Posts Tagged: 'drops'

Dec. 12th, 2011



[No Subject]

Rapunzel returns to Pavo.
Ophiuchus welcomes the return of its mighty leader, ZIIIIIIIIIMMMMMMMM!!

Tomoe Mami has met an untimely end.

۞ Announcements form your Friendly Neighbourhood Plot Mod ۞

We are going to try a thing in response to some concerns and hopefully it will work out to everyone's liking.

With plot events THAT WE KNOW are going to happen (i.e., scheduled keystone runs, scheduled NPC posts, etc) I (Nishi) will be trying to give at least a day's notice (if not more) via OOC comm on them with a vague idea of what's going to go down if possible.

Please keep in mind that:
۞ Spontaneous events WILL happen, because this is a game that runs on player interactions and input. But if I know in advance I will do it. That isn't to say that if you're posting and in a thread you have a MOMENT OF OHHHH and go HEY NISHI CAN YOU DROP IN WITH _____ I won't do it. I SURE WILL.
۞ In the case that that happens, and something big comes of it? I will retroactively give a bit of a yell on the OOC comm to let everyone know it did.
۞ These posts will be warning posts, not scheduling ones. As we get into endgame, time slots are going to get narrower and narrower as I have more things to do. Like game announcements, I'm putting up warning of when I have time to do a thing. I DO try to swing things so that it hits up the most people I can, and if you SUPER NEED a reschedule talk to me. I will see what I can do.
۞ This is not mandatory for others, just a thing that I as a plotmod am trying to do better for your sanity and mine. But if you WANT to or have a super big event in mind, go for it. It's not restricted FROM you either!
۞ Related, if you want a shiny, just ask! It's easiest if you give me an idea of what you would like your character to do, but I do take vague SOMETHING! IF YOU THINK OF ME! Those just aren't as immediate.
۞ On a lower scale, if you want one of my NPCs (Messenger, Venna, Foreman and the Gentleman) again, its as easy as asking or scheduling.
۞ Other Judge and event runners are Dera and Claude who are very often eager and willing too! Kick them (gently) with love if you need them! (Though give Claude a week to finish her schoolwork)

We also have something of a tentative end of game schedule. Due to several voiced concerns (and explosive panic) about finals, we are sort of letting things roll through December without pushing too hard.

The LAST GAME will be held on the first weekend of January (date and time pending) and endgame will probably come very soon after depending on how you guys pace things. Expect THINGS hard and fast afterwards.

One thing we are going to try and promise though, is that in the very endgame, we are going to try and hit up big events for every time zone we can stretch out into. AS MUCH COVERAGE AS WE MERE MORTALS CAN GIVE YOU, will be done.

We love you guys, and want to make this as epic as possible for you and WITH you.

Nov. 21st, 2011



[No Subject]

Doumeki and Melaka have been taken by the earth, and Ryner Lute will be taking antnaps under the Foreman.

Meanwhile, Dean Winchester will be carrying on his wayward self back to Corvus.
Tifa Lockhart's fists will be added back to Pyxis.
Alice Liddell and Isla Yura will be joining Orion's hunt.
The Cheshire Cat will be curling up with Ursa.
Juuri Kuran will be mothervamping it up on Lynx.

Hyatt will be bleeding on Caduceus with the rest of Hydracula's bitches.

Chika, Hakuba and Shizuo have indeed received their wishes and gone home. Izaya has left the building.


۞ Your Claude has leveled up! Claude is now Anteater Mod! She is here to listen to all the things. All of them. Everyone is highly encouraged to throw at her any player/community/gameplay-related issues and other stuff they'd like to talk about, no matter how big or small, anytime.
۞ Applications for new characters are now officially closed. Reapps are, however, still open indefinitely.


۞ The Unit Directory, Taken Characters and Hall of Dropped Characters have been updated. If the character's journal and links are missing, they haven't replied to their app acceptance. If that character is yours, please remember to do that!
۞ The main comm tags list has also been cleaned up. Remember to check if a tag exists before adding one! And tag your posts to make activity checks easier or your new mod will anteater punch you in the faaaaaace. 8|||
۞ If you're a new or returning player, be sure to check in here with your timezone!
۞ Timey-wimey shenanigans ingame have lead to some confusion as to the current point in the timeline: to confirm, Persona's Game on evening Day 290 was followed by Mirrorquest during the curfew hours of 290 midnight/early morning Day 291. No actual days have been skipped! Rest assured.

