Posts Tagged: 'taaaaags'

Dec. 31st, 2011




I think I’ll just let REM do the explaining here.

Without getting too gushy (and please believe, there will be gushing later) we have had so, so much fun ramping up the plot and exploding all the things with everyone. But it feels like stamina is running low all around, and attention is wandering. Which is cool! No one can’t say that a whole crapton of awesome RPing has not gone down in this place.

So it’s about time for Last Calls, ladies and gents. We are looking to have next weekend conclude the plot of Sabra La Tau.

Prom will kick off some time Friday in the generally “this is when most people can make it” slot of mid-afternoon PST. We’ll probably try to pull something like the last Mirror Quest when we have two or three definite slots of Shit Going Down, looking to have all the down-going shit well and down-gotten by Sunday. After that, everyone is free to after-party/sandbox/musebox to their hearts content. In other words: you don’t have to go home, but we ain’t moddin’ here.

ALONG THOSE LINES if there are characters you feel like picking up for endgame now is the time. If you put in a reapp, a mod will stamp it as soon as they see it and you can get to playing!

OPINIONS NEEDED we are also thinking of lifting character limits/activity/whatever for this last week, that you may all get ALL OF THE REAPP CHARACTERS in there. But as stated, we know that energy levels are getting in the red in some cases.

SO BASICALLY: Would picking back up your umpteen dropped character be an awesome thing you would love, or a thing that may stretch already thinned attentions?

CLARIFYING ETA you may reapp whoever you like, but if you dropped in any method besides Pillar, Foreman, or fairy run-of-the-mill Judgenapping, please await further instructions before hopping back in. /o/

Y'ALL WE ARE STOKED THAT YOU ARE STOKED. Super stoked. But please toss up a re-app on the page and wait for a stamp before you hop back in.

ilu all like times a billion ♥♥♥