Posts Tagged: 'someone+make+fay+to+go+to+bed'

Jul. 5th, 2010



SLT Layout Collection Posts [part 4]

Yaaaay new teams /o/ and that means new layouts for new teams \o\ which means I shamelessly steal formatting from Link's older posts \o/

Part 1: INSTRUCTIONS + Vulpecula, Hydra, Delphinus, Pavo, Cepheus
Part 2: Lepus, Cygnus, Pyxis, Canis, Lacerta
Part 3: Monoceros, Orion, Ophiuchus (2 layouts)

This Post: Corvus | Lynx

wheeeee layouts )

For any freshmeats Sabra gets, you're under no obligation to use any of these layouts :|d just something nice to have if you want 'em. I also HIGHLY ENCOURAGE you to check out what else is under the making ij pretty tag because ew Times New Roman and that Tweak thing :x