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Aug. 27th, 2017


Clary House, family, Sam M, Public

[Clary House]

so I want to pull off a labor day party. bbq, ice-cream, loud music, beer, the works. anyone with me?

[Sam M ]

hey. so about that art class.

[['family': steph, cat, eddie]

are we having a reunion, or what?


my dedication to breakfast food kind of got knocked when the line cook and the diner guy had a loud argument about hours, over my eggs. the eggs? they put cheddar in them and they melt and it's kind of a moment, but my moment was interrupted.

does anyone else have a thing that's good right up until something interrupts it?

Aug. 23rd, 2017



I would like to remove all music from the shop. There are many records and plastic boxes for music. I would like to hire someone to move the entirety somewhere else and sell it, for a percentage of the resulting profit.

Someone from town may vouch for your character.

Aug. 19th, 2017


Iris M & Manning T, Casey D, Cris M

[Locked to Iris M & Manning T]
HEY! How goes the bun in the oven? ;)

[Locked to Casey D]
I'm gonna put a tracker on your ass. Like LIT on your ass. It's totes gonna mess with your love life.

[Locked to Cris M]
I'm gonna be stuck out here another couple hours, papi. I'm waiting on the lighting ppl to make some changes to shit. I already grabbed a bite so you don't gotta worry.

Aug. 12th, 2017



[Both offhand and mild.]

Don't trust the algae.

Aug. 5th, 2017


[locked to sam a]

Do you mind if I drop by?

Aug. 4th, 2017




I just saw a cat literally hugging the sidewalk, like a pancake.

without crashing one of those fancy houses with pools, best way to stay cool, go.

Jul. 31st, 2017


Note: Sam M, Manning T, Jason W, Stephanie M, Eddie N, Holly R

[Note, left on the inside of the door for Sam]
[He leaves her a drawing. It ain't good. But it's a lopsided heart, with S A + C M in it, and maybe it's supposed to be on a tree, but who can tell.]

[Locked to Manning T]
Hey, asere.

[Locked to Jason W]
Hey, chico.

[Locked to Stephanie M]
How you doing, chica?

[Locked to Eddie N]

[Locked to Holly R]
Hey, chica, heard you met Sam.

Jul. 30th, 2017


Daniel W

[Locked to Daniel W]
[During this.]

Yeah, so I get you decided not to be in my life anymore because of something that wasn't even my fault and that I couldn't control, and I totes get you made me dying and having my life completely turned upside down about YOU, which was kinda sucky AF, but whatever. I just wanna know if this roadside vamp shit is real, and if we can really survive eating like pigs and cows and things like that.




Do roadside vampires even like drinking stray cat blood every night? There has to be a better way. My new cat Oswald agrees.

Jul. 29th, 2017


[public + lock to atticus m]


[After this. The window in the antique store door is now boarded over.]

I appear to have had a break-in. Would anyone like to come clean?

[lock to atticus m]

I didn't have the chance to thank you for accompanying me the other day. Thank you.

Jul. 28th, 2017


Holly + Sam

Who: Holly + Sam
What: Well it's not cookery lessons
Warnings: Language from the start, probably.

[The club engorged with people the later at night it got. It started out as a trickle, one or two guys, like Boston, who sat at the bar and kind of looked. It was an steady drip during the time husbands came home and kissed their wives and kissed the kids or whatever, and ate dinner and put the kids to bed and then? Then they came to the club, where the edge of town oozed music and a good time, until it bilged at the seams, swollen on dollar bills and ten dollar glasses of whiskey. She'd gotten an upgrade. Partly, it was the fact that girls didn't stick long in the bar, and partly it was that Holly didn't look like the kind of girl who'd slit her wrists in the bathroom or go on stage off her face. She took her cash, she went home to the place in the neighborhood with the loud neighbor and the menagerie of animals, and she sat with kittens in her lap and counted bills, stuffing an envelope that was never going to be full enough.

Because it wasn't. Repose didn't come with price-tags. It was ordinary that way, it couldn't be bought and traded the same way shit in the Capital could, and even the girls selling sex on the edge of town, the cops knew who they were by name. But no price-tags? Meant no idea how much it would cost to be normal and Holly's head rang after nights that were busy with Eddie's suggestion about growing up. She didn't want to, but she filled the envelope, and she'd gotten an upgrade to make it fatter.

She'd gotten an upgrade and she was spat out now when the street lamps glowed and dusk was still thick, smoky pink overhead. Dollar bills in her pockets and slick with glitter, damp curls knotted high on the crown of her head and a faded satchel hung over her body, cross-wise, stuffed with the club clothes and split-cornered stretch of torn fabric through which the pencil was trying to slide, along with the spiral corner of her notebook. She wore washed-thin neon orange shirt over bleach-spattered cut-offs and lemon-yellow tights under those and she headed for the diner with the pulse of the club in her head and she wound a loose curl round her finger slowly as she thought about the bus station and the trip into the city. It simmered pink, that curl, in the wash of streetlight and as she rounded the corner to the shitty diner that stayed open all night and was cheap the way the good one wasn't so much. She sat, in a split-plastic booth with her pink curl bouncing against her cheek, and she flipped open her pad and ordered coffee, and a burger and she drew the outline of the sour-looking line cook, as she sucked down iced-coffee until the cubes clinked against the glass.

Jul. 27th, 2017


[Antique Store: Sam & Alyssa]

Who: Sam & Alyssa
What: Nighttime window smudging and radio theft (Sorry, Lou!)
Where: The antique store
When: Fuzzynowish
Warnings/Rating: I for Insane. L for Language.

Candied fingers, sticky from tropical twizzlers and nicotine gum, spread like bat wings on the glass of the antique store window front.  )

Jul. 26th, 2017


Cris M

[Call to Cris M]

[During this. Ring.]

Jul. 25th, 2017


[Patrick, Destiny, Daniel, Sam, Harry]

[What day is it again? ...fuck it, she's drunk on top of being a little woozy, and she doesn't care. And thank god for autocorrect and spell check.]

Hey baby.

What would you do if you didn't do this? Like. What did you want to be when you were little?

I haven't heard anything about Sam. You either. [...] You don't usually come here to eat, do you?

[...] How'd it happen?

[...] I miss Lip Flash.

Jul. 21st, 2017



Headache remedies. Aspirin ain't doing anything.

Jul. 16th, 2017


Marta F

[Locked to Marta F]
So why are you working in that place?? It's like you pick the most degrading and dangerous thing you can find, and that's where you go. Next thing you know you're gonna start hanging with those ppl that hack off body parts for kicks.

Jun. 21st, 2017


Lou D

[Locked to Lou D]
[While she's waiting on Cris.]


Jun. 17th, 2017



Very important question:


Jun. 16th, 2017


Louis D

[Locked to Louis D]


Jun. 15th, 2017


Sam M

[He leaves a few pictures for her in "their" spot. All of them are of Louis, but his hair is sticking up at a thousand different angles and he's wearing a weird, lumpy wool sweater.

A little while later, on the forums:]

Left pictures for you. Is that him? Your brother?

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