Posts Tagged: ':%29'

May. 1st, 2012


[No Subject]

She will be hosting a

the weekend of 5/12.

There will be


starting around 8PM PST Friday 5/11,

mingle should

11 AM on 5/12.

Keep in mind that this

and only one character

so please think carefully about

01100001 00100000 01101100 01110101 01101100 01101100 00100000 01100101 01100011 01101000 01101111 01100101 01100100

Jan. 4th, 2012




Hi guys!

We are gearing up to make this finale as rad as possible. As such there a bunch of tagged posts in the Mod journal.

Here's what's up with these! They are not required to be answered. If you do answer some, you don't have to answer all. If you answer some with some characters and all with other characters, and your last character you only answer one with, that's cool too. We ask that every comment contain an answer for one character only, tagged with their name and team- just like signing up for a game. Whatever answers we do or don't get, we'll roll with. Answering or not answering will do nothing to change your inclusion in Endgame Awesometimes.

Also, please note that giving your permission for anything does not guaranty your inclusion in that particular act, but the more info we get, the better!
Tags: , ,

Dec. 31st, 2011




I think I’ll just let REM do the explaining here.

Without getting too gushy (and please believe, there will be gushing later) we have had so, so much fun ramping up the plot and exploding all the things with everyone. But it feels like stamina is running low all around, and attention is wandering. Which is cool! No one can’t say that a whole crapton of awesome RPing has not gone down in this place.

So it’s about time for Last Calls, ladies and gents. We are looking to have next weekend conclude the plot of Sabra La Tau.

Prom will kick off some time Friday in the generally “this is when most people can make it” slot of mid-afternoon PST. We’ll probably try to pull something like the last Mirror Quest when we have two or three definite slots of Shit Going Down, looking to have all the down-going shit well and down-gotten by Sunday. After that, everyone is free to after-party/sandbox/musebox to their hearts content. In other words: you don’t have to go home, but we ain’t moddin’ here.

ALONG THOSE LINES if there are characters you feel like picking up for endgame now is the time. If you put in a reapp, a mod will stamp it as soon as they see it and you can get to playing!

OPINIONS NEEDED we are also thinking of lifting character limits/activity/whatever for this last week, that you may all get ALL OF THE REAPP CHARACTERS in there. But as stated, we know that energy levels are getting in the red in some cases.

SO BASICALLY: Would picking back up your umpteen dropped character be an awesome thing you would love, or a thing that may stretch already thinned attentions?

CLARIFYING ETA you may reapp whoever you like, but if you dropped in any method besides Pillar, Foreman, or fairy run-of-the-mill Judgenapping, please await further instructions before hopping back in. /o/

Y'ALL WE ARE STOKED THAT YOU ARE STOKED. Super stoked. But please toss up a re-app on the page and wait for a stamp before you hop back in.

ilu all like times a billion ♥♥♥

Dec. 17th, 2011


[No Subject]


Who in Sabra has active Queen influence?

Aug. 1st, 2011



So we were tempted to cut this with "THE END :)" but decided you'd kill us

Leonard McCoy and Taiki have received their wishes and gone home.

Tena Fortissian awakens with the snake.
Kudo Shinichi is off to have tea parties with Mirror.
Himura Kenshin returns to Pavo.

Cygnus has been taken by the earth.

Wait, what? NEW THINGS AHOY )

Open slots: 9 (+6)
Apps in queue: 2
Open Ophiuchus slots: 0
Ophiuchus apps in queue: 1

Jun. 27th, 2011



SO HEY GUESS WHAT Delphinus played around in Sabra's Main Babblefish Control Settings, and caused the following change(s) to Sabra speech for the next 48 IC hours:

- It is now "trendy" to accidentally spout the truth in purple prose.  It'll just seem like the cool thing to do.  You may catch yourself halfway through, or you may just TAKE IT HOME, MAN. 

Participation is optional but hilarious. The effects will taper off in two IC days.

Jan. 30th, 2011


[No Subject]

OK GUYS with about a week left until the hopefully-anticipated Queen game, this announcement is here for signups. As you may or may not have guessed, we are doing a game very, very vaguely inspired by Digital Devil Saga. In other words


Since this game is going to take a bit of prep for both me and you, I figured I’d get out some of the details on it early. That way I can figure out my numbers/who’s playing and whoever’s going to be a monster can all have time to make BITCHIN’ MONSTER ICONS. Deets! Please read. )

So, signups to be in the game will be in this post, in team-specific threads which I will be setting up for you forth-wit. If you have any questions, if they could wait until after I have all those set up that would be lovely.

And, of course, the actual rules and details themselves will be up when the game is. ♥

ETA: and if there is an Ophi or two who doesn't want to play but will be there at the time who wants to help me, please PM me. But again, that's if you can be there for the primary hours, but you don't want to play.

Jan. 18th, 2011



[No Subject]

Change of plans! My game shall be running from February 6th to the 10thish, just depending on how long it takes.

Cake and grief counseling will be available.

I hope you're all ♥hungry♥!

Jan. 9th, 2011



[No Subject]

Takizawa Yuta and Impmon will be abused on Vulpecula.

Lulu will be redecorating Lepus.

Shinonome Mikazuki is shounening his way onto Pyxis.

Lenalee Lee, Great, Kharg and Tsuchimiya Kagura have been summoned to work for the Foreman.

Akatsuki Chika, Yuca Collabel, Iggy, and Taiki have been called into the earth. The Old Man hungers.

