Posts Tagged: 'good+ends'

Jan. 7th, 2012



[No Subject]


You who have apped and played in this game willingly.

You, who have laughed with us and cried with us and dickpunched all of your own free will.

You who have granted our wish for awesome times and the best of memories.

You are free to go.

Dec. 31st, 2011




I think I’ll just let REM do the explaining here.

Without getting too gushy (and please believe, there will be gushing later) we have had so, so much fun ramping up the plot and exploding all the things with everyone. But it feels like stamina is running low all around, and attention is wandering. Which is cool! No one can’t say that a whole crapton of awesome RPing has not gone down in this place.

So it’s about time for Last Calls, ladies and gents. We are looking to have next weekend conclude the plot of Sabra La Tau.

Prom will kick off some time Friday in the generally “this is when most people can make it” slot of mid-afternoon PST. We’ll probably try to pull something like the last Mirror Quest when we have two or three definite slots of Shit Going Down, looking to have all the down-going shit well and down-gotten by Sunday. After that, everyone is free to after-party/sandbox/musebox to their hearts content. In other words: you don’t have to go home, but we ain’t moddin’ here.

ALONG THOSE LINES if there are characters you feel like picking up for endgame now is the time. If you put in a reapp, a mod will stamp it as soon as they see it and you can get to playing!

OPINIONS NEEDED we are also thinking of lifting character limits/activity/whatever for this last week, that you may all get ALL OF THE REAPP CHARACTERS in there. But as stated, we know that energy levels are getting in the red in some cases.

SO BASICALLY: Would picking back up your umpteen dropped character be an awesome thing you would love, or a thing that may stretch already thinned attentions?

CLARIFYING ETA you may reapp whoever you like, but if you dropped in any method besides Pillar, Foreman, or fairy run-of-the-mill Judgenapping, please await further instructions before hopping back in. /o/

Y'ALL WE ARE STOKED THAT YOU ARE STOKED. Super stoked. But please toss up a re-app on the page and wait for a stamp before you hop back in.

ilu all like times a billion ♥♥♥

Oct. 23rd, 2011



[No Subject]

Tomoe Mami adds class and color coordination to Orion.
Arisato Minato makes her way onto Apus.
Phoenix Wright is a hobo joins Lynx.

Vorona, Ganymede and Azula have been taken by the earth. Tena will soon join them.

Rapunzel and Kazu will join the ant legions. Wheatley has crashed and he can't get up.

Shizuo, Chika and Hakuba are moving towards a Good End.

۞ Emails and Good End requests should all be replied to now! (With the exception of any emails that came in today, and we'll get to those before the day is out.) If we missed anything from the past couple weeks, shoot us another email and we'll get things handled. Also if you received Good End things and can't edit them properly, ping Watanuki and she'll fix it.
۞ Activity is also getting checked this week! Be sure to tag your posts unless you want Claude to end you. And nobody wants Claude to end them.

Jul. 18th, 2011



Sunday Announcements

Ganymede gambles onto Lynx while Ayumu Narumi is more Ursa than he can bear.

Hakuba Saguru ditches the ant armor for a bright Orion uniform.

Kanou Taisuke is snaking it up with Ophiuchus.

Livio has been taken by the earth.

And Taiki is moving towards a Good End.

If you've recently returned to Sabra and your tag hasn't been changed back yet, please let Watanuki know! She will fix that up for you pronto.

Jun. 27th, 2011



[No Subject]

Charles Xavier will be waking in the den of the rabbits.

Erik Lehnsherr will be waking in the den of the snake.

Leonard 'Bones' McCoy has started on his way to a Good End.

Sano Yasuyoshi/Aeon Clock and Miranda Lotto have been granted their wishes and returned home.


۞ Your translation program is currently experiencing some technical difficulties. Crews are working to get things back online, and we expect full service to resume early on Day 250.

Jun. 20th, 2011



[No Subject]

Miranda Lotto has taken her first steps toward a Good End.

Rimudo Roun/Uruki has gone with the Foreman.

Tobias flew too high, and has been taken by the ceiling.

Due to technical difficulties, Yuuji Kusunoki will not be joining the ranks of Monoceros as previously announced.

