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January 26th, 2018

[info]nishka in [info]repose

Log: Nish/Ren - Bookstore and Coffee

Who: Nish and Ren
What: Boredom induced coffee break.
Where: Secondhand Books
When: Friday, January 26, 2018, about 2pm

once upon a time, coffee was also an illegal substance... )

[info]reposeverse in [info]repose

[off the record: 1/26 - 2/11]

→ It begins Friday afternoon in Repose, and it comes on a cold wind and with flurries of snow on the air and the feel of old, old things that remind residents of that time the animals went rabid. A 'gift' from an old and chaotic god, the memories of Repose's residents begin to play tricks on them. It doesn't affect everyone, but those affected forget things, or they remember things that happened incorrectly. Memories twist and turn and tangle and disappear, and there's no consistency to it. Anything in a person's past is open to contortion or disappearing, and sometimes those affected realize it's happening, and sometimes they don't realize anything at all.

→ While memories go mad in Repose, the Capital suffers a worse fate. That same old god plays havoc with a city that's already rife with violence and crime. The perceptions of some visitors and residents are subject to manipulation. Untrue things become true, and people see things that do not exist. It's only a trick, magic, an untrue thing, but the things seen seem real, even if they're not. Citizens call 911 and stream into hospitals, convinced that they're dying from imaginary car crashes and non-existent subway accidents, and isn't reality comprised of what is perceived?

[info]riddlethem in [info]repose


[Stephanie M.]

[As this starts to happen.]

I need help with Karma's Bite.

[Damian W]

Kid, I'm sorry. Want to help me keep the peace in the Capital?


We might have a fear toxin attack in the Capital.

[info]spacecowboys in [info]repose

Steve M & Claire J, Reece E

[Locked to Steve M (& Claire J)]
Steve, darling, can I cut your vacation short? I need to go into the Capital, and I'm not sure how long it'll take me. Cover my shifts?

[Locked to Reece E]
I know we broke up, and I know the chances of you heading to the Capital are nonexistent, but don't go to the Capital. Hmmmm? Stay home with your video games.