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May 18th, 2019

[info]strikethose in [info]repose

some letters and locks in the form of goodbyes

[lock to damian w]

Hello Damian, I wanted to let you know that I've decided to leave Repose. I may very well come back, but I decided to visit my family in America, then travel back home for a while and spend some time in Europe. I've gotten a bit complacent here, and it's time for a change. Which does not mean you get to stop talking to me and telling me how you are.

[lock to misha b]

Hello Misha. I'm afraid I've decided to leave Repose for the time being to do a bit of travelling. I know I can trust you to look after Damian, but who will look after you?

[lock to jamie m]

Jamie, I've decided to leave Repose and go on an extended trip. I'm afraid I don't know if I'll be back, but I insist you keep in touch.

[lock to daniel w]

Daniel, I'm leaving town and travelling to Europe. [...] If the mood strikes you, you should consider visiting while I'm over there. I know you don't travel much, but a change might suit you, you never know.

[note to ren s]

Ren, just wanted to let you know that I'm leaving Repose. I wish you only the best. Please take care of yourself.

[note delivered to tandy b]

Tandy, I'm terribly sorry to tell you that I've made the decision to leave town, and will be shutting the antique store as a result. I'm sorry to leave you in the lurch so soon after employing you - please let me know if I can provide you with a good reference.

[info]jukejoint in [info]repose

Locked (Seven M)

[Locked to the haunted anon]
[After this and this, and he ain't got a clue if it'll work.]

You don't know me from Adam, I reckon, but I knew the boy haunting you, and I want to help some. Can you message back?

[info]solus in [info]repose


[After he receives the note, Ren can be seen leaving the neighborhood on his motorcycle. His apartment is dark for the rest of the weekend, and any texts/forum locks go unanswered until the following Monday morning.]