August 2020



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July 21st, 2017

[info]thedanseur in [info]repose

Holly + Jason: the Capital

Who: Holly & Jason
What: Capital late nights
Warnings: Language, but nada.

one second she was pink hair looking at pink hair )

[info]contiguity in [info]repose


[As only 'P', like it's an afterthought]

i need a place to stay.

[info]rasatabula in [info]repose

Connie & Jack: B & B

Who: Connie and Jack
What: 'Baking'
When: Waaay backdated
Warnings: Nada.

There’s no one like me, who can do the things I can do. Who sees the things I see )

[info]atthemoon in [info]repose

[Wolves.] and later, [Connor]

[Wolves. This lock includes PJ, Connor, and Atticus, but also all the other pack with local accounts. Unless they comment, which a handful do with basic questions, the names are not shared with others on the lock.]

Canine attacks mean the authorities start looking real hard at us. Unless you need me to stay in control, stay home. No running until the moon. If you have problems with the change - you know who you are - stay in camp with me.

Anybody who has a connection at the hospital to pull me medical records, come talk to me.

[After the post from Newt he adds a lock to Connor.]

Call me right now. [#]

[info]kayo in [info]repose

[News: The Woods]

[Tonight, local scanners erupt with chatter when a trucker calls in a woman found bleeding out on Hare Road, down in the woods. Based on tattered remains of a leash looped around a wrist, she appears to have been out for a late-night dog walk, though the animal in question is nowhere to be found. Lacking ID, identification of the unconscious woman comes from the first responder—a ranger from the nearby lookout—as a neighbor and friend of his family. Based on the circumstantial evidence, the incident is reported as a dog attack, and the woman's missing pitbull is immediately suspect. But intrepid town gossip passes around the details not seen in the public report: the EMT who suggests the wounds are far too large for the average dog, and significant animal blood also found at the scene.

The woman remains in serious condition at the local hospital. Deputies and rangers conduct a search come daybreak, but the "dog" is presumed still at large. Local authorities issue warnings against camping and hunting in the woods until the animal is found, and crack down on leash laws this week.]

[info]mareas in [info]repose

Newt P, Mary M, Connie G

[Immediately after this, from Dahl's hospital room.]

[Locked to Newt P]
Dude, I know I have not shown, but I most majorly require your assistance.

[Radio: Mary M]
Moreau? Gunster.

[He has to think about this one for a few minutes, man. Added:]
[Locked to Connie G]

[info]maldito in [info]repose

Cisco D

[During this.]

[Locked to Cisco D]
Hello, Cisco. I've a woman who's been bitten by a werewolf.

[info]author in [info]repose


Headache remedies. Aspirin ain't doing anything.

[info]volatile in [info]repose

Patrick G, Mary M

[Patrick G]

Dahlia right? you OK?

[Mary M]

you working?

[info]rasatabula in [info]repose

Patrick G

[Patrick G]

If the business on the scanners is Dahlia and you're with her, I don't mean to interrupt but did you find the bloody dog?