Posts Tagged: 'info+gathering'

Dec. 2nd, 2011



[No Subject]

Hi guys! Sorry for the spam, but the time's been set for Haunted's game. It's going to be 9 am Sunday, December 4th JST/ 7 pm Saturday, December 3rd EST.

And looking over the OOC comm, it looks like there are a ton of hiatuses right now. Just out of curiosity, can I get a show of hands so we'll have an idea what kind of turnout to expect? :oa Thanks!

Oct. 30th, 2011





Alright now that I have your attention :x IT IS TIME for us to lay out all our cards on the table re: what we know of Sabra Main Plot and what our respective characters and teams have been doing in relation to it, for the benefit of refreshing memories and updating others :<b And so this post is for everyone to throw in summaries/details of Plot Things They Learned/Have Done/Been Up To/etc, as well as asking any questions/comments about plot that other people might be able to answer! Because we all know life sucks and tends to get in the way of keeping track of things even though we really want to o9"

gosh I never really get to use this icon :|a

[ Links:
Stories So Far | Q&A | "I Would Really Like To ICly ____" | kittens
The Plot Doc ]

Sep. 14th, 2011


Info gatheriiiing? Srs poll?

So Rena has a Solo Mission to do a huge Sabra relationship Chart and she'll be going around asking people about their feelings. I won't keep making posts like that, but I'll probably have her throw out the question in threads now and then.

So to not have to thread it all out and drive myself crazy! Who do your characters consider friends, lovers, enemies?

This thing is supposed to be entirely IC so if she knocked on their dorm and asked, what would they have told her? Or are they the kind that would make public displays of affection so that she could have noticed while out and about? Misunderstandings and false information is completely fine! Thank you for your help. (Also she would not have approached to ask Ophis)

...Also does anyone have any tips for how I should draw this chart up? Because I have a feeling that it might get big.

Aug. 12th, 2011


[No Subject]


In YYH, most demons and some humans have the ability to sense people's powers and a little bit about their current emotional state, general nature through them.

Humans USUALLY have reiki, which is spiritual energy, while demons USUALLY have youki. There are some super special exceptions here and there with some movie and anime canon, but that's really what it comes down to. It is really like your MP bar! Everyone has one. Some people's are just longer than others.

Now, feel free to apply this any way you like. For example, A-Tards may think of the infinity atmosphere as use of their reiki.

So, how large is yours? How does it feel? (This is typically one word only, cruel, calm, pure, etc) CAN he see it at all?

Jul. 28th, 2011



Attack of the Return of the Revenge of the Player Timezones Post

Please to commenting with your current timezones here! Checking the list to seeing if you is in it already or the timezone you is listing in are outdated.

Thankings you.

ETA: As always remember to TAG YOUR POSTS o9"""

Jul. 20th, 2011



[No Subject]

REMINDER for people who haven't done it yet (and new players since) to comment in this post about your character and FEELINGS, possibly to be relevant to this FriSaturday's Graces game. You can fill it up the day before if you want! And it doesn't have to be detailed, dot point categories are super okay.

As notes, game should be light and humorous, multiple characters are fine, and tinies are entirely welcome to play too.

Jul. 12th, 2011



[No Subject]

Claiming Friday July 22nd for a ~~Graces~~ game. Will be light and completely nontraumatic except to the dignities of some.

Mingle at 7 pm EST, gamestart at 8!

And now you should all comment here about your characters' feelings and not-feelings for other characters as it may or may not be relevant to this event.

Jun. 6th, 2011



[No Subject]

GOOD MORNEVENING LADIES AND GENTS. Beast Event is coming up so just wanna do one more infogathering/permissions thing before the big day! oh man finally running an event it's like a new milestone of RPeeee

So yes. Comment here with whether or not you are you okay with the possibility of:

1) your character getting mildly wounded
2) your character getting seriously wounded
3) your character dying
4) any of the first three occurring in a dramatic fashion
5) any of the first three occurring in a hilarious fashion
6) your character getting ?????'d (possibly removed from play for a couple of days)

You only need to answer yes or no, but feel free to elaborate on any! Naturally answering yes does not guarantee said yes-thing will happen to your character. We figure it's just faster to get permission early than PM on the fly later since at least one of the event-running duo has the tendency of commenting at the speed of molasses. :(b (hint: it is not Ash)

Comments are screened for SECRECY and SUSPENSE.

ETA: There is mod assurance of definite forms of revival arrangeable for deaths even in the absence of The Old Usual! :|b So rest assured in that respect.

May. 28th, 2011



what's that? DOUBLEPOSTING?

Hey guys, sorry to spam, but your help is needed! looks like Inksome died at last bawww ._.

Comment here with any/all large creature killing/tormenting events or behavior that you can recall your characters or teams being involved in! This includes:

- those involving large predator and/or prey animals (so both fatties and raptors count)
- hunts or chance encounters with dead or fairly injured creature as part of the outcome
- anything a Judge or Ophi has ever told you to do to a creature, Game or not (e.g. have you ever punched lizards in the face in a locked room for a Game? filed a raptor's claws down and stuck a bowtie on its head for a mission? THOSE THINGS COUNT)
- anything else YOU might have ever done to a creature of a particularly undignified fashion
- onscreen and general offscreen (does your team go after fatty lizards three times a week? does someone secretly collect uglyfish teeth for necklaces? etc)

Thread links are helpful but unnecessary! If you can just give a brief description of what went down that's good enough.

Also this includes normal Blanks and members of Ophiuchus. :)

May. 11th, 2011



FINALLY DOIN' THIS blurh I apologize for not getting it up sooner.

