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March 6th, 2019

[info]heir in [info]repose

Lucifer, Adrian M, Louis D, Janus A


[Locked to Lucifer]
Speak to Misha now.

[Locked to Adrian M]
Are you wholly incapable of helping yourself?

[Locked to Louis D]
Goodbye, Louis Donovan.

[Locked to Janus A]

[info]isconfetti in [info]repose

[Carnival: Mars, Jamie, Si, David, Hannah]

Who: The Mayer Family (yes, David, that includes you.)
What: An attempt at interaction
Where: The Carnival
When: Nowish
Warnings/Rating: Maybe A for anger. Maybe G for ghosts. Possibly K for kidneys. And C for clowns.

It would be an understatement to say Hannah was dressed somberly. Black, black, black, and it kind of fit her mood. She was a mess of emotions in a morass of unknown matter. She had no idea what CARNEM had in store, and she was a whirl-twirl-spin of confusion about who she was. Jamie had said she wasn't herself, and she'd almost called her dad to talk to him. Amy had talked to him a lot, even when the others had stopped, and Hannah thought it couldn't really do any harm, could it? So he'd think Amy was alive, so what?, and maybe it would make him happy. Because her memories of him weren't completely terrible. They weren't, and she didn't hate him, and maybe she just wanted one tiny moment of being who she'd been.

But she didn't call. She dressed in black, black, black, and she took the bus back to town, just like she did every day. And right now, she was just answering phones. "Hi, you've reached the Albin Dream Clinic, how can I direct your call?" But that was temporary, and she was glad to be back in her little trailer once the day was done. At least she wasn't expected to stay in the Capital every night. Here, weird and strange and in pieces, it was home now. Home, home, home, and she thought the word as she stepped, stepped, stepped beneath the Carnival arch.

It was dark, and the Carnival was mostly empty and mostly cold, but the lights on the rights were neon beckons, and Hannah walked toward the carousel and waited for her siblings to arrive as she thought about life's tendency to spin in technicolor circles.

[info]lawmaker in [info]repose



'Ground settling' sounds a whole lot like bullshit to me.

[info]sonataind in [info]repose

Aleksi A.

[Text to Aleksi A.]
[During this.]
Hello, Aleksi. I was wondering if I might ask you a question?

[Locked to Noah N.]
[Sent after Aleksi says yes to the date.]
I just want to let you know that I'm finally going to use the Christmas gift you got me.

[info]pippintern in [info]repose

Green fairy looking for her Casanova.