August 2020



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June 27th, 2016

[info]maldito in [info]repose

Flash M, Gwen R, Melody B, Michael C, Eddie N, Stephanie M

[Very late.]

[Locked separately to: Flash M, Gwen R, Melody B, Michael C, Eddie N, & Stephanie M]
Hi, it's Steve from the facility. I just wanted to see how you were doing.

[info]spacecowboys in [info]repose

Sasha J

[Locked to Sasha J]
[After this.]

I hear you had fun without me. Color me jealous.

[info]fuadan in [info]repose

Sharon C

[As 'Faolan'. No last initial, but he doesn't think he needs one since no one ever knows how to pronounce his name.]

Was that you I saw demolishing a burger yesterday?

[info]hereshecomes in [info]repose

[News: Ramsey's Rapid Repairs]

[The open sign doesn't come on. Signs printed off a computer on plain 8.5x11 paper is taped to the garage doors and the front door of the repair shop.

Ramsey's Rapid Repairs is closed until further notice. For tow service please call [number of the least jackassy tow service PJ knows, one town over]. The Fill Up Station remains open.]

[info]ephemeras in [info]repose

[Ad: B&B]

[Maybe it's wishful thinking, but the sign that gets posted in the B&B window advertises for a temporary manager. The same ad appears on the B&B's website. The pay is good, and the benefits are good, and the ad states that the position will fill in temporarily for the current manager, who is on sabbatical. The ad states that applicants must be willing to take over the daily running of the haunted B&B, and that the owner doesn't want to be bothered unless absolutely necessary.]