I am going to do a round of Mirror "penalties"! ICly she will likely not call them that, and they will also be divorced from the results of her last game (so as not to be punishing winners ICly, etc.) She will also be using more subterfuge than usual; I will happily take suggestions as to IC routes that would work best for your team re: not ICly going NO POINT IN PLAYING IN HER GAMES EVER AGAIN!!1 or anything else you'd prefer not to play with. I will take pretty much anyone who would like to have one, as long as you follow these instructions:

1) Check with your team first! I'll remind you during our OOC discussion as well, but it super helps me out if you check if taking a "penalty" is okay with your team BEFORE I get things rolling. The last thing I want to do is step on toes. Also, keep in mind that I can totally delay / otherwise schedule a penalty later on if you and your team aren't ready for something right now.

2) Have an idea of what you want to do! It can be as vague as I WANT SOMETHING TRAUMA-Y or specific as I WOULD LIKE TO BE A PURPLE-POLKA-DOTTED KANGAROO FOR AN IC WEEK, as long as you have a general direction about what you'd like to do. I do have a list of general ideas, but I've used most of them up by now.

And finally, the most important one: 3) Comment to this post to express interest! If you do that, I'll assume that you've got 1 and 2 done already and skip straight to PMing and scheduling folks. Speaking of which, if there's a particular time that works better for you (in terms of SOON or LATER or specific dates), let me know that too! I'm trying to stagger her penalties so that not everyone gets hit in the same exact timeframe, etc. That would be way too much trauma.

Also! If you'd like to be involved but don't necessarily want a full punishment, let me know! Mirror is potentially going to kidnap folks as leverage to lure in "willing" penalties, etc., or otherwise do minor bits of harm that aren't up to the same level as a full penalty.


Apr. 2nd, 2011



Judge Chat!

The log )

Mar. 20th, 2011



[No Subject]

Claiming the weekend of Friday, April 1st for a super ominous April Fools game (CUE SUPER OMINOUS THUNDERCLAP)!!!

Nah, I'm just messin' with ya, it's a title swap game. Posts will be on Friday and Sunday, and hell maybe even on Saturday too (I may tweak the times, but for now I will probably go for my standard 4pm PST). Just like last time, you do not need to be present at ANY of the posts to participate, nor do you need to title-swap to help your teammates win. What you do need to do is comment here with your characters' titles!

So what is a title? Here is some C&P from the last title-gathering post: A title is basically a word or short phrase describing the class or story role that your character would have if they were in an RPG. Also note that titles do NOT have to be truthful; they can represent what a character wants to be, or what they want you to think they are, or something hilariously demeaning. So using the ninja turtles as an example, all of their titles could feasibly be Ninja Turtle, or you could name them by their weapons Swordsturtle, Nunchucker, Sai Guy... why can I not think of anything for Donatello besides Does Machines. Anyway, there are many options! Like if you were Leonardo you could make him Leader or Kind of a Tool or The Blue One. Somebody else will be getting this title, so I wouldn't advise making it too canon-specific, but feel free to be as stupid as you like. In other news, I STILL smile every time I remember that the ninja turtles are already color-sorted for Sabra.

Feb. 21st, 2011


[No Subject]

MIRROR PENALTIES hooray!! Once again, it is time for Mirror to come ride the trauma llama with a little help from you all.

<33333333 )

EDIT: Also a HUGE THANK YOU to whoever paid for Mirror's journal ♥ Everyone is free to go hog wild and upload icons for her. The password should be the first post in her journal.

Jan. 21st, 2011



[No Subject]


Does your character look any different from their icons? And-or, do they wear their uniform in slightly different way from the norm, or with different accessories?

Jan. 13th, 2011




Now that everyone's had a chance to brainstorm and toss ideas around, let's hear what you'd like in your dorms!

As with the uniforms, you're free to ask for anything you'd like, but greater Sabra rules of You Never Get A Lot Of Nice Things will apply to the results. To make everyone's lives easier, here are some guidelines outlining what we'll be trimming things down to:

Guidelines! )

Submission Form )

Any other questions, ask away! You have until tomorrow noon (EST) to submit something before Pavo makes it for you.

Dec. 29th, 2010




What are your app plans?

Your mods are talking about stuff including current app rules and how to best deal with character placement once apps open up again. If you could give us your tentative plans so that we know exactly which position to assume, it would be super helpful. If you don’t know, or you’re not sure, or you tend to be a flighty broad, that’s all OK: just a general idea of what you think you might be doing will be just fine. You will absolutely not be held to anything you say in this post. IN FACT, comments will be screened for just such reasons.

If you have no plans to app or drop, please still respond saying so that way we can see how much of the game has seen this post and get a good idea about our margin of error here.

Dec. 27th, 2010




I THINK WE SHOULD HAVE A POLL FOR WHAT PEOPLE REMEMBER FROM OLD SABRA for people who don't feel like dedicating a post in their journal for that...

Here's a link to the last mod info post, which includes an Old Sabra timeline and some guidelines for what you can and can't remember.

IF YOU ALREADY DID IT just link it here for reference.

Dec. 10th, 2010


So about them warnings?

So I know I am curious at least, and it might be handy to use for posts.

What is your country doing about the warnings? Is the rulers ignoring it or are they shutting down their ports like Madagascar? Feel superfree to use this post for discussing it if you haven't worked out anything in chan yet. It might also be useful for us playing commoners to know what the ruler PCs decide to do and how much they are allowed to know.

Dec. 5th, 2010



collectionnnnn post

so i herd u liek old!sabra stats

also pimping the network sidebar, where it says "Network filters by" for those that just want to see the comm posts o/


Dec. 6th, 2010



slightly less important announcement

Does anyone have a currently Paid/Self-Commited account expiring soon? I ask because Claude has about 5-6 months of paid time available to transfer and other character journals' expiry dates are invisible to me.

still not sure what just happened but uhm well it feels really kinda awesome nice ._.a