August 2020



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January 16th, 2017

[info]badtime in [info]repose


[Claire J.]

Hi, Atticus seems to have vampire troubles. He told me that you might need an extra brain to work on the problem.

[info]housebroken in [info]repose

public post

[Because the last four months are one bender of a horrible, sci-fi blur, and he never thought he'd be back here again.]

What kind of fresh Hell is this then?

[info]terrificus in [info]repose

News: Quiet Home

[Misha Bellamy is sent home after his treatment at the Quiet Home under the supervision of Dr. Jonathan Heron. An envelope is given to him to take with him explaining the effects of his new regime of medication.

Please be aware of the possible side effects that Mr. Bellamy may display after treatment:


These effects are expected and completely normal at this stage of treatment.

If you have any concerns, do not hesitate to contact me.

Dr. Jonathan Heron, MD

[info]heir in [info]repose

Bruce W

[After receiving Dr. Heron's note, he slips it into Father's room while the man sleeps. Immediately after, encrypted, he posts a message.]

[Locked to Bruce W]
I am drawing three vials of Misha's blood for testing.

[info]ripe in [info]repose

all the locks: connie g, carver a, reece e, sunshine f, dahlia h, jack p, daniel w

I have to confess something horrible, and you can't dislike me for it because I still love you and want pizza night, and I still need a cheap babysitter too.

Do you know you're the sweetest person in the whole wide world? Are you okay now that your friend is gone?

There are cookies in the kitchen. Eat them all.

Are you doing alright?


Are you single?

[& Daniel, as she hasn't heard from him in forever, but isn't sure she should expect to either]
Did you eat a bad person and get food poisoning?

[info]verbumdomini in [info]repose

Janus A

[Janus A]

Tell me all you know about Corinthian.