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Feb. 25th, 2017


[Locked - Stephanie M]



Feb. 11th, 2017


Call: Louis D, Dick G, Oliver K, Jude C

[Call: Louis D]
[4:30AM, ring!]

[Locked to Dick G]
Have you spoken with Father yet?

[Locked to Oliver K]
Where are you?

[Locked to Jude C]
Have you reconciled with your brother?

Feb. 9th, 2017


Oliver K, Bruce W, Dick G

[Locked to Oliver K]
You go on and tell me where you're hiding yourself. I know I been unavailable a week, and I want to make sure you ain't starved yourself down to nothing, rhubarb.

[Locked to Bruce W]
Thanks real kindly, sir.

[Locked to Dick G]
Been stepping out on me with other breakfast folks?

Jan. 29th, 2017



[During this. All of them, Dick, Jason, Damian, Stephanie and Helena.]

Cat says Helena had a seizure and began bleeding from nose and mouth. I'm worried about her, and she should see a doctor. Please help find her.

West on Main.



[Locked to Jason W, Dick G, Bruce W, Leena B, Stephanie M, Eddie N, Cat C, Sasha J, Teo R, Dia P, Misha B, Oliver K]
[So annoyed.]


Jan. 15th, 2017


[Quicklog - Dick and Misha - Batmansion]

Who: Dick and Misha
What: Meeting in the kitchen
Where: Batmansion - Kitchen
When: Night time
Warnings/Rating: Nah

[It was pretty late, Dick had just gotten in a bit ago, gone to his room and changed into street clothes, blue jeans and a white tee shirt. It hadn't been a terrible day, he stayed mostly put together, he even did his paperwork and finished his shift with little incident.

He was trying his best not to think about the number of things that could go wrong if, well, he went wrong on the job. Talk about the picture of irresponsibility.

Of course nothing had gone wrong today, so this called for celebration, and by celebration that meant a mixing bowl size bowl of some kind of sugar filled cereal. He was opting for the coco puffs this time around, and was just pouring the milk in when he heard foot steps headed toward the kitchen. He pulled down another bowl just in case. Not a mixing bowl, he was the lone mixing bowl cereal eater in this house. As far as he could remember at least.]

Jan. 14th, 2017


[Batmansion, Bruce W, MJ W]


[The Manor for a little while, at least smells like bread and sweetness and if any of the - long list - of house occupants stops past the kitchen - there's pastelitos sitting out and bread in the pantry.]

[Bruce W]

you comfortable?

[MJ W]

so you okay with a visit to that bar? I figure if we both feel awkward as hell there's beer right there.

Jan. 11th, 2017


Locks: Jason W and Patrick G

[Jason W]

Did we just get a new brother?

[Patrick G]

I'm just racking up things to bring to the table in the weird family battle. This is the best.

Jan. 8th, 2017


Dick G

[After talking to Jason and before assisting Father.]

[Locked to Dick G]
What is it?

Dec. 22nd, 2016


Delivery Time: Dick G

[There's kind of a mishmash of things going on with the packages that get delivered. First, an envelope. Inside, a pretty generic Christmas card, a happy snowman on the front. In the card, a couple of printed photos. First one is of several large shopping bags filled with toys. The second one is of several winter coats, a couple different sizes in gender-neutral colors, along with hats and gloves. The note is scrawled on the inside of the card:

Christmas shopping for toys is now my new favorite thing to do. I think there will be a lot of happy kids this year, and warm ones too!


The rest of the packages come in a large stack. Each box is individually wrapped in cheery red paper with Santa faces all over it. And each box is cereal. Someone bought just about every variety of sugary breakfast cereal they could. Twelve boxes in total.

Merry Christmas, Dick!]

Dec. 18th, 2016


Who: Patrick and Dickie
What: Decorating the Sheriff Station
Where:...The Sheriff Station
When: Nowish
Warnings: I can't even imagine what could possibly go wrong

Christmas, Christmas time is here, time for joy and time for cheer )

Dec. 15th, 2016


Sheriff's Dept. lock

[Locked to Patrick G & Dick G]
Gunster, Greyson, I'm [...] Sheriff Simms. Do either of you know if there's a holiday party planned for the dept. at all?

