Posts Tagged: 'drop'

Dec. 17th, 2011



Well, damn.

Hey guys,

I'm really sorry, but it looks like I'm going to have to drop Namiki. I really enjoyed playing here and kind of feel like a cop-out for dropping so close to the end (especially after he started getting such enjoyable CR), but life has been kicking me in the kidneys and I can barely keep up with one game at the moment, let alone two.

I do still love playing with him, though, and am always, always up for museboxing. You can catch me on DW, LJ, or AIM as mirthalia, and I hang around the Aather IRC chan as Alize.

This place is super fun and I am going to miss the heck out of it (and all of your awesome characters)! Keep doing what you're doing, and rest assured I will be reading the finale with baited breath.

ETA: I am also totally up for backtagging any threads I left hanging, if anyone is interested, but will likely be slow. orz