August 2020



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September 22nd, 2016

[info]wheels in [info]repose

Gwen R, Ronan X, Destiny S

[Diner ppl lock]

Gwen, you got a new name for the roster. Destiny's joining us. She can help double-up the late nights so you're not solo.

Both of you, break her in gently.

[info]strikethose in [info]repose

[locks to daniel w, sam a, casey d]

[The morning after this, typing on his phone in bed.]

[locked to sam a]

So, the meeting was strange, but it's over now. I think Claire is going to think it over and get back to me. Daniel's going to stay here for a bit.

[locked to casey d]

So I think a friend will be staying a little while. I know it might be a little cramped, but he tends to drink and keep to himself. [...] How much do you know about what's been happening in this town? [...] To me, specifically. Did Sam say anything to you?

[locked to daniel w]

Hello. Do you need anything? I'm going to the store in a few minutes. I can bring you tea, or anything else you'd like that isn't whiskey.

[info]propatria in [info]repose


[As of this evening, Matt is gone. Anyone who visits his house in the woods will find things just as he left them. The last time anyone in town can remember seeing him is sitting in the hospital waiting room that afternoon. Security footage shows him leaving with another man.]

[info]perspective in [info]repose

Delivery: Sonrisa

[The painting comes on Thursday, framed beautifully in an antique frame. It's wrapped in simple brown paper with a tag indicating that it's from Louis. A gift for Joey, a thoughtful little notion that was perhaps found in the antique store's inventory.

But there's something else about the painting, something that doesn't become apparent until later. Touching the painting, being in its presence... it can really get to a person. There's anger in it, fury and all those black, fiery emotions, wrapped up inside it. It's not easily pinpointed, this painting being the source, but there's negative energy in it that rubs off on those around it. Tempers flare, fury builds. How it affects a person cannot be told. Some may not be affected at all, while others may simply find themselves in a blind rage over the smallest of issues.]

[info]bene_placito in [info]repose

[Group Text]

[Sam, Claire, Jude, Destiny (should he have her phone number), and Pesha (if he has that).]

At antique store

jude watch cat