ETA: There's some other new kid joining Monoceros instead. Mini Kazuta? Minekura Kazuwha? Kazu, Kazu . . . Mikura Kazuma? Something like that.

Jun. 13th, 2011



[No Subject]

Chrono will be joining Delphinus.

Shut Hell has gone with the Foreman.

Aeon Clock has started on his way to a Good End. Someone pray for what's left of Ikki's virtue.


۞ The bridge crossing the river to cove (and the DelPavo gear house) had an unfortunate accident with an ice djinn, and is currently washed up in pieces on the bank. Let's see how long it takes them to fix it.

۞ Canis has some lovely new holes in the ceiling above it courtesy of a thoughtful cavepecker.

۞ The area between the Canis and Ursa dorms and the stalagmite forest before the fields now has lots of brand new broken-off stalactites impaling the ground. Might be wise to watch for falling rocks!

۞ A lovely blackened crater now adorns the ridge below the Hydracula dorms.

۞ Little slivers of purrwisp fur are scattered outside Cetus and Orion. Touching a big enough clump of them bareskinned won't kill you, but you might wish it did, as the itchiness just won't stop for the next hour or so.

۞ All animal bodies and bits of bodies left behind outside dorms have ~mysteriously vanished~ by the time you get back to the same spot. Only bloodstains are left. Anything killed in dorms or dragged into dorms stays where it is.

۞ Glider meat tastes a lot like chicken. Raptor meat is incredibly gamy and rough on the palate unless seasoned with revenge.

May. 31st, 2011



[No Subject]

Shinonome Hangetsu has returned from a position under the Foreman to accept a position under the Guardian (hopefully not literally).

Flonne has been taken by her patron.

Ticky Mikk and Zelgadis Greywords have been granted their wishes and returned home.

Apr. 25th, 2011



[No Subject]

Tifa Lockheart brings her fists to Pyxis.
Lenalee Lee brings her feet to Corvus.
Sion Astal brings his mind to Canis.

Shinonome Hangetsu has left with the Foreman.

Bianchi, Date Masamune and Nora have been granted their wishes, and have been returned home.

Zelgadis Greywords has started on the road to a Good End.


۞ By now all judge players should have gotten a follow up email going over a bunch of the things in judge chat. If you play a judge and haven't gotten anything, let us know! And if we could get everyone's responses in by next week, that'd be awesome.

Feb. 7th, 2011



[No Subject]

X-23 and Darc have left with the Foreman.

Marla and Masamune are on their way to their Good Ends.

Gil Nightray joins the graceful swans of Cygnus.
Lily bunnyhops onto Lepus.

Roy Mustang and Mokona awaken to the tender loving care of the Guardian.

Open slots: 4
Apps in queue: 2
Open Ophiuchus slots: 1
Ophiuchus apps in queue: 2

۞ Bestiary: South Block and Old Sabra critters are being added! All should hopefully be up by next week


۞ Just a reminder that all official business/questions/emails/etc. are taken care of on Sunday! Just like apps, you should contact us by Saturday evening if you want to receive an answer that Sunday. If you email us on Sunday, we will probably (and unfortunately) take a full week to get back to you. This includes 3rd character approvals, so please plan your apps accordingly.

۞ Post tagging has improved immensely. Thank you all, you're awesome ♥

Jan. 30th, 2011



[No Subject]

Dark Schneider/Lucien Renlen will be joining Lacerta.
Selendis will be assigned to Lynx.
Nishi Jouichirou will be waking up in the tender embrace of the Guardian

Fay D. Flourite will be returning to Pavo, Lady will be returning to Pyxis, and Shut Hell will have a long, difficult walk back to Hydra, but surely a helpful terapede or two will show her the way.

Aeris Gainsborough, Yarizakura Hime and Ryougi Shiki have all been taken on work orders (it's like there was a minor disaster somewhere or something), Ren Maaka has been borrowed permanently by Lover, and we heard a rumour Shigure Sohma is with Horn.

Kishitani Shinra and Ezio Auditore da Firenze have been taken by the earth.

Revan and Marisa have been granted their wishes, and have been returned home.