Nov. 8th, 2011



[No Subject]

Charles J. Krishund and Debra Morgan been taken by the earth.

Sakura returns to Monoceros.

Lotus will join Delphinus.

۞ Good ends will be this Sunday! We will also be holding a special event this weekend that will allow Good Ended characters to make a brief appearance.
۞ Next weekend (November the 19th) is the deadline for the last round of new player/character apps. After that round, only reapps (whether Pillared or otherwise) will be accepted into the game.

Nov. 2nd, 2011



[No Subject]

Black*Star will be thrown to the foxes on Vulpecula. And taking up a hobo spot until Chika good ends.
Nakamori Aoko is here to help Pyxis out.
Homura Akemi continues the magical girl color coordination by joining Pavo.
Hikitsu ain't nothing but a Canis dog.
Kisugi Haruto is the newest member of Uraeus.

Tifa has to bear with Queen. Howl and D'eon join the ranks of the ants. Chaz and Kuchiha have been claimed by the earth.
Amy Pond, Kanda Yuu, and Flonne all rejoin their old teams. (Which would be Cetus, Hydra, and Monoceros respectively.)

۞ Applications are closing soon! You've still got a couple weeks left to get those last minute apps or revisions in, but be warned that the end is coming sooner rather than later.

Oct. 23rd, 2011



[No Subject]

Tomoe Mami adds class and color coordination to Orion.
Arisato Minato makes her way onto Apus.
Phoenix Wright is a hobo joins Lynx.

Vorona, Ganymede and Azula have been taken by the earth. Tena will soon join them.

Rapunzel and Kazu will join the ant legions. Wheatley has crashed and he can't get up.

Shizuo, Chika and Hakuba are moving towards a Good End.

۞ Emails and Good End requests should all be replied to now! (With the exception of any emails that came in today, and we'll get to those before the day is out.) If we missed anything from the past couple weeks, shoot us another email and we'll get things handled. Also if you received Good End things and can't edit them properly, ping Watanuki and she'll fix it.
۞ Activity is also getting checked this week! Be sure to tag your posts unless you want Claude to end you. And nobody wants Claude to end them.

Sep. 25th, 2011



[No Subject]

Nia Teppelin gets to cuddle all the grumpy people on Cetus.

Euphemia li Brittania has been taken by the earth. Wolfwood joins the ranks of the ants.

Open slots: 8
Apps in queue: 0
Open Ophiuchus slots: 4
Ophiuchus apps in queue: 0


ETA: As you may have noticed, there sure is a Mirror game and a GM game on the calendar now! If it's at all possible, a fluffy game or Ophi event would be greatly appreciated somewhere during at week to help break up the D8

As always, feel free to chat with us about any concerns or comments you may have about the game. Lady and Watanuki are both available for PMs most of the time and are happy to talk with you. More official requests/questions/complaints should go to the mod email, as always. We answer our emails from the previous week every Sunday (or Monday...) so plan your timing accordingly, especially if you have a question about an app.

Sep. 19th, 2011



[No Subject]

Aoi Kurashiki will be joining Orion
Masahiro Namiki picks Pyxis

Emil has been taken by the earth.

Open slots: 5
Apps in queue: 0
Open Ophiuchus slots: 4
Ophiuchus apps in queue: 0

۞ First off, Nishi is stepping down from her modding position for the time being due to life being life REALLY HARD. She'll still be heavily working with plot and will still be one of the go to people for plot and plot-related questions (AS USUAL, all of your friendly mods are available for questions of all sorts.) She will be returning when life settles down, but for now, she is strictly only running the pretendy part of the funtimes for you.

۞ The idea has been proposed to us, and WE LIKE IT, of at least one chance for characters to Good End and get their wish and ICly decide to stay for the endgame. (IE, you get a new aspect to play with, but do not have to drop your character.) If we were to offer it, would there be interest?

