Posts Tagged: 'game+announcements'

Jan. 7th, 2012



[No Subject]


You who have apped and played in this game willingly.

You, who have laughed with us and cried with us and dickpunched all of your own free will.

You who have granted our wish for awesome times and the best of memories.

You are free to go.

Dec. 18th, 2011



[No Subject]




Dec. 7th, 2011



[No Subject]

Okay. Game call for The Kid. Barring any surprise last minute incidents, it will be this Friday 6PM EST. (Saturday 8am JST)

And then I jinxed myself. SATURDAY 6PM EST (Sunday 8am JST). :|b

Dec. 1st, 2011



[No Subject]

Hello hello~?

It is time for Persona's last game. It'll be a heart game taking place on Friday December 30th which I hooope will be after everyone's hiatuses are over? Most of them at least! Mingle will be at 5est and game start at 6.

Persona will be encouraging changes be made to hearts in this game, so there may be a higher chance of changes made to characters who volunteer to be heart runners depending on how people roll with that instruction ICly.

Because this is the last heart game in Sabra, I'll be doing a lottery to pick who gets to run a heart! The lottery only applies to people who have run a heart before with any character though. A person who has never before run a heart ever will get priority!

I'll be taking a max of 7 heart runners, and I do want to get at least 5. This'll be left open a day or two before the lottery is drawn just to be sure everyone sees it.

HEARTS as decided by Excel using

1. Roy
2. Kurow
3. Sion
4. Rena
5. Scowl
6. Parrot or Tifa
7. Yuta

If anyone at any point needs to drop out, please let me know asap so I can select someone else from the others who want to run one. ♥

Nov. 26th, 2011



[No Subject]

Grabbing Haunted's last game for Saturday December 3rd suntime/ Sunday December 4th moontime. Details forthcoming about timing when I am not too lazy to do the conversion at a later date. :Db

Oct. 31st, 2011




And now for something completely new old different. Moontime take home game. WE DEAGING. Other forms also apply. (Ponies, pokemon, sexswap, princess, age up, etc) Do as you will. Game start will be after maintenance on Sunday (November 5), so tentatively 7.30pm or 8pm JST. (Sunday 6.30AM EST if I'm converting right) I can start it earlier in the afternoon as well if there are enough people around. I AM EASY either way.

Final 'judging' and endgame will tentatively be happening on thursday 8.30PM JST, (thursday 8.30am EST or earlier if I make it home in time.)

That is all.

Oct. 25th, 2011



[No Subject]

Guess what time it is \:D/ It's time to start planning for heart games~! Yaaaay heart games ♥


All that said, the game will be happening on November 19th, mingle at 5est and game start at 6. I thiiink 4-5 hearts is a good number to aim for, maaaybe 6 if there's a lot of interest, but it'll be pretty small runs at 6. :|a Priority goes first to people who've never run a heart, second to players who have but want to do a heart for a character who hasn't.

ETA Aaand that's enough interest I think. :|a FOR SURE HEARTS are Claude (who never ran one and is just adorabley nervous), Hizumi, Elliot, Chrono and then I will randomize from the remaining second priority to pick two more when I get home.

ETA AGAIN The randomizer has spoken! Hearts will be:

I will get quickie emails out tonight with what scoring will entail (don't worry, it's easy).

Oct. 23rd, 2011



[No Subject]

Grabbing what is probably going to be Haunted's last game for Friday, November 11th, stateside and Saturday, November 12th, moontime. Mingle will be at 7 pm EST and 9 am JST, respectively. If you're interested in running a nightmare, please sign up in this post. o/

Since this is the last game, we are going to try our best to take everyone who's interested, and will be playing with alternate timing to accommodate as many people as possible. o/

Oct. 8th, 2011



[No Subject]

Hello kids~ Some further details on GM's upcoming game!

It will be taking place on both Friday the 21st and Saturday the 22nd of this month.
On Friday game mingle will be at 5pm EST, and game start at 6pm.
On Saturday I am thinkiiing we'll mingle/restart again again at 1pm/2pm EST. May begin earlier if I get re-organized sooner than expected.

I can tell you it will be absolutely fine to come late and leave early, or to come and go as you need to during this game. There won't be any IC or OOC penalties for doing so. :|b

Sep. 25th, 2011



[No Subject]


YOU GOT IT! Soldier take-home BOOZE AND TATTOOS game from the 16th to the 19th! Everyone plays, memories for loser teams!



[No Subject]


But seriously the GM game will be awesome and I'm going to draw you all pictures so you should be excited. But you don't get pictures now, only during the game. I promise to make them only minimally suck. While anyone playing the game won't physically be in any danger whatsoever, there is a high chance of mental distress and/or trauma happening because, really. GM.

The game will take place on October 21-22. Yes! Two days!! I'm not actually sure I'll need both, but it's highly likely I will. I promise it will all be amazing. Mingle and game start times to come closer to the game day.

That said Imma encourage someone to run a derp game or ophi game in between those GM's and Mirror's to break up trauma. YOU WOULD BE OUR HERO.

[No Subject]

I'm claiming Friday, October 14th for a Mirror game! Mingle starts at 6:00 PM and the game starts at 7:00 PM, with the game running until Midnight EST at the verrry latest. Not sure how internal timing will work, but it will likely be divided into rounds and thus you will need someone from your team on deck for each one.

