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May. 28th, 2018



Do I attach a solar powered fan and misting spray bottle to the handles of my bike? Or do I cave, contribute to auto pollution of the inner city, and cry with guilty guilty shame in the AC with the tinted windows up? I'm honestly torn, but that could be the heat stroke talking.

Apr. 25th, 2018



[Posted Anon. She still hasn’t heard from Patrick since he cut off in the middle of their last conversation. Trying to figure out how to go about asking about him.]

So what do you all do if you don’t hear from one of your friends for a while? Like in a can’t get a hold of them way?

Apr. 3rd, 2018


various ppl


Beep, beep! This is an alert to check in with your eldest sister! /message complete.

[Tim D.]

it's sad to eat applebees-to-go in your car after 10pm y/n/vy?


hot dog eating contest. winner earns a lifetime supply of hotdogs. first saturday in may. signups at the stand. BE THERE OR BE WITHOUT HOTDOGS

Mar. 28th, 2018


reece e., eddie n.

[locked to reece e.]

How'd you do with these books?

[locked to eddie n.]

Hey. You okay? I didn't see you check in with Damian yet.

ETA: [call to tim d.]



Public, Tim D, Cisco D


Was the princess everything you ever hoped for?

[Tim D]

Don't even try to tell me you didn't go.

[Cisco D]


Mar. 27th, 2018


FLEET: Misha B, Leena B, Batfam+, Louis D, Daniel W, Claire J+Misha B

[FLEET: Misha B]

[Locked to Leena B]
I am going to include you on the family lock, but you need not reply, if you do not wish to. How are you?

[Batfam+: Misha B+Tim D+Stephanie M+Leena B+Cat C+Dick G+Eddie N+Holly R+Con T]
Roll call.

[Locked to Louis D]

[Locked to Daniel W]

[Locked to Claire J+Misha B]
We must get to work, yes?

Mar. 14th, 2018


cat c

[After this.]Cat. Darling?

Mar. 12th, 2018


Leena B, Cat C, Stephanie M, Eddie N, Tim D, Claire J+Misha B

[Locked to Leena B]
I have been released, Leena. [Added in.] And something is amiss with your mother.

[Locked to Cat C]
I am out.

[Locked to Stephanie M]
I am released. I see you have been busy.

[Locked to Eddie N]
I am informing you I am released.

[Locked to Tim D]
We will not have time to meet before this book nonsense. Afterward we might attempt.

[Locked to Claire J & Misha B]
Where do we begin?

Mar. 11th, 2018


[Aedan B, Patrick G, Dahlia H, Steve M, Destiny S, Daniel W, Tim D]

[After she sees some of the posters up around town. She thinks about it a long time before posting anything. Same message, but individual locks, as usual for her.]

[Aedan B, Patrick G, Dahlia H, Steve M, Destiny S, Daniel W]

how are you? do you think you'll go to the book thing?

[Tim D]
[She took the card when he'd left it on the seat next to her. And because she no longer things anything is coincidence in this town, she looks through the forums and finds a "Tim D". Posted Anonymously to start.]

Detective Tim D?

Mar. 9th, 2018


Steph M/Tim D

[Not long after he hears the news and connects the dots.]

So Stephanie, how's it going?

Mar. 8th, 2018


[Eddie N, Cat C, 'Shade', 'Anon-Tim D']

[Eddie N]

Have you heard anything?

[Cat C]


[Off forums - online, 'Shade']

[Later: after he's read every scrap of material floating in the ether, citizen journalism and speculation and blogs and after he's tapped every source he has -- that he can, from his own bed. Jack is furious, but he's furious in anonymity. He hits up the blogs and he generates enough questions linked to a singular, digital identity that is built for this sole purpose and he posts onto a blog entry with a cell-phone picture of the new vigilante that suggests they're a frequent flyer, and asks if it's possible to speak to 'Shade'. A PGP encryption key is provided to code the conversation]

[To Tim D/Anon]

[Via the old channel for drop-offs]

I need some information.

Mar. 3rd, 2018




There's half a dozen guys headed into the woods with firelighters, a six pack each, and a double for the guy getting married this weekend. That looks like trouble that isn't going to wait all that long to happen.

Feb. 25th, 2018


damian w.

What is your major malfunction now?

Feb. 23rd, 2018



How do you get blood out of sheets?

There’s so much of it

Asking for a friend.


log: tim & marta in the city

Who: Tim & Marta/Sunshine
Where: A government building in the Capital
When: Afternoon-ish, recent
Warnings: Possible drug talk bc Marta, possible overuse of anime references bc of Tim

Jetlag. Disorienting as a Tabi boot to the head. Skipping across ponds and a good seven time zones while jet fuel and turbines raced against the sun(and won), it was a weird experience. Uncomfortably weird, and Tim never quite got used to it. For a man who fought off sleep at every turn, the exhaustion that came from flying halfway around the world and back again was very, very unwelcome. He needed caffeine and the illusion of absorbable vitamins. Note the twin cans of Monster energy drink wedged between his knees while he thumb-scrolled over the display on his phone, reading fine print through the red-lined squint of tired eyes behind his black rimmed glasses.