Open slots: 4
Apps in queue: 1
Open Ophiuchus slots: 3
Ophiuchus apps in queue: 2


۞ There have been a lot of people not tagging the posts their characters are in. Enough that a full half of everyone who's failed activity checks this month did so due to not tagging. We're gonna ask everyone to please take three minutes to check your character's tags (helpfully linked from their icon on the network, because Fay is that awesome), and make sure that the posts you've played in are there. If you're missing some, there are a lot of good tricks to remind yourself that a post needs tagging; the obvious and best is just to tag whenever you first comment with a new character, but you can also tag before closing the tab the thread's in, you can hold off archiving or tagging notifications, or you can just check your tag mid-week to make sure everything's there.

۞ Read the above post again. Then go do it. B|

Jan. 25th, 2011



[No Subject]

Elliot Nightray will be the last of the sea monsters, and
The Doctor ver 10.2 will be rounding out the bears.
Meanwhile, Uchiha Obito is on Pyxis, but you're not sure how he got there. He's a ninja like that.

Tseng has left with the Foreman.

Toboe and Geddoe have started down the path to a Good End.

Open slots: 3
Apps in queue: 1
Open Ophiuchus slots: 2
Ophiuchus apps in queue: 2

۞ January Good Ends will be this Sunday, Jan. 30! February Good Ends are probably going to be February 19th, but we reserve the right to be horribly fickle.

Jan. 16th, 2011



[No Subject]

Kudo Himiko has taken a permanent vacation with Mirror.
Aeris Gainsborough is on her way to Good End.

Ezio Auditore da Firenze hops on over to Uroboros.
Shinonome Kon has returned to Cepheus.


NEW TEAM ONE, being best beasty buddies (but not in a furry way) with Canis will be BEAR TEAM URSA. Your color is #7D4F27, which automatically makes you ten times cooler than Cetus. The current lineup:
Jake McAnimorph
Livio the Double Fang
Doumeki the Double Shizuka
Lumiere the TRIPLE LOLI
and Hoshimura the Single Makina. (Keep working on it kiddo. We all believe you can get another Makina if you only BELIEVE IN YOURSELF)

NEW TEAM TWO in heinously unflattering #5BE3B8 the MIGHTY CETUS (monster version, not whale :|b) IS:
Tobias the Hawkboy Wonder
Amy Pond, Companion of Doctors
March the Magical Exorcist
Shinonome Hangetsu (not to be confused with any one of our other fine Shinonomes)
and Aragaki Shinjiro, the angriest little hobo.

Both units will wake in the old, standard blank uniforms.

Open slots: 6
Apps in queue: 2
Open Ophiuchus slots: 0
Ophiuchus apps in queue: 2


۞ Nishi is taking a break from modly duties until further notice! She is still part of the fabulous foursome, but she will be getting some well-deserved rest for a while. Please PM one of the other three moderators (Aeris, Kururu, Watanuki) or send an email to the mod account if you need anything modly done. Do not interrupt her modcation. We will end you. She will end you. And then her shark will end everything else, and nobody wants that. >8V

۞ There are new info pages for both the South Block and your new Dorms. If you haven't checked these out, do! They may be relevant to your interests.

Oct. 4th, 2010



[No Subject]

Kirika Yuumura and Ragna the Bloodedge have gone to the Pillar.

Mao will be rejoining Lepus! And shortly thereafter, heading off to his Good End.
Kurosaki Tasuku will be joining up with Cygnus.

Open slots: 1
Apps in queue: 4
Open Ophiuchus slots: 0
Ophiuchus apps in queue: 2

Compendium Status
۞ Bestiary: 15 entries completed or in progress, 9 pending

Sep. 28th, 2010



[No Subject]

Mitani Wataru, Cloud Strife, Seta Soujirou, and Almaz von Almadine Adamant have all started on the way to a good end.

Open slots: 0
Apps in queue: 3
Open Ophiuchus slots: 0
Ophiuchus apps in queue: 1

۞ In other news — wait let me change journals for this. THIS THING.

Jul. 19th, 2010



[No Subject]

Cara Mason and Yoi-te will be joining unit Corvus, the last in the murder of crows.

Lelouch Lamperouge and Lucy will be joining unit Lynx, rounding out the destruction of cats.

Lady Poison will be on unit Ophiuchus, filling the last spot in the den of snakes.

Tailmon, Kirk, Spock and Kariya have started on the way to a Good End.

