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December 22nd, 2018

[info]reposeholiday in [info]repose

Secret Santa: Jamie Mayer

[Santa isn't actually sure how grant Jamie's wish. A long time is spent looking at the envelope with the gold dust and Jamie's name scrawled on the paper inside, as if it would suddenly sprout instructions for magical wish granting. No such instructions reveal themselves, no matter how Santa stares, so Santa is left to do their best: They close their eyes and wish for Jamie to see supernatural things and to understand supernatural things. They feel something like tickles along their skin, and they hope that's indicative of success. To be safe, they send Jamie a note, written on the back of the paper that bore his name, in the same envelope:]

I hope your wishes come true.

[info]heir in [info]repose

Leena B, ETA: Louis D

[Locked to Leena B]
Have you and Sadie plans for Christmas?

ETA: [Locked to Louis D]
Hello, Louis Donovan.

[info]reposeholiday in [info]repose

Secret Santa: Archie W

[There's no way to know it's happened, really. But, the wish is wished. The gold magic dust is blown. The deathdate is set for March 3rd, 2069, for Archie to pass in his sleep. Santa hopes, to himself, that it doesn't change "the timeline" too much. But, then that'd be believing things are set and always set and a matter of fate. Nothing is, except, now, for Archie's deathdate. Hopefully, it provides some solace.

No card comes to declare the act complete.]

[info]reposeholiday in [info]repose

secret santa delivery: noah n.

[Not so much a delivery, but a deposit into his mother’s bank account. It is not a lot, but combined with her own money it will cover any and all expenses for the month. A similar deposit will occur at the same time every month to help supplement her income. Santa has no intention of letting her live a life of luxury and idleness while her son is potentially abandoned. She will get what she needs and nothing more.

A note is sent to Noah stating simply: Your mother is taken care of. I wish you good luck and a happy future. Merry Christmas.]

[info]somesympathy in [info]repose

[Janus A, Claire J, Rory B]

So sweetheart, what am I getting you for this holiday I don't celebrate in the spirit it's meant to be celebrated?

I am assuming that you have plans for next week. But I'd still like to get you a gift.

[Teasing.] Chewtoys or alcohol for the not-my-holiday?

[info]inkonstage in [info]repose

[News: Live and Breathe]

[Sometime in the week before Christmas, the front windows of Live and Breathe are painted. It's simple, done only in white paint on the glass. In the lower corner is tucked a small piece of white paper, no larger than a standard business card, that reads in very careful handwriting:

Many thanks to DW for the window painting.

With it being a winter scene, the trees will stay up well into the next month(s).]

[info]reposeholiday in [info]repose

[Secret Santa Delivery: Beau W (and Frank R)]

[Like several of the other wishes, there's really nothing that signals the wish being delivered. No note or fanfare. But as more and more days pass, Frank doesn't gain any additional (age-related) aches or pains. He doesn't acquire any new grey hairs or wrinkles. Wish granted, and many happy years together to come, hopefully.]

[info]reposeholiday in [info]repose

secret santa: Leena B

[No delivery comes by mail. Instead her memories start to return, flickering like triggerfish in shallow water.]

[info]reposeholiday in [info]repose

secret santa: si mayer

[An envelope is delivered to Si's. When he opens it, he will find a single car key and the following note:

Dear Si,

Your wish was to know if Amy was dead, and if Amy was herself. The answer, from a certain point of view, is yes to both questions.

The woman that you have recently met and recognized as Amy has Amy’s memories, personalities, and looks. She believes, or believed, that she was Amy. She carries all of Amy’s memories and history as her own. However, your sister, the Amy that you once knew, is dead. I hope that this information will allow you to find some peace with the Amy that is here.

You had additionally mentioned a car, and the key inside will fit the 2003 Lexus delivered Christmas morning. It is a long ways from new, but it has good mileage and will hopefully serve your needs.

Best wishes for your holiday]

[info]ljuga in [info]repose

[Locked to nel l]

Ready to celebrate the derivation of a shit father figure running his eight reindeer across the sky? Better than an eight-legged horse, I suppose. A little spidery.

[info]bene_placito in [info]repose

[Delivery: Written invitations.]

[Claire, Damian, Dietre, Destiny, Holly, Louis, Misha, Newt, Patrick and... Noah.]

[After this.

A formal invitation to a Christmas Eve dinner at the music shop. Daniel writes these by hand, in ink, on heavy paper. There's a wax seal, too.]

[info]caeteradesunt in [info]repose

[locked to misha b]

Hey, are you okay?

[info]cyclical in [info]repose

Marta F

I saw it! I love it!