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Jan. 2nd, 2017



Who: Gwen
What: Medical procedures and stealing an identity... kind of.
Where: Woods → Military Base, Facility
When: Throughout this weekish
Warnings/Rating: None. Unless you're Perry, in which case you really won't like this at all.

But the really hard part was still on the horizon. )

Jan. 1st, 2017


Flash M, Harry R, Connie G, Public

[Flash M]

So your sister and I? Used to hang out. Your Christmas card didn't suck.

[Harry R]

Still alive?

[Connie G]

So if Caleb signs up, the B and B is basically being run by Aegis.


Is this the part where we make promises about clean living?



[With a candor that is reliably Russian, Svetlana begins to offer discounts to those who were regulars at the Bakery and who, if they show up at the Bakery, then lose the discounts. Nobody knows exactly how she knows (there are some extremely well-paid school kids at the local school rn) but she does, predictably and consistently. Whoever is making the pastries? They're very, very good. And the small tables covered in gilt in the bulk of the tea-room have been moved out for couches, heavy-covered in velvet and with deep cushions. The wifi? That's charged for, by the half-hour and the tea blends change weekly. On Thursday nights, the music is sultry and the tea-blends have added kick ]


I do not believe in resolution. Free pastry and tea to person who breaks resolution best. By end of January.

Dec. 31st, 2016



[Marta F.]

hey, i'm okay. reaper and i are recovering at the facility. sorry i had to bail on christmas.

[Gwen R.]


[To get his mind off shit:]

Anyone get a bad gift from secret santa?


[News: Diner & Woods]

[It happens at the end of the graveyard shift. The reports are scattered and confused. Some witnesses report two vehicles and six men, and some witnesses report six vehicles and twelve men, and some witnesses swear they saw monsters in the woods. Everyone is absolutely positive they heard gunfire. Lots and lots of gunfire. One thing is sure, something happened at the diner, and the results are visible in bloodstains from the back door and headed deep into the wooded area behind the diner. The police don't get very far, however, because the military shows up within minutes. They claim a training exercise got out of hand, and they offer to pay for any losses the incident caused. If there are bodies, no one gets to see them, monster or otherwise, and that's the last the military is willing to say on the subject.]

Dec. 22nd, 2016


Diner Escape: Gwen, Flash (+Jason & The League NPCs)

Who: Gwen, Flash (+Jason & The League NPCs)
What: Escape
Where: The (Good) Diner
When: Nowish
Warnings/Rating: F for Fighting

Gwen had two guards with her when she arrived at the diner for the graveyard shift, but she knew there were other guards in the vicinity; she could sense them. It wasn't a logical reason for certainty, but she was absolutely certain they were somewhere in the distance. She didn't have an exact feel for how many of them there were, but she knew some of them were on vehicles. She'd been hoping the two men who walked silently at her side would be all they had to contend with, but that totally wasn't the case.

She was wearing the things her Santa sent her, because they were super warm with her jeans. Her boots were made for snow, and her coat was puffy and insulated. The clothing was deliberate, and maybe it would compensate for the slowness that still clung to her after the previous day's medical procedure. The soreness lingered, but she hadn't mentioned it to the scientist; she didn't want to be denied access to work tonight. So, she wasn't at her best, but she was still determined to do her part to ensure everything went as they'd planned.

She had her RFID cloner with her, and she flicked it on as she walked toward the back of the diner to grab her apron and begin her shift. Inside, there was a regular at the counter, and there was a trucker in one of the booths. It was super quiet, which she was grateful for. She knew she was kind of endangering all these people, but she totally trusted Flash to keep the fighting away from civilians.

She started slicing the freshly baked apple pie, and she tried to look totally not nervous, despite being totally super nervous.


[Santa Delivery Gwen R.]

[A Ravenclaw giftbasket includes: the ubiquitous scarf, a silk headband, a sweater, and some Hogwarts treats. The gift tag says, From your pal, Slytherin]

Dec. 20th, 2016


Jason W (+Flash M)

[Locked to Jason W (+Flash M)]

Hi, Jason. I work the graveyard shift tomorrow, and I'm going to attempt to escape from the guards then. I don't know how many there will be, and Flash suggested you be aware, in case we encounter difficulty. I've been talking to your brother and, at present, the plan is to get away and hide (I know a location without accessible communications, so they won't be able to utilize any tracking devices as long as I'm there), and concern ourselves with next steps once that's been accomplished.

Your brother feels that your dad's idea with the identification is a good start at making it less easy for the League to recapture me, and Flash's bosses are willing to help too, if I join their team. Your brother is also willing to assist in finding a medical professional to remove the port and RFID chip.

I know that was a lot of information.

Dec. 18th, 2016


spidey kids lock(gwen r, flash m, perry p, mj w, felicity h, marta f), phonecall: mj w

[Out of the blue.]

Who missed me?