The police precinct building in the Capital was a large, gray structure composed of hundreds of offices dedicated to detective units yeah, but also probation offices and drug court judges, child protective services and gun licence renewals. More of a government-issued catch-all than only a precinct. With all that going on in the same building, any given day was a freaking madhouse hive of activity. Detectives, civilians, judges, and government office workers all buzzed around to service the queen bee of justice and order. Tim hated having to come down to the lower levels of the building during those 9-5 office hours because the claustrophobia was very real when one was sat scrunched shoulder to shoulder with twenty other people waiting for their number to be called.

Tim didn't have a number. Tim was waiting on one of the judges to get back from lunch so that they could discuss the warrant that Tim wanted yesterday and was still without. He fit in though, he looked like every other person who was sitting around waiting to turn in their probation fines or drug court paperwork. He had on plainclothes, jeans and an Akira sweatshirt with the hood up over his unbrushed but unslept-in hair. He looked like a college kid. An impatient one with his red sneaker tapping and squeaking against the freshly waxed floor of this particular waiting room. The repetitive squeaking was clearly getting on the receptionist's nerves, along with at least half of the waiting room. A woman with a crying baby gave him a dirty look. A big guy in a vintage Bulls jacket grit his teeth, but Tim continued to squeak his shoe against the floor. Back and forth, habitual and almost melodic in its annoyance because the sharp sound was helping to keep him awake just as much as the cans of sugar and caffeine.

Tim killed the first of his energy drinks and tossed the can without looking into a high arch over about nine chairs and heads so that it landed in the crowded room's only trash can. Swish. Nothing but net. Or, in this case, nothing but bag.

He'd never done well with sitting still for long, and this had to have been some kind of record. An hour, and even if he wasn't exactly sitting still(squeak! squeak! went his shoe again), he was beginning to get stir crazy. He tugged the red hood down off his head and scratched at the short, dark crop of his hair while he looked around the room of waiting civilians. Anxiety hitched a ride in his chest without any real explanation and Tim closed his eyes when he knocked his head back against the wall behind him. Under his breath, he talked himself down from the beating hammer of his own heart. "Alright, five more minutes... five more." He was just so tired, really. The Monster wasn't helping, and he rubbed at his eyelids from behind the lenses of his glasses. Five more...

Feb. 21st, 2018


various; public

[locked to eddie n., cat c., jason w., cris m., atticus m., mary m., holly r.]

[Locked separately to each of them. She tries Sasha and see that it bounces back:] How are you doing after all that shit?

[locked to damian w.]

How are you doing, baby bird?

[locked to tim d.]

Good job disappearing again.

[locked to dick g.]

Have you talked to our brother? I think he needs you. We all d

[locked to misha b.]

How are you doing, sweetheart? Have you heard from Damian?


Who else is a little worried that they might get Freddy Krueger-ed in their sleep while doing one of these nice dream things?

Jan. 31st, 2018


eddie n., batboys-

[locked to eddie n.]

[During her conversation with Misha:] Gotta leave KB right now. Damian's in the hospital. Misha says he OD'd.

[locked to batboys-]

[Without Damian included.] Where the fuck are you guys??

Jan. 30th, 2018


[Damian W., Batfam+]

[Damian W.]

Bro, I bought you the coolest thing with my first work check. It's a claw for watermelons.


[After his post to Damian posts, he sees the others he's missed. Way late.] What, toxin?

Jan. 23rd, 2018


atticus m., cat c., sasha j., holly r., tim d.

[delivery to atticus m.]

[It's a French press and some good coffee samples (3 samples, French press ground) delivered to his office at the University. (She looked him up online.) There's a note in a simple card in loopy handwriting and purple pen. I assume all professors like coffee. I went to NM. And I don't know what to do to thank you, so let a girl know. Best, Steph]

[delivery to tim d.]

[A plain manila envelope arrives at the precinct with some names of people to talk to re: that case of the pornography ring he's working on. It's typed up in Times New Roman on a plain piece of printer paper. There's no signature, but if he listens to rumors around town, he might be able to connect the dots.]

[locked to cat c., sasha j., & holly r.]

Can we have a girls night soon even though it's not for a bachelorette?

Jan. 4th, 2018


Batfam+,Jude C+Misha B,Louis D+Misha B,Adrian M+Misha B,Claire J+Misha B,Carnival,FLEET: Misha B

[Batfam+: Leena B, Misha B, Cat C, Tim D, Dick G, Sasha J, Stephanie M, Eddie N, Holly R, Con T, Abe W, Jason W]
I thank you each for your gifts. I hope the holiday treated you well.

[Locked to Jude C + Misha B]
I do not use leather, Jude, but it is the thought that counts.

[Locked to Louis D + Misha B]
I thank you for the gifts, Louis.

[Locked to Adrian M + Misha B]
Thank you for the mittens.

[Locked to Claire J + Misha B]
Thank you, Claire.

[Locked to the Carnival: Dietre A, Misha B, "Zeke," Dick G, Sasha J, Beau W, Abe W]
To those of you who came to the manor, thank you for coming. For those of you who did not, this is also fine. We resume our typical schedule.

[FLEET: Misha B]

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