۞ We've gotten a lot of awesome feedback on the Ophi-memory game process, and we want to add one enhancement: To allow memories for Ophiuchus multi team games for team members who are not present. The only stipulation to this is if you WANT memories, leave a note AT THE TOP of your memory registry stating that you'd like memories from Ophi games. DO IT NOW. No note, no delicious nomming of your former life.

۞ HOLY HELL A BLINKING EDIT!! We are looking for an ~Official High Wizard of Arcane Network Arts~ aka someone to update that network thing. And maybe put the teams in order of awesomeness or something. PYXIS GOES ON TOP!!!

Aug. 30th, 2011



[No Subject]

Wheatley helps Cetus think with portals.
Debra Morgan becomes another head of the Hydra.
Shiki returns to srs with the Dolphins and Nabuca flies with the Crows again.

Horohoro goes off with the ants.
Minatsuki, March, Leo and Kagura have been taken by the earth. (This is just a default for lack of any specificity! If you want another route, please let us know!)

Open slots: 5
Apps in queue: 0
Open Ophiuchus slots: 3
Ophiuchus apps in queue: 0

A metric ton of announcements. OPHI GAMES, MEMORIES AND MOD SCHEDULES AHOY! )

Questions, comments? Send 'em our way! We always welcome input. Also rainbows. We welcome them too.

Aug. 21st, 2011



[No Subject]

Chrome joins up with Canis Monoceros.
Kudo Shinichi returns to the ranks of Monoceros as a magnificent, tiny hobo.

Kohaku and Amy Pond have been taken by the earth. Mokona is off to gossip with the Graces.

Open slots: 5
Apps in queue: 0
Open Ophiuchus slots: 3
Ophiuchus apps in queue: 0


۞ What's that, announcements are early? MADNESS. That said, we haven't gotten to all of our emails just yet (due to lack of a quorum -FANCY), so if you've sent one this week and haven't received a reply yet, we will get back to you today or tomorrow at the latest.
۞ Tomorrow at 8 PM EST, there will be a brief and casual game chat in #sabra_la_iudex! We've got some things to discuss re: the game and its activity, and we'd like your input. Logs will be provided, as always; we also welcome emails from folks who can't make it to the chat but would still like to express their opinion on the subject.

Aug. 14th, 2011



[No Subject]

D'Eon/Lia de Beaumont is going to shounen it up with Pyxis.
Kurow joins Bunnycorn via the Lepus side of the family.
Melaka Fray is here to kick butt alongside Orion.
Sasagawa Ryohei is now EXTREMELY CETUS
And Rokujou Miharu is the prettiest new unicorn for Monoceros.

Gaara joins the big tea party in the mirror. Kanda Yuu makes his departure courtesy of Flowers.

Open slots: 5
Apps in queue: 0
Open Ophiuchus slots: 2
Ophiuchus apps in queue: 0

Aug. 8th, 2011



[No Subject]

Princess Ermillina Curtana aka "Snow White" joins Monoceros.

Haru is off to do some interesting work for Queen. Mandy Macready has been taken by the earth.

Meanwhile, a kickin' rad new team replaces the swans! (King has replaced Cygnus with a different pink bird! Let's see if they notice!) Apus (FF0A85) welcomes the following characters into its ranks:
Euphemia li Britannia
Temma, Duke of Arylle, AKA "Aerich"
Maya Fey

and Kurama

When an Apus is ready to intro, please ping one of the mods! We have a slightly special post prepared for you.

Open slots: 8
Apps in queue: 0
Open Ophiuchus slots: 2
Ophiuchus apps in queue: 0

Aug. 1st, 2011



So we were tempted to cut this with "THE END :)" but decided you'd kill us

Leonard McCoy and Taiki have received their wishes and gone home.

Tena Fortissian awakens with the snake.
Kudo Shinichi is off to have tea parties with Mirror.
Himura Kenshin returns to Pavo.

Cygnus has been taken by the earth.

Wait, what? NEW THINGS AHOY )

Open slots: 9 (+6)
Apps in queue: 2
Open Ophiuchus slots: 0
Ophiuchus apps in queue: 1

Jul. 26th, 2011




Leo has all the bear necessities with Ursa.

Hibari awakens with the snake. >~~(:

Rose Tyler has left with the Foreman.