And Revan and Marisa have taken steps toward a Good End.

Open slots: 4
Apps in queue: 11
Open Ophiuchus slots: 0
Ophiuchus apps in queue: 3


۞ The map has been updated! Water, water all around . . .

۞ You have until Thursday to talk about dorm designs with your teammates! As there is a high chance that parts of what you come up with may be ruthlessly plagiarized, discussion is definitely encouraged.

۞ Speaking of happening things happening, you may want to keep this coming Friday evening-ish (EST) open, if you do not already have it booked.

Dec. 18th, 2010



I never get to use this icon.

So my chickadees.

There will be a game-style event tomorrow. It will be a largish event and will be starting early. (Plan for a mingle up around 2PM EST) and will run late. (Hopefully no longer than midnight EST.)

You can tag in any time you like. And I WILL thread out latecomers even through Monday when I'm off of work.

During this event we will only take questions of CAN I DO THIS? rather than questions of WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF I DO THIS? IF I DO THIS WILL IT WORK?

Which means, by way of narrative implication, that what you do decide to do is going to mean a lot in how all of this shakes down. But also means that there is a lot you CAN do.

Enjoy. :)

Oct. 17th, 2010



[No Subject]

Mitani Wataru, Cloud Strife, Seta Soujirou, Mao, and Almaz von Almadine Adamant have gone home.

Theres is doing work for Foreman, while Lady has gone with Soldier. Shut Hell is in the pillar.

Kanda Yuu helps (or hinders?) Hydra's hissy-fits.
Iggy counterbalances Canis' canines.
M-21 seeks Cygnus' psychotics.
Great prefers Pyxis punchings.
Annie moves to Monoceros.
Captain Jack Harkness has many interesting things to do on Orion.

And Orihaya Izaya, like all new Ophi from this point forward, is waking up deep under the Ophiuchis dorms, in the coils of a giant snake.

Open slots: 0
Apps in queue: 0
Open Ophiuchus slots: 0
Ophiuchus apps in queue: 1

Compendium Status
۞ Bestiary: 17 entries completed or in progress, 8 pending
۞ Herbarium: 4 entries complete or in progress, unknown pending
۞ Locations: Template started


Remember when we claimed the entire month of December? As a result there will be an app/drop freeze starting the last week of November. What this means:
۞ Apps will close for about a month, starting in the last week or two of November. We'll give a more exact date as things get closer.
۞ There will be no Good Ends in December. If you were hoping to Good End then, we'd suggest thinking about if you want to do it in November of January. If your date for eligibility for Good End isn't until December but you re-he-he-heally want to tag out before we do this awesome thing, email us and we'll talk about getting you in November Good Ends.
۞ Once things start rolling, the only way to drop a character through the month will be Pillar-ward.

Please keep all this in mind, and plan your rotation accordingly!

Aug. 18th, 2010



[No Subject]

Bitches better step off of Halloween weekend, that's mine. Further details when I get closer, but it will be a Surgeon game.

I will make it special~

Aug. 12th, 2010



[No Subject]

We are moving by one day to iron out some last minute details! (Because it's almost ready but Nishi is too weak to last that long tonight.) There will be Ophiuchus memories and a rather large-scale Ophi-only event going on tomorrow (Friday) at 3:00 PM PST!

We're pretty excited about this!

#ophiuchus will be the place to be for questions, clarifications and whatnot while things are going on.

Jul. 30th, 2010



[No Subject]

July 31st, 4:00 PM PST

Jul. 26th, 2010



[No Subject]

I have keys to a house. :DDDDDD

So, from Friday on to hopefully a time where my phone company is EFFICIENT and has beautiful internet up for me in my new place, I WILL BE ON HIATUS.

As I can't imagine it's more than a week, please assume mine are in the background. If it's longer than that we'll work things out.

Jul. 19th, 2010



[No Subject]

Purely hypothetically, if you could redesign your unit's clothing—say, keeping it simple and still having gender-segregated designs, but perhaps changing the cut or style of different pieces, and/or adding no more than one new unique item to it—what would you do?

Some purely hypothetical examples of changes might be: robes for boys, collared and/or buttoned shirts, poofy princess sleeves, high skirts or shorts, overalls, aprons, scarves, sashes, gloves, belts, bell sleeves, bell bottoms, lace-up parts, and peasant blouses.

Jun. 22nd, 2010



[No Subject]

Flowers game on Saturday. Mingle at 4 PST, game starts 5ish.

It may go long.

Apr. 25th, 2010



[No Subject]

There were no new apps or drops this week.

Thorfinn is starting toward a Good End.

Open slots: 0
Apps in queue: 1
Open Ophiuchus slots: 0
Ophiuchus apps in queue: 0

Two things, that you may plan your month accordingly! The next games Excel has claimed will be a Trickster game, and all that that implies. Then at the end of No Games Week will be a magical surprising RP-wide Thing. This Thing will happen most likely on Saturday afternoon (according to EARTH TIME, so I guess that means like, Wednesday if you live in Japan or whatever). Though it is possible that it could happen Friday evening or Sunday depending on availability (by which I mean everyone in this post begs me to have it on Friday). Depending on how that Thing plays out, some other Stuff may or may not happen. Long story short, please email us if you want to schedule a game in May.

OK, that's all. Don't panic. :)

ETA: Actually Friday works best for us! FRIDAY FOR SURE.