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Sep. 4th, 2018


[Public & Various.]

[Text to Claire J.]

How are you?

[Forum: Dietre]

You are settled?

[Forum: Destiny S.]

You and your spells are not affected?


When will it stop?


Jack P, Daniel W, Atticus M, Dahlia H, Destiny S, Adrian M

[After seeing Patrick. While combing through the forest near the facility.]

[Locked to Jack P]
Are you all right, Jack?

[Locked to Daniel W]
Are you feeling any better?

[Locked to Atticus M]
I know you've likely seen the anonymous post, but if you need anything, do let me know.

[Locked to Dahlia H]
If you need anything, please let me know. My case is insulated against the sound.

[Locked to Destiny S]
[Trying one more time.] Destiny?

[Locked to Adrian M]
[Just to be sure.] Adrian, please talk to me.

Sep. 3rd, 2018



[Destiny S]
[During this.] hey girl. you busy?

Aug. 28th, 2018


[Patrick G, Dahlia H, Aedan B, Destiny S]

[Handwavey timefuzz, sometime after meeting Ragnar and her discussion with Seven.]

tell me something good?

need a day or two.

are you ok?

[Just a chunk of her last paycheck on the kitchen counter.]

Aug. 13th, 2018


Various & Public

[All at an unusual (for Dahlia) early-morning hour.]

[Marta F]
fuckin basement flooded. no water here til bullshit is fixed. fyi

[Destiny S]
emergency crones club meetin tonight. im callin it now

[Steve M]
im gonna skip the part where i say sorry for bein shit at replyin to messages and ask somethin random instead: whats yr opinion on birthdays

[From here, still anon.] so uh. how was yr moon

anybody in town got a water pump i can borrow

Aug. 12th, 2018


[Newt, Destiny, Lear, Seven]

i got your postcard. sorry it took me so long to write back. i really liked getting it, and hope you're doing ok.

weird question, but patrick asked me a while back if i could watch his dog when he goes out of town. told him i'd have to ask you first.
also, is eveyrthing okay with you and your brother?

[A pic taken with her phone of the large glossy photographs of her - all of them spread out on a patchwork quilt. There's a hint of bare knees at the bottom of the frame, but nothing else shows of the room. The photos on the bed are large enough to see that they're her, but some of the small details are lost.]

[Seven M]
Sent to his bar through the mail )

Aug. 9th, 2018


Destiny S, Daniel W

[Daniel W]

Any chance you still need a snack in exchange for cash?

Aug. 2nd, 2018


Atticus M, Sunshine, Destiny S,

[Atticus M]

Did you get any dirty letters?


Tell me you got some dirty letters, at least.


You better not have gotten any creepy letters or so help me. (And no, still no luck in the wand-waving capacity. I'm thinking about mail-ordering some Magical Dysfuction pills.)

[After a while: to Oliver K]

Have you replaced me yet?

Jul. 27th, 2018



[Patrick G.]

Have fun?

[Nish B.]

Talk to anyone new?


Where's the best place to go dancing here?



Mulder, it is me. A serial killer did not get me or the postcards. The post office is trying to split us apart. Another government conspiracy.

Jul. 17th, 2018


[Aedan B, Patrick G, Steve M, Destiny S, Daniel W]

[Aedan, Patrick, Destiny, Billy, Daniel**]

[Locked separately, but the same message.]
are you writing postcards?


[Includes the above, but also another line:]
i feel strange asking, but i don't know how many steve ms there are in town. was all that stuff about captain liberty you?


[In an envelope on the kitchen table when she leaves for work one morning. A good chunk of her first paycheck, as well as the cash that Lear gave her. If she keeps it, she knows she's going to spend it on something she shouldn't. On the outside of the envelope is written: for rent and food. -m]

**She'd add more people she knows, but she's starting small in her reaching out.

Jul. 11th, 2018


Destiny S, Sunshine F


I need your help.


I'm not sure if you're still around, but if you are - hi.

Jul. 3rd, 2018



[Public: anon]

There are wolves in the woods, at least someone has anonymously confessed to being a demon of some kind. What, if we were making a list of weird shit you find in Repose, would make the list?

Jun. 24th, 2018



We go to the doctor when we feel flu-ish or a nagging pain, so why don't we seek a professional when we feel emotional pain? Too many of us deal with psychological-health issues on our own, but you don't have to...

In an effort to raise awareness for the importance of mental health, I'll be offering heavily discounted first and second appointments for anyone who would like to experience the benefits of therapy. No obligation to attend more that one meeting, and there's no need to talk about anything you'd rather not share. This is a great opportunity for anyone that's not sure if they'd benefit from therapy give it a test without having to commit too heavily.

Don't underestimate the importance of self care. You are the most important thing in your life.

Jun. 19th, 2018


[Marta, Destiny, Pat]

[Marta F]
[After a letter gets delivered to the gym.] you doin alright? i heard there was some trouble.

[Destiny S]
hey girl. marta is stayin at yr place now yeah?

[Pat G]
hey. [...] sorry.

Jun. 8th, 2018


Patrick G, Destiny S

[Locked to Patrick G]
[Time fuzz.]

Do you have a moment, sweetheart?

ETA: [Locked to Destiny S]
Hello, Destiny, I've a favour to ask.

Jun. 6th, 2018


public; [locks to Hannah S., Adrian M., Claire J.]

I'll say this for having lived in one room for most of the past year - it is easy to move.

I've made inquiries, I received a response last night - and am writing back with further information, so in theory, perhaps within the month?

[Adrian M.]
How are you?

[Claire J.]
How would you feel about watching films somewhere that is not a musty motel room?

May. 30th, 2018


Ren S, Destiny S, ETA: Stephanie M

[Locked to Ren S]
Hey, man.

[Locked to Destiny S]
Did you go to the gala?

ETA: [Locked to Stephanie M]
Hey, I heard Eddie's treatment?


Destiny S, Newt P

[Call to Destiny S]
[At the end of this. Ring.]

[Locked to Newt P]
Hey, man. I ended up needing to bring Mouse to the ER. I'm hanging out here until Des can come sit with her.

May. 11th, 2018


marta f.

[Marta F]

Hey. Do you need any help with moving your stuff in? Are you still coming?

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