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June 8th, 2017

[info]carry in [info]repose

Quicklog - Carnival: Abe/Sasha

[Sasha had actually been thoroughly freaked out after hearing from Eddie. Not because Eddie, but knowing for sure about memories. It made her sick. So what did Sasha do when she felt bad? She covered it up with jokes and avoided, which was about as helpful as putting a bandaid on a chainsaw wound. Anything was better than actually talking about problems, though. Especially with people that knew her. That wasn't something she could get close to accomplishing with Abe. It really wasn't fair.

She slipped back into the trailer, comfortable within the cozy walls, and shut the door silently behind her. Right now she felt exceptionally vulnerable on the outside, but she had a quest to accomplish, and accomplish she did. Abe was even still sleeping, so there were obviously bonus points given for that, right? Right. She was Solid damn Snake hiding in a box with how perfect the mission had gone.

She perched on the edge of the bed, careful to not jostle him too much, so she could wake him instead with the big poof of pink cotton candy that was booped light on his nose. Over and over and over, until he acknowledged the spun sugar attack. Maybe it wasn't the nicest thing to do since sleeping helped deal with the memories a little easier, but damnit, if she was going to be awake, so was he.]

[info]reposememories in [info]repose


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You’ve never been skiiing in Gstaad. You’ve only ever heard it said, but it sounds expensive. )