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November 3rd, 2016

[info]kayo in [info]repose

[Connie, Sam & PJ, Jeze, Destiny]

[After some time of radio silence, she finally responds to those unanswered messages.]

[Connie G]
MAN do i got a story for you
[...] also heyyy. i aint dead

[Sam & PJ]
im alive i swear

[And, also:]

[Jeze K]
[...] hey.

[Destiny S]
hey uh [...] sorry i ghosted. i got injured. everythin alright round the commune?

[info]carnivalking in [info]repose

[news update: carnival/capital]

[The Russians aren't too keen on asking for a supernatural edge, even in a time of need. But, the Yakuza are not shy. When they are slaughtered, one of the remaining leaders suggests calling an old friend who just happens to be back in the business of unspeakable power. This of course doesn't make the evening news and in fact the only curious thing to note is that the bodies all get closed casket funerals. Even those who died cleanly and could easily be made up to look presentable are never shown to the public. The Yakuza stay in the Capital like nothing happened, like they have a secret they aren't sharing yet.

As for the carnival and in completely unrelated news: it closes until Thanksgiving weekend. The excuse is that preparations for the grand Winter Carnival are underway. But, security is suddenly much tighter around the grounds. If screams or howling can be heard at night? Well, that's just your imagination.]

[info]injectblue in [info]repose

[Cat C]

[No one's seen him at work in over a week. There's hardly been a sign of him at all.]

Cat, I'm sorry.

[info]tinieblas in [info]repose

Flash M, Jason W

[Immediately after Perry crawls in the vent.]

[Locked to Flash M]
I know you're busy with your sister, but I wanted to let you know that Perry just crawled into the vent to go looking for Harry. How's Marta?

[Bluetooth to Jason W]
[Quietly.] He's in.

[info]spacecowboys in [info]repose

[Narrative: Cat]

Who: Cat
What: Narrative
Where: Repose → Capital
When: After this
Warnings/Rating: Nope

Perhaps it was the bike that did it. )