Dec. 9th, 2016


Dick G

I haven't seen Santa's list this year, so you're going to have to tell me what you want for Christmas.

Oct. 27th, 2016


[Lock: Batfamily.]

[Batfamily+ Lock.]

I hope there is no one that needs to make an insurance claim.

Oct. 24th, 2016


[Locks: Damian, Cat, Jason]

[Cat C]

Hello there, Kitty cat.

[Damian W]

Hey. How goes?

[Jason W]

Hey, how's it going?

Sep. 26th, 2016


[Delivery to Wainright Manor]

[The box is simple, only about a hand-span in each dimension, tied closed with string. The label reads "For Richard Greyson". Anyone else in the house will find that they're just... not interested in opening it. They don't want to open it, even if they usually would. It's not repulsive, not worrying. Just... it seems to say that it's for Dick, not them.

Inside are two metal containers, both with tightly fitting lids and both labeled in the same forcefully neat hand (like the owner wants to be extra sure that everything is perfectly legible). One reads "For Easier Sleep" and the other reads "For Clarity of Mind". Each come with brewing instructions, how to bring the water to a boil and then let it cool for a certain amount of time before pouring over the leaves, varying in steep time between the two. The sleep tea has the allowance of up to 2 spoonfuls of honey. Upon opening, that one smells almost thick, heavy - slow, if slow had a smell. There's something a little bitter to it, which is why the honey is allowed. The other smells bright and sharp, astringent, and it makes the mouth water like mid-summer berries.

She doesn't send along a teapot or reusable tea bags as she might for someone else. She knows that at one point, Bruce Wainright had a silver tea set (now in Eddie's possession), and she has faith that it's been replaced since then.

The note included lays on top of the tins and in the same handwriting reads:
I hope this can help.

No signature. Which is probably going to make it tricky to restock, but maybe she has a way to just know when more is needed.]

Sep. 24th, 2016


Dick Greyson - Narrative

Who: Dickie
Where: The Manor
When: Nowish

Narrative )

Sep. 10th, 2016


Delivery: Dickie G

[Delivered to Wainright Manor, Dickie Greyson.]
[A few days after this.]

[Her reply comes in a box. It's delivered to the Manor, with Dickie Greyson written in very feminine script on the embossed card. It has to be signed for, of course, because where would the fun be in it otherwise? It's a puzzle box. If he manages to open it without breaking it, he gets his own ring. It's in his size, so there's clearly no mistake, despite how atrocious it is. If he breaks the box? Well, let's just say there's a little a harmless boom of temporarily-staining purple smoke.]

Sep. 8th, 2016


Special Delivery: Cat Catalone

The box is a signature blue box.

But it's a little oversized because what's inside is certainly the most amazing gem of all.

It's accompanied by a very nice note

Aug. 27th, 2016


[The Manor]

Who: Bruce and Whoever is around
What: Batman Returns, lol see what I did there
Where: Wainright Manor
When: The time foretold here.
Warnings/Rating: The god**** batman is pretty pg ok.

He was suitably dramatic after all. A rich man's black town car, a generic airport driver (he had a hat), no bags and only a light sports jacket better suited to a casual business lunch than a confetti-filled return to the living. It was obvious, in the lack of more than a silhouette as he avoided headlights and allowed for the existing security measures to pick him up, that he did not hide, and yet at the same time concealed himself from eyes searching for details.

Separating from the car, he paused for a moment before he moved through the gates, long-adjusted eyes suited to the dark taking in the familiar lines of the mansion and the manicured lawns giving rise to isolated trees. Then he straightened, and it was a slow, deliberate process.

Everything about him, in fact, was slow. He was walking deliberately, placing his feet, shifting his weight with precision, and structuring his silhouette the way he wanted it until he was in the shadow of the front entrance, the pillars offering support as he put out a hand to lean there. The car pulled away, the glowing eyes tracing back toward the Capital in the darkness.

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