August 2020




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Mar. 6th, 2020



I need you to all know that the morgue at the hospital has nothing to do with burials or cremations. If you're unsatisfied with the service, take it up with your undertaker. If your loved one has apparently 'risen from the dead' then that's also not my problem. I don't see every dead body in Repose. I promise, anyone I deal with has very much passed on when they leave the premises. Their organs have been all over my table.

If I get one more rude phone call about disturbed graves or ashes actually being gravy granules I'm not going to be wearing my happy face.

Jan. 29th, 2020



I suppose it's time that I properly introduced myself.

I've been in town for a couple of months now, but never found time to introduce myself. I'm Dr. Adamson. I've taken a position at the Quiet Home to help those who live there. I do have a home by the lake, though I still need to take the time to settle in.

If there is anything that I can do for anyone, do not hesitate to let me know.


Jan. 27th, 2020


Cemetery: Heath & Shiloh

Who: Heath & Shiloh
What: A dramatic meeting at a dramatic time between dramatic siblings
Where: The cemetery
When: Backdated to around Christmastime
Warnings/Rating: Brother angst!

Heath knew that Shiloh was probably going to try to make a dramatic entrance if he did show up, and so he’d been on the look out for movement. His brother was the type to skulk around the tombstones for a little while feeling sorry for himself before disappearing back wherever he had come, and Heath wanted to stop that from happening with a concern bordering on anxiety.  )

Dec. 24th, 2019


Text to: Heath F

[After this]

There's some vicious gossip going around about us again. Please just ignore it.

Dec. 21st, 2019


Heath F

I've heard you haven't been a good boy this year.

Dec. 15th, 2019



[After some time perusing the forums. He is pleased his credentials have been approved. As Damian W.]


Dec. 8th, 2019


Public, Heath F

[Sometime following this]

comic shop is open, even if it doesn't look like it. we have the heat turned up until the windows are fixed.

[Heath F.]

hi. a friend of mine told me you like cooking. i'm hoping you can help me out.

Dec. 3rd, 2019



If anyone needs a warm place to sleep tonight, Mainchance is setting up beds on our lower level. We will also have some space heaters and hot cocoa if anyone simply wants to stop by to get out of the cold.

Also we are currently taking food and toy donations to deliver for the holidays, should one feel so inclined.

Nov. 27th, 2019


[Text to Chris F.]

[Chris F., via phone. During this, immediately after the plot.]

Freaking out
Are you coming home today

Nov. 23rd, 2019


Reveal Log: The Digger & The Aristocrat

Who: The Digger and the Aristocrat
What: General confusion, but no tea
Where: Disembarking
When: Immediately after the Plot
Warnings/Rating: None

He was not gifted the way the Digger had been gifted. )

Oct. 31st, 2019



I'm going to have apple cider on in the back all this afternoon, so if you're feeling festive and wanting some warmth, feel free to drop in Davies Drawing & Design. If you're in a costume, you can have candy too.

No age limit, but I expect costume costumes, none of these 'I put on a t-shirt' numbers.

Oct. 30th, 2019



This is so awkward since people will know who
Salutations is too pretentious

Hi. I am Audrey, though I typically go by Aud. I am introducing myself since I will be a new face at The SecondHand Bookstore.

I'll be working there part-time.

Again, hi.

Oct. 8th, 2019


locked to heath f

Hello, Heath. We chatted a bit a few weeks ago. My family knew yours about a decade ago, if that sounds familiar.

Sep. 9th, 2019


[Backstory: Shiloh & Heath]

Who: Shiloh and Heath
What: A day in the life, @ 2 years ago.
Where: Meadowside, in Kentucky
When: Summer, 2017ish (Completed)
Warnings/Rating: None

Heath wandered out to the dock, quiet as a wisp of cloud, and about as direct. )

Aug. 8th, 2019



The problem with spending so much time in the Capital is that I'm horribly out of touch with the happenings in town. Mermaid's tail? Disappearing arcade game? How does one make sure to be around the next time something bizarre happens?

Aug. 6th, 2019



Hello, my family is coming back into the neighborhood. It's been a while since the summers when I was a kid.

Anyway, I have a few extra trays of inside-out pocket pies, if anyone has a sweet tooth.

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