[And because their last call dropped, he phones MJ directly. Ring, ring.]


Misha B, Sasha J, Leena B, Naila a-K, Gwen R

[Locked to Misha B]
[For the first time in his existence, he breaks first. But, he refuses to see it as defeat.] Do you celebrate Christmas?

[Locked to Sasha J]
[After much thought.] Did you receive medical attention?

[Locked to Leena B]
We are having a celebration at the Manor on Christmas Day, the 25th.

[Locked to Naila a-K]
[In Arabic.] Aunt.

[Locked to Gwen R]
We must speak.

Dec. 17th, 2016


[Flash M, Gwen R, Felicity H, Destiny S & Billy K]

[As Marta:]

[Flash M.]
Yo, big bro. Are we feeling fucking festive this year?

[Gwen R.]
[She feels a little awkward about this, but...]
Hey Gwen. How's shit?

[Felicity H.]
So I feel like a dumbass because I just realized that when people were talking about Felicity, they meant you. Hey girl.

[As Sunshine:]

[Destiny & Billy]
So you guys got holiday plans? You want presents or anything? I feel like I want to get you something.

Dec. 14th, 2016


Flash M, Jason W & MJ W

[Locked to Flash M]
Hey. I have permission to go to work (with a guard), and to go to the cafeteria in the facility.

[Group: Jason W & MJ W]
I'm totally going to need you to do me a super big favor.

Dec. 12th, 2016


Gwen R.

What's on your Xmas list?

Dec. 4th, 2016



[As Sunshine F.]

So what the fuck. First Christmas pukes all over those cars in town and now we've got some gift giving bullshit? I get the decorating, but aren't you usually supposed to sign up for shit like secret Santa?

Dec. 2nd, 2016


public, louis d + sam a, gwen r, seven m, cat c, mj w, daniel w


no truck with christmas before 1 december but all the christmas forever after, my doves. festivities required, by order of management, please and thank you. are there plans? because i've parties of the decidedly un-strange persuasion in mind.

[louis d/sam a]

hello, hello. two at once, to save time. all's well and nothing calamitous to end christmas, or is sky tipping down toward the tree? how's that most cherubic of cherubs of yours, sunshine? and you, tall, blond and scot, this is seasonable tea-drinking weather.

[gwen r]

lay on me all and everything, i'm in a decent hash of a mood

[seven m]

are you a scrooge, a grinch or a christmas miracle?

[cat c]

cat, my lovely, would you be amenable to arms twisted and closing up shop one night for a christmas event light on magic, mystery and pitch black and heavy on amusement?

[mj w]

hello, sunshine. i've been lending thought to what might be possible to make cat's christmas, and i'd like your thoughts on the subject before i ruminate much at all

[daniel w]

i've a mind you sit in the dark through christmas and hope no one sees you. i need to give mimi a tremendous present, and you're my conduit, sunshine.

Nov. 29th, 2016



[Locked to MJ W]
[Before this.]

I have a social etiquette query.

Nov. 28th, 2016


[Facility, League: Gwen & Naila]

[Since Perry's "visit," Gwen's freedom had been super curtailed. Jason had gotten fired, or so he'd told everyone on the forums, and security had informed her that she needed to remain on the base (in order to speak with the scientist). Gwen knew they meant Naila al-Kimyai, and she was super nervous. Maybe the nervousness wasn't logical, since there wasn't any proof that she'd been involved in anything regarding Perry (assuming Jason was right about his ability to clear all League recording devices), but she'd been wary around the scientist since their conversation about Jason's employment. Too, there was the matter of the intense psych tests that had been prescribed for her (which Gwen had been participating in daily), and which no one would tell her the goal of/reason for. In short, Gwen was super concerned.

She was in her room at the facility.

She sat on her bed in jeans and a sweater, and she totally wasn't thinking about turning on her RFID cloner and escaping (really).]

Nov. 27th, 2016



[After this.]

So Felicity got ahold of Mr. Ryan, and he's saying his son's doing fine. Also, they fired me.

Nov. 26th, 2016



[As Sunshine F.]

Welcome back to the time of year where you have to decide if dealing with the fucking temperature is worth whatever you have to go outside for. When I'm rich and famous (ha fucking ha!) I'll just have someone deliver all my shit to me.

[Edit to Harry R.]
[After her conversation with Gwen. As Marta F.]

What the fuck, asshole?!?

Nov. 19th, 2016


[locked to spiderkids]

So Harry's physically okay but not doing so great in the head. Gwen, you probably know more than I do. Our bigger problem right now is them coming after Perry and Gwen. They let him leave, but they've probably still got him on camera getting into that room through the vent. I covered the common areas, so they won't know where he came from, at least not yet. If they figure that out, though, Gwen's going to have a problem, and they might come looking for him too.

The other question is what you do about somebody who's screwed up but doesn't want to leave. Harry had a shitfit when Perry showed up, it sounded like.

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