Jun. 20th, 2011



[No Subject]

Miranda Lotto has taken her first steps toward a Good End.

Rimudo Roun/Uruki has gone with the Foreman.

Tobias flew too high, and has been taken by the ceiling.

Due to technical difficulties, Yuuji Kusunoki will not be joining the ranks of Monoceros as previously announced.

ETA: There's some other new kid joining Monoceros instead. Mini Kazuta? Minekura Kazuwha? Kazu, Kazu . . . Mikura Kazuma? Something like that.

Jun. 13th, 2011



[No Subject]

Chrono will be joining Delphinus.

Shut Hell has gone with the Foreman.

Aeon Clock has started on his way to a Good End. Someone pray for what's left of Ikki's virtue.


۞ The bridge crossing the river to cove (and the DelPavo gear house) had an unfortunate accident with an ice djinn, and is currently washed up in pieces on the bank. Let's see how long it takes them to fix it.

۞ Canis has some lovely new holes in the ceiling above it courtesy of a thoughtful cavepecker.

۞ The area between the Canis and Ursa dorms and the stalagmite forest before the fields now has lots of brand new broken-off stalactites impaling the ground. Might be wise to watch for falling rocks!

۞ A lovely blackened crater now adorns the ridge below the Hydracula dorms.

۞ Little slivers of purrwisp fur are scattered outside Cetus and Orion. Touching a big enough clump of them bareskinned won't kill you, but you might wish it did, as the itchiness just won't stop for the next hour or so.

۞ All animal bodies and bits of bodies left behind outside dorms have ~mysteriously vanished~ by the time you get back to the same spot. Only bloodstains are left. Anything killed in dorms or dragged into dorms stays where it is.

۞ Glider meat tastes a lot like chicken. Raptor meat is incredibly gamy and rough on the palate unless seasoned with revenge.

May. 31st, 2011



[No Subject]

Shinonome Hangetsu has returned from a position under the Foreman to accept a position under the Guardian (hopefully not literally).

Flonne has been taken by her patron.

Ticky Mikk and Zelgadis Greywords have been granted their wishes and returned home.

May. 8th, 2011



[No Subject]

Yuuji Kusunoki will be joining Monoceros.
Tsuchimiya Kagura will be returning to Pyxis.

Dean Winchester, Dark Schneider/Lucien Renlen, and Mireille Bouquet have gone with the Foreman.
Tokitoh Minoru has been taken by the earth.


۞ Due to some real life overload, Nishi's stepping back from the administration side of the modly fence for a bit. But never fear, she will still be available for all your plotty needs. Actually with Nishi's full attention on plot stuffs, 'never' might not really belong in the previous sentence at all.

Apr. 25th, 2011



[No Subject]

Tifa Lockheart brings her fists to Pyxis.
Lenalee Lee brings her feet to Corvus.
Sion Astal brings his mind to Canis.

Shinonome Hangetsu has left with the Foreman.

Bianchi, Date Masamune and Nora have been granted their wishes, and have been returned home.

Zelgadis Greywords has started on the road to a Good End.


۞ By now all judge players should have gotten a follow up email going over a bunch of the things in judge chat. If you play a judge and haven't gotten anything, let us know! And if we could get everyone's responses in by next week, that'd be awesome.

Apr. 11th, 2011



[No Subject]

Raven will be joining Canis.
Hizumi Mizushiro will be joining Corvus.

Hattori Heiji and Uchiha Obito have gone with the Foreman.

Nora has started down the path to a Good End.

Apr. 4th, 2011



[No Subject]

Elliot Nightray will be returning to Cetus.

Arianna will be joining the ranks of Ophiuchus, and Nora will be returning there.

Meer Campbell has gone with the Foreman.
Hoshimura Makina has been taken by the earth.

Bianchi has started on her way to a Good End.


۞ In case you missed it, the log for the Judge Chat has been posted! Current judge players can expect an email in the week or so with a summary of the questions that were brought up during the talk.

۞ Just so we can get an idea of interest, if you are not currently playing a judge but you think you could do awesome things with one (either through games, outside of them or both), please feel free to make those desires known through whichever medium makes you most comfortable!