Open slots: 0
Apps in queue: 3
Open Ophiuchus slots: 0
Ophiuchus apps in queue: 0

۞ Oh my! Could these be those long-awaited guidelines for patronage? Why yes. Yes I think they are.

۞ Fun fact: 'a destruction of cats' is perfectly correct, and quite possibly even cooler than 'a murder of crows'.

Good End~

It's been awesome and everything, but even awesome things must come to an end. Which is to say that Kirk and Spock are both getting their Good Ends and going home. We won't actually be skipping out until August or so, but their time here is definitely coming to an end.

Thanks to everyone for playing with us! I personally had an amazing time as Kirk, and I'm sure Spock is the same way.

May. 31st, 2010



[No Subject]

Celty Sturluson, Sam Winchester, Jack/Tyler Durden, and Squall Leonhart have been pillared.
Dexter has left with the Foreman on extended work order, and Hanamura Yousuke has gone with him indefinitely.

Lute will be proceeding to a Good End (well, a good end as far as he's concerned)

Xiamara "Simi" Parthenopaeus will be on Lepus, and
Geddoe has been transferred to Ophiuchus as THE DARK HOBO

Open slots: 5
Apps in queue: 1
Open Ophiuchus slots: -1
Ophiuchus apps in queue: 1

۞ If you've ever had a game idea that you think would be awesome, but you don't play a judge (or your judge wouldn't run something like that), there is now a GAME BOX that you can comment to with your idea, and available judges may pick it up.

۞ There is now an OPHIUCHUS BOX for all your Ophiuchus-related suggestions and requests. If there's a miniquest you'd like to suggest, orders you'd like to give or rule breaking you'd like to report, this is the place to do it. #ophiuchus is also available at any time for your on-the-spot requests

May. 16th, 2010



[No Subject]

Kira Sakuya, Canaan and Cielo have been pillared
Castiel will be joining Monoceros, and Hakuba Saguru will be joining Orion

Hana Morenos and Michiko Malandro will be proceeding to a Good End

Open slots: 1
Apps in queue: 0
Open Ophiuchus slots: 0
Ophiuchus apps in queue: 0

Many happening things are going down this week! Please, read carefully and don't text while driving.

As you have probably noticed, slots on Monoceros and Canis opened up due to Cielo and Canaan's departure. We have requested a two month leave of absence and the player has been gracious. While neither a light nor quick decision and request, the issue it was made in regards to was neither as well. In respect to the player, we ask for your restraint in regards to speculation and guessing. If there is a distinct need to know, you may contact one of us in regards to the general issue, but we will not be going into it in depth or at length.


۞ Upcoming Judge Chat is upcoming! Most likely some time in the next week. If you have strong availability can and can'ts, please to make them known.

۞ Ophiuchus chat! Much like the above Judge chat, only it's about Ophiuchus and not Judges. Fuck yeah. :|d

۞ GOOD ENDS! In an effort to not have your Good End rely on Lady doing things in a timely fashion and/or stick to a set schedule (which causes things to FAIL) we are going to be doing once-a-month Good End parties. Now, the Good End process is all about YOU being AWESOME and thus we do not want any sort of efficiency to over-ride person needs, schedule-wise or other. We'll be working out the details to put this system into effect sometime in the June/Julyish zone.

۞ We're introducing a minor tweak into the app requirements that should really only apply in a very, very small number of cases. You can play spot-the-rule-change check it out here.

Apr. 25th, 2010



[No Subject]

There were no new apps or drops this week.

Thorfinn is starting toward a Good End.

Open slots: 0
Apps in queue: 1
Open Ophiuchus slots: 0
Ophiuchus apps in queue: 0

Two things, that you may plan your month accordingly! The next games Excel has claimed will be a Trickster game, and all that that implies. Then at the end of No Games Week will be a magical surprising RP-wide Thing. This Thing will happen most likely on Saturday afternoon (according to EARTH TIME, so I guess that means like, Wednesday if you live in Japan or whatever). Though it is possible that it could happen Friday evening or Sunday depending on availability (by which I mean everyone in this post begs me to have it on Friday). Depending on how that Thing plays out, some other Stuff may or may not happen. Long story short, please email us if you want to schedule a game in May.

OK, that's all. Don't panic. :)

ETA: Actually Friday works best for us! FRIDAY FOR SURE.