August 2020



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January 24th, 2017

[info]cyprian in [info]repose

sasha j, bruce w, sam a

Long time no talk.

Hey, I need to go back to work. Cris said I can come back to the store, but I want to know if he's just being nice and stuff. Is there room for me? Can I come in this weekend?

[Bruce W]
Mr W,
Hi. I'm one of your recent house guests, if you noticed me in this huge house. I wanted to say thank you for letting me stay and all, and I'll be out as soon as I get some money. Unless you need me out now, I can go stay with friends.

Oliver King

[info]bellsandneedles in [info]repose

[Log Kin and Janus on the bus]

Who: Janus and Kin
What: Who knows??
Where: Bus from Repose ----> Capitol
When:1/24 8AM
Warnings/Rating: PG-13 for language probably.

Cause lines get drawn and lines get kicked kicked and blurred )

[info]badtime in [info]repose


[AEGIS group]
[Before running off to the library with Newt.]

Does anyone have any info on the doggo that was here a while back? Scary, black fur, might have killed someone.

Alllssoo i built some new toys~ if you need them~

[Jack P.]
[She's not sure when he's coming back or even if! But, if he does, there's a plate of thumbprint cookies and a bottle of wine waiting for him. A little note tucked under the plate: "I hope even a grump like you enjoys cookies! -Connie"]

[info]heir in [info]repose

Bruce W, Sasha J

[Locked & encrypted to Bruce W]
Haloperidol, Salvia divinorum, 3-Quinuclidinyl benzilate.

[Locked to Sasha J]
I have done what you asked.

[info]rasatabula in [info]repose

Narrative: Jack P

Who: Jack Penhaligon.
What: Song for sobriety: in seven vignettes
Warnings: Long. Very long.

He remembered it having the dream-like consistency of the deeply jet-lagged or tired or still several thousand miles away under open sky and sand and with another language still coating his tongue like a piece of candy sucked to sliver )