August 2020



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May 5th, 2018

[info]rasatabula in [info]repose

Cat C, Leena B

[Cat C]


[Leena B]

Mallory, are you in Jersey yet?

[info]reposeverse in [info]repose

[Off the Record: 5/5-5/25]

→ When sound returns to Repose's forests, it returns loudly. After the shockwave, the woods shake off the quiet with leaves littering the spring earth. Wolves howl, crickets chirp, and birds sing. The woods are alive again, and with their awaking comes the advent of warm days. Picnic blankets become a regular sight off Main Street. The poetess at the pond is, once again, visible on warm evenings and sharing adages about love. Bingo nights go late, and old couples walk out hand-in-hand. The theater begins having midnight showings of old black and white romances. Love is in the air, and residents begin having brief visions of the town's old lovers. Margot and Michael at the train station when he left for the war. Amy and Jessica stealing kisses behind the library. Robert and Jackson falling into the piles of leaves at the orchard. The visions are flickers, brief, and they steal across town during daytime and evening, leaving romance in their wake.

→ In Repose, a town bonfire is scheduled for Makeout Point on the evening of May 18th. Fliers are pasted around town and appear in windows of shops and diners. The town will be providing non-alcoholic refreshments and grilled foods, and residents should bring their own blankets and alcoholic beverages. Volunteer firefighters and ranger service will be handling the fire itself, in order to ensure fire safety.

→ In the Capital, things are more educational in nature. The university offers a spring 'free-for-all.' In May, residents are invited to audit special classes without fees or applications required. A class schedule is available on the university website, and the classes range from the mundane to the eclectic: From classes on cooking to seances, from painting to demonology, the selection is varied, strange, and open to anyone who wishes to experience a class or two on the university's dime.

[info]lionessrises in [info]repose

Claire J

[Phone call to Claire J]
Ring! Ring!