August 2020



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March 19th, 2019

[info]inkonstage in [info]repose

[Seven M]

[After this conversation with Holly, about getting in touch with Seven...]


[info]ephemeras in [info]repose

[News: B&B, Delivery: Janus A]

[On Tuesday, early in the morning, the B&B goes up for sale. There's a sign in the front window, and the sale is listed in the local newspaper and in various Capital publications and realtor websites. Incredibly, the place, which is a historical landmark, is being sold for the sum of $100. The seller will pay all closing costs, and title transfer is available immediately upon closing. Interested parties are given a number to call which belongs to a well-respected law firm in the Capital. Should any current residents of the B&B or Repose show interest they have, as it were, 'dibs.' Until the B&B is sold, it will be run by offsite management.

Oh, and one last thing. Workers arrive at the Carriage House, which stands adjacent to the B&B, early in the morning. A wrecking ball soon follows, and the Carriage House is brought down by lunchtime. The area is cleared and trees and flowers are planted where the Carriage House once stood.

As for the previous owner of the B&B, a new ownership deed is filed on Tuesday for the old homestead on the island in the middle of the lake.]

[Delivery, Janus A]
[On Tuesday, early in the morning, the property that the container house sits on is deeded over to one Janus Allen. A lawyer from the Capital brings the paperwork to Janus at the Greyhound Station. The paperwork includes a caveat that the land Billy's trailer sits on in his for as long as Billy wants it.]

[info]atrophy in [info]repose

Medium anon

[Locked to 'ghost medium expert' anon]
[He doesn't know if this will work, but. After this. As Si M.]

did it work?

[info]mecallahan in [info]repose

The Chamberlain's Men will be closed for renovations. We are redesigning the interior for the Summer season. Re-opening will be officially announced, but we are aiming for no longer than a month. We appreciate your understanding.


I miss you

Come home

All right. I'm sober.

[info]ephemeras in [info]repose

[News: B&B, Edwards Island]

[Tuesday morning, when the B&B goes up for sale, it is immediately deeded to one Mason E. Callahan for the total sum of $100. All required permits and employee records are also transferred to him.

At the lakeside dock, a sign is erected saying ferries to the Edwards Island are temporarily halted due to new island ownership. There is no date listed for the ferries resuming their daily trips to the island.]

[info]reposemasks in [info]repose

log: bar with no name, Red & Noir

Who: Noir and Red
What: Meeting in person with no masks
Where: The bar with no name
When: Now-ish *handwave*
Warnings/Rating: tbd

the not-knowing was part of why she found herself walking into the bar )