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Jul. 31st, 2017


Cat C, Sasha J, Jack P, Naila a-K, Casey D, ETA: Con T, Jude C

[Locked to Cat C]
You have been busy.

[Locked to Sasha J]
I would like a word.

[Locked to Jack P]
Hello, Jack Penhaligon.

[Encrypted to Naila a-K]
[In English.] Are you going to finish a conversation with me?

[Locked to Casey D]

ETA: [Locked to Con T]
Hello, Con.

ETA 2.0: [Locked to Jude C]
I will contact you about the cats at a later date.

Jul. 11th, 2017



So hypothetically speaking, if you sideswiped somebody's docked boat and they're in Capri for the summer, what do you do? Leave a note?

Also, if the boat sank, where do you leave the note? Just, like, on the dock?

Jul. 8th, 2017




[Late a night:] What is the strangest thing you believe in?

[Damian W.]

How is the carnival doing? I always get anxious about it when I'm out of town.

[Misha B.]

Want anything from New Orleans?

Jul. 7th, 2017


Damian W; Steph M; Eddie N

[Damian W]
You staying busy? How's the M&M experiment going?

[Steph M]
Water balloons. There should be a war on Main Street.

[Eddie N]
[She sends a short video of her and this very much alive dog where she is absolutely convinced that she's stumbled upon the single greatest thing that has ever existed in the world. There's a point where she just starts rattling off some of the worst dog puns in the form of an obituary, but she can barely get through them without making herself laugh hysterically. "In lieu of flowers, please send dalmatians to the- *gigglesnort* HAHAHAOHGODDALMATIANS" The video ends with her wiping away laughter tears while telling Eddie she misses him and for him to call when he can.]

Jul. 6th, 2017


Sasha J, Stephanie M, Reece E

[Locked to Sasha J]
Kitten, Bruce's family has officially become more dysfunctional than ours. I think we should commemorate when you return from your trip.

[Locked to Stephanie M]
How did things go with Eddie, kitten?

[Locked to Reece E]
[During this.] Very important decision: These or these?

Jun. 29th, 2017


Log: Abe & Sasha vacay

Who: Abe & Sasha
What: Investigating.
Where: New Orleans
When: Soonish
Warnings/Rating: Culty things?

She and Abe had attended the headcleansing earlier in the evening. )

Jun. 26th, 2017


Carnival: Sasha & Alyssa

Who: Sasha and Alyssa
What: Let's. Get. Weird.
Where: The Carnival
When: Nowish
Warnings/Rating: Who knows. Will update.

It devolved into a rather bawdy debate of what could possibly be as thick as Gaston, who's as quick as Gaston, which prince had a gargantuan- Well, you get the idea. )

Jun. 20th, 2017


Abe W

[Abe W]

Did your talk with Cat go badly?


Sasha J

[Locked to Sasha J]

Well, I told you it would go badly.

Jun. 12th, 2017


Group: Jason, Dick, Tim, Stephanie, Leena, Dia, Misha, Cat, Sasha, Eddie; Naila; Louis

[Locked to Batfamily+]
[He includes Catalone, Nelson, and Sasha deliberately.]

If anyone has died, say so now.

[Locked to Naila a-K]
[In Arabic.] I saw your memory.

[Locked to Louis D, can be read by Misha B]
Tell me you are not injured once more.

Jun. 8th, 2017


Quicklog - Carnival: Abe/Sasha

[Sasha had actually been thoroughly freaked out after hearing from Eddie. Not because Eddie, but knowing for sure about memories. It made her sick. So what did Sasha do when she felt bad? She covered it up with jokes and avoided, which was about as helpful as putting a bandaid on a chainsaw wound. Anything was better than actually talking about problems, though. Especially with people that knew her. That wasn't something she could get close to accomplishing with Abe. It really wasn't fair.

She slipped back into the trailer, comfortable within the cozy walls, and shut the door silently behind her. Right now she felt exceptionally vulnerable on the outside, but she had a quest to accomplish, and accomplish she did. Abe was even still sleeping, so there were obviously bonus points given for that, right? Right. She was Solid damn Snake hiding in a box with how perfect the mission had gone.

She perched on the edge of the bed, careful to not jostle him too much, so she could wake him instead with the big poof of pink cotton candy that was booped light on his nose. Over and over and over, until he acknowledged the spun sugar attack. Maybe it wasn't the nicest thing to do since sleeping helped deal with the memories a little easier, but damnit, if she was going to be awake, so was he.]

Jun. 5th, 2017



[Sasha J.]
[A night after seeing her memory:]

Mad love, eh?



What: Memory
Will characters be viewing the memory or experiencing it?: experiencing
Warning, this memory contains: weirdos in masks

All the creatures of the ocean. )

Jun. 2nd, 2017


Abe W

[Abe W]

I have most of the important provisions from the general store, but they're out of twinkies. Is there anything else you want? If the comment from Damian is meant to be believed, we can skip out of town to get a break. I'm not actually sure what's worse. This or the most recent season of House of Cards.

And if that apple cart says anything about me while I'm gone, it's a vicious lie.

May. 26th, 2017


News: Capital

[While a certain forum post is exploding with "anonymous" activity, someone sees a very opportune time to go cause mischief. Following a couple of teeny-tiny explosions that rock one of the more morally-questionable offices in the business district, a red and black blur is seen zooming around on a flyboard air through the more downtrodden part of the city literally throwing thousands upon thousands of dollars in cash out onto the streets for any of the homeless to take.

Spraypainted in huge white and hot pink letters on one of the buildings that the bountied vigilante has often frequented the roof of: 'I MISS YOU GREEN BOOTS CALL ME XOXO AMY~']

May. 23rd, 2017



Spring and summer used to be good seasons for the carnival, but I don't know if anyone except the regulars go anymore.

May. 22nd, 2017




we in tourist season already or something? general stores selling postcards at the checking desk, asked me if i wanted fudge with my purchase

May. 16th, 2017


Abe W

[Abe W]
[Early morning. Too early. Before sunrise.]

Let me know when you're awake.

May. 15th, 2017


misha b, jude c, sasha j, cris m, sam m, damian w

[He just group locks to everyone he can think of that might worry when he is gone: Misha B, Jude C, Sasha J, Cris M, Sam M, Damian W]

Hey. So I applied for an introductory art school program in the Capital. They accepted me and everything. I'm going to go live in the city for awhile. If it doesn't work out, I'll be back in the fall.

Cool? Cool.

May. 7th, 2017


bruce w, jack p, public

[Bruce W]
Bruce? I know you're here.

[Public from Tim D]
I've heard of one horse towns, but a one PokeStop town? Get it together, people.

["Mr. Red"/Jack P]
Expect a package tomorrow.

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