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July 16th, 2017

[info]mareas in [info]repose

[Repose Woods: Patrick & Cisco]

Who: Patrick & Cisco
What: A trip to the past
Where: Beyond the Lookout
When: Fuzzytimes
Warnings/Rating: Probably entirely safe

Man, this summer was turning out to be a nightmare. It was hot and dry, and the radio in the Lookout had just reported a new fire out at Canyon Creek. It wasn't too close, but the Summer Lake fire that was still burning was much too close for comfort, and that thing was 466-acres, man. It all made Patrick think of his season in Shoshone, of the fires there, and dude did not want a repeat. Repose was sparsely populated, and there was nothing but highway and blacktop between it and the Capital, and a fire spreading here would be a disaster. He wasn't sure this town could burn, and he was highly suspicious that the weirdness of his most unique hometown would prevent it going up in flames, but dude still did not want to test that theory. Which meant that Patrick spent most of his days going around and putting out campfires and twigs that sizzled.

He didn't mind it. Being outdoors always soothed him, and Patrick was in the market for soothing these days. Things had become Uppercase-Complicated, and dude preferred his life chill, even if chill was not something in store for Repose or himself at present.

Walking through one of the thickest parts of the woods in cargo pants and a white tee that stuck to his back, Patrick pulled out his chronometer and watched as it unfurled in his palm. Man, he was trying not to think too much about all the things in his life without answers, but it was getting more and more challenging. For example, dude could absolutely sense when the trees were trying to warn him about things. Like now, there was someone due-north, and Patrick wished the chronometer would give him answers. It wouldn't, because dude was not insane, and dude did not expect his mom's trinket to speak to him, but answers would be most appreciated. However, answered remained elusive, and Patrick just turned in the direction of whoever was wandering. Floppy blond covering his pointed ears, he had his badge at his hip, but dude was not carrying. He was supposed to be, but he was also supposed to be in Ranger greens, man, and Patrick wasn't always about following the rules.

[info]afrit in [info]repose

Marta F

[Locked to Marta F]
So why are you working in that place?? It's like you pick the most degrading and dangerous thing you can find, and that's where you go. Next thing you know you're gonna start hanging with those ppl that hack off body parts for kicks.

[info]riddlethem in [info]repose


[Cat C.]

Spare a minute for your riddle, meow face?