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Jul. 29th, 2018


[locks to 'hobbes,' misha b, anonymous aka claire j]

[locked to 'hobbes']

[He doesn't bother trying to obscure his identity.]

What's up, Hobbes.

[locked to misha b]

Hey you. Write any nice postcards?

[locked to 'anonymous' (claire j)]

[After this conversation. Still anon himself.]

I need something to call you, Anon, if you'd still like to be. Get any good mail recently?

[eta: locked to wren]

[He's not sure if he's going to get an answer, but he tries all the same.]

Hi there.

Jun. 24th, 2018



We go to the doctor when we feel flu-ish or a nagging pain, so why don't we seek a professional when we feel emotional pain? Too many of us deal with psychological-health issues on our own, but you don't have to...

In an effort to raise awareness for the importance of mental health, I'll be offering heavily discounted first and second appointments for anyone who would like to experience the benefits of therapy. No obligation to attend more that one meeting, and there's no need to talk about anything you'd rather not share. This is a great opportunity for anyone that's not sure if they'd benefit from therapy give it a test without having to commit too heavily.

Don't underestimate the importance of self care. You are the most important thing in your life.

Jun. 10th, 2018


Log | Adrian & Wren; the woods

Who: Adrian & Wren
What: Wrenning about
Where: The woods
When: Early evening
Warnings/Rating: TBD

golden eaves )

Jun. 9th, 2018


text: to Hannah S from Wren


its safe?


Wren, Rory

[Delivery: WR3N]
[She sees him in the woods. She's on her way back from Rory's, and there he is. He doesn't see her, and she isn't even sure he'd remember her, but she knows him. When she comes back, it's been a little while, and she just leaves a box sitting alongside the path she saw him on. It has a used phone inside, one that's encrypted and stripped of everything, everything that could point back to him. It's connected and working, the phone, though that's not legal either, and she leaves him a message on the phone itself, just in case. (Hi. It's safe. - Hannnah.)]

[Delivery: Rory]
[She leaves the note under Rory's door, and she does it after leaving the phone for Wren. It's a map to the path she's seen Wren on, and it has Wren's name (WR3N). Rory, she knows, was held in the same way Wren was, and she's hoping Rory can make Wren feel safer, even though she knows it's hard to feel safe sometimes.]

Jan. 6th, 2016


[reveal / open to they seemed sad]

Who: Locked In [open to They Seemed Sad; Like Trees In November]
What: Reveal! and maybe more
When: Disembarking the train
Warnings: probably none

He didn't want to let go )

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