Which brings me to my next point: this game is gonna be pretty damn terrible! If you're familiar with the game Heavy Rain then you have a good sense of what this game is probably going to entail. Characters and/or teammates are probably going to die or be asked to do morally scrupulous things. This is also going to be a game that requires at least two people from each team (or partnerteam, if you prefer), with one being placed in a position of peril while the others work to solve it. For that reason, I need to know the following things in advance:

1) Is your team/partnerteam playing? It's completely and 100% okay to skip out on this game if you'd prefer not to tangle with Mirrordrama! Just let me know what's up.

2) Which member of your team is volunteering to be in peril? This member mmmmay or may not have a lot to do during the game, but should probably be vaguely present, especially during round changeovers. Also, there's a 50/50 chance of death involved, overall. Members who sign up for this should be capable of drowning (or OOCly okay with having water powers removed so that they can be at risk of drowning for the game).

3) Is there going to be at least other one member of the team/partner team available for the whole game? This member (or members) will be asked to do some pretty icky things in order to help out the teammate who's being held hostage. (OOC squicks can and will be worked around, as always! If at any point the tasks get uncomfortable, I wil be available for PM and email and I can change 'em up to suit.)

ETA: WHOOPS I am a derp. The sign-up comment below is for final answers only! If you want to note general availability in the post (which is still totally awesome), comment to the post in general and not the sign-up thread.

I thiiiink that's about it! Any changes to the timing will be later rather than earlier, since I'm coming back from RL stuff that weekend and am still slightly unsure as to how it'll work out.

Also, this is likely going to be her last game, so after this people are free to attempt whatever plot antics regarding her fate that you might have been sitting on until now. :U

Sep. 9th, 2011




HONESTY GAME on the 23rd of September, Friday. 7PM EST. (Saturday 8AM JST)

Bring all your feelings.

Edit: Working on possibly including Ophi. :|a

Sep. 7th, 2011



[No Subject]

Oh before I forget (again!!) The GM game is now slated for Saturday the 17th of this month. This way there's a nice buffer of the loser game between it and the nightmare games we just had :Db

Mingle will still be at 6pm EST and game start at 7pm EST.

Aug. 29th, 2011



[No Subject]

Making a game claim for Messenger, Saturday, the 10th at 3pm MST, 2PST and 5EST! (6AM Sunday in japantime if I'm counting right)

It will be a loser game! Anyone can participate, only teams behind may win.

Aug. 24th, 2011


[No Subject]

As a reminder, the mix-up game activities start tomorrow at approximately 8 PM EST! I'll put a quick mingle up at 7:30 to get things started. Ophi may run their activities a little later into the game if 8 PM exactly is too early for them. It'll occur early on the morning of 266 to allow for sleepovers/backdating for folks who didn't get to do everything they wanted to.

For this post, I'd like Ophi activity-runners to a) confirm that they'd still like to run an activity and b) tell me briefly what you're planning on doing! I'm aiming for abouuut 6 Ophi activity runners, so if there's more than that I might ask if you could run something next time, sorry. They should be generally activities that you can judge in a way to tell me who got first/second/third so I can score appropriately.

Also, remember to submit entertaining threads here! I'll be slanting towards teams who don't have a lot of people present for the activities tomorrow, but anyone can still submit and possibly get a win due to having a fun thread.

Aug. 23rd, 2011


[No Subject]

Excel and I will be running a GM game next Saturday! That's September 3rd. Mingle will be at 6pm EST and game start at 7pm EST.

Game will have moderate potential for trauma happening unless you guys turn out to be magical psychic wizards, I guess.

Aug. 17th, 2011



I'm here to announce a derpy take-home Mirror game going from Sunday, August 21st (suntime) to Thursday, August 25th! The game opener will start at 7 PM EST (mingle at 6:30 EST) on Sunday and will continue as long as folks want it to. This will be light and fun and goofy for the most part, minus whatever tizzies characters manage to work themselves into due to it being a Mirror game. There will be zero trauma initiated on Mirror's end. Also, no penalties.

So what kind of game is it? A choose-your-own status effect game! Basically, your character will be prompted to deage/age-up, sex-swap/genderswitch*, or get hit with another status effect of your choice. AKA if you want to spend the game as a pokemon or use it as an excuse to pick up a temporary Persona, that's fine too. Whatever you'd like to do, get your icons ready to go! Sunday will be the kick-off activity, with Ophi activities to close out the game on Thursday. And if we don't get any Ophi volunteers, I'll just pick the teams who haven't won recently and call it a night. Thursday's events will pppprobably start at about 8 PM EST, with the possibility of about an hour's leeway either way if there are interested Ophi folks who'd like to run their activity earlier or later.

All characters are permitted to hit up the game posts / play in the Ophi activities even if they aren't participating in the effect itself. And Ophi is invited to get status-effected too.

* Genderswitch seems to be the common fandom term, but we're really mixing up bodies here and not mental states, just to clarify. Characters outside the gender binary can be changed to either sex or a different non-binary physical state, if the player wishes to use this status effect.

Questions, clarifications? Also, interested Ophi should leave me a comment in this post if they're thinking about running a small activity on Thursday.

Aug. 14th, 2011



[No Subject]

On September 2nd at 7 EST there is going to be a NIGHTMARE GAME

Please sign up with your email if you want to run one. It is like a Heart Game. Except completely terrible!

We're looking at about 5 runners like last time unless attendance is high. So even if you don't want to run, drop a comment to show your interest. And even if there looks to be more than 5 up and you want to run--drop your email anyway! We can always use back up and I can keep you in mind for the next game.

Aug. 8th, 2011



[No Subject]

Snagging Friday August 19th for a Twins game. Tentative time schedule will be 8pm EST/ 5pm PST/ Saturday August 20th at 9am JST, since people seemed to like that timing last time I ran. o/