 pm [sherkahn]
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Green Lantern #44 preview: Blackest Night IGN has the preview of the Black Lantern Martian Manhunter vs. the Brave and the Bold, the Green Lantern and the Flash.
One page behind the cut.
Current Mood: contemplative Current Music: Ozomatli Tags: char: flash/barry allen, char: green lantern/hal jordan, char: martian manhunter/j'onn j'onzz, event: blackest night
04:20 pm [schmevil]
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Turn off the part of your brain that stops you from trying bad ideas...
Tags: creator: john campbell, medium: webcomic
04:53 pm [arbre_rieur]
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That name again is Mr. Dark

We delve a little into the backstory of Mr. Dark. Also, the truth about one of the long-running objects in Fabletown's possession is revealed.
Tags: creator: bill willingham, creator: jim fern, creator: todd klein, title: fables
06:09 pm [lipsofpoison]
![[User Picture]](https://www.insanejournal.com/userpic/22968449/47029) [Link] | I bring you some friends fun from The Titans: Secret Files & Origins, where the Titans head off to surprise Dick with pizza, finding him hanging out with Clancy.
( 4 scans under the cut! )
Tags: char: aqualad/tempest/garth, char: robin/nightwing/dick grayson, char: speedy/red arrow/roy harper, char: wonder girl/troia/donna troy, creator: jay faerber, creator: paul pelletier, creator: tom mccraw, title: titans
07:00 pm [gargoylekitty]
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The Sensational She-Hulk #50

Tags: char: she-hulk/jennifer walters, creator: frank miller, creator: john byrne, creator: terry austin, creator: walt simonson, creator: wendy pini
07:15 pm [cyberghostface]
![[User Picture]](https://www.insanejournal.com/userpic/7354489/376381) [Link] |
Spider-Man: The Clone Saga #2 (of 6)
Tags: char: scarlet spider/ben reilly, char: spider-man/peter parker, creator: howard mackie, creator: miguel sepulvida, creator: todd nauck, creator: tom defalco
07:17 pm [colonel_green]
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Colan Rides Again
Four scans from Captain America #601, Gene Colan's one-issue return to drawing (so, another candidate for "the last full comic illustrated by Gene Colan").
Tags: char: captain america/bucky barnes, char: captain america/steve rogers, char: nick fury, creator: ed brubaker, creator: gene colan, publisher: marvel comics
07:36 pm [dr_hermes]
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Wait.. those girls look familiar I haven't checked out scans_daily in a while, but here's something I think some of you folks might enjoy.

Anne Timmons' cover to the October 2000 issue of COMIC BOOK ARTIST.
09:25 pm [thokstar]
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Have some October solicitations It's that time of the month.
IGN has Blackest Night previews.
Newsarama has previews for the Superfamily.
( For legality, two previews under the cut. Feel free to click the links and talk about other previews as well. )
09:40 pm [essaybee]
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Preview of "Fusion" (My original comic) Over on the old Scans Daily site, I posted a NSFW erotic parody of JLU known as the "Great Scott Saga." (It was composed of 4 parts: "Great Scott," "Fool Me Once . . ." "Birds of a Feather," and "Hell or High Water.")
Well, I've started my first original comic titled "Fusion" (which is SFW, by the way), and thought I'd post the initial preview here. The following is my own work, so there should be no problems with the page-limit restrictions. Hope you folks enjoy the preview. (And I know Harold's freckles disappear. I'll correct that when I finish the issue.)
 ( Read more )
Tags: in-joke: shameless plug, medium: webcomic, title: fusion
09:48 pm [blake_reitz]
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Turtles in the Past, Turtles in the Future. Turtles, Past and Future...

( 10 scans from the 30 page Tales of the TMNT #55... )
Tags: char: april o'neil, char: splinter, creator: jim lawson, group: teenage mutant ninja turtles, publisher: mirage, title: teenage mutant ninja turtles
10:25 pm [xdoop]
![[User Picture]](https://www.insanejournal.com/userpic/7353880/376622) [Link] |
Nick Fury vs. the Youth of the Nation!

Tags: char: hate-monger/adolf hitler, char: nick fury, creator: frank springer, creator: gary friedrich, publisher: marvel comics, title: nick fury agent of shield
10:48 pm [espanolbot]
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As Blackest Night starts week I thought I'd post these cameos of everyone's favourite Goth Possibly NSFW due to Ken Dollish nudity. ( She Loves You )
Tags: char: death of the endless, title: ambush bug, title: lucifer, title: madame xanadu