Posts Tagged: 'ophiuchus+activity+check'

Sep. 12th, 2010



[No Subject]

Simi has gone to the pillar.

Meer Campbell will be stepping up on Orion
Yarizakura Hime will be prowling with Lynx
Sawada Tsunayoshi is joining team white mage, Lacerta

Open slots: 1
Apps in queue: 1
Open Ophiuchus slots: 1
Ophiuchus apps in queue: 0

In other news!
۞ Our very own Excel is heading off to MOONLAND, and while not leaving us, she IS stepping down as a mod to concentrate on her studies! We offer her congratulations and the best of luck!
۞ Reminder! Ophiuchus activity for this month period is ending on the 15th. Threads must be completed and submitted to the activity page for credit. EXPECT THINGS soon after. We are excited! Or at least Nishi is and as she's writing this, that's what counts.
۞ Judge creation is currently on hold again! If you put in a request, Lady is still processing those bad boys so don't fret.
۞ Also, ALL OF DECEMBER is being blocked off as a no games period. We have plans.

Jun. 7th, 2010



[No Subject]

What have your midbosses done this month? You have until SATURDAY to let us know

۞ If your character just started this month, just mention that and we will handwave the month.
۞ If you were on hiatus the GREATER PORTION of this month, mention that.
۞ If you don't respond to this post or otherwise contact us by Saturday the 12th, and are NOT already on hiatus, we will idle you.

May. 8th, 2010



[No Subject]

What have your midbosses done this month? You have until Tuesday to let us know (so we know who to give memories to)!

۞ If your character just started this month, just mention that and we will handwave the month.
۞ If you were on hiatus the GREATER PORTION of this month, mention that.
۞ If you don't respond to this post or otherwise contact us by Tuesday the 11th, and are NOT already on hiatus, we will idle you.

Apr. 11th, 2010



Sunday business goin' down here.

Himura Kenshin has been pillared
Kokuto Mikiya has left with the Foreman (And Canaan is no longer a magical hobo)

Frey and Charlie have started towards a Good End! Stay tuned!

Hanamura Yousuke will be in Pavo

Open slots: 0
Apps in queue: 2
Open Ophiuchus slots: 0
Ophiuchus apps in queue: 1

Ophiuchus Activity Check! It's that time of month, kiddos. Tell us what your characters have been doing in this post. You don't have to link us, just let us know.
It doesn't HAVE to be a minigame, just have been out there being a midboss. (Trolling blanks, messing with their lives, tricking them out of stuff, tasings are always okay, etc. IE, anything more than one thread talking about the weather in the cave. Or two threads. You get the idea.)
If your character just started this month, just mention that and we will handwave the month.
If you were on hiatus the GREATER PORTION of this month, mention that.
If you don't respond to this post by next Sunday and are NOT already on hiatus, we will idle you. These are super easy standards and you've had notice. Talk to us NOW if you need to! We will have much less sympathy after we've already put up the idle announcements.

As promised, we have a TASTY guideline update for Judges and Judging. Info on being a Patron coming to a mod post near you soon!

In unrelated news! Our own Aviy has started up a game named Arbas al Uat! You may notice some similarities between that and this one, that's because there are! We've given her our permission and blessing to run a similar game as she sees fit. There is no carry-over between the two games, and it has a completely separate plot-line and mechanics. She requests that you not play the same character both here and there, but you can PLAY at both places. Give it a gander if you like! /Friendly Advert