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June 20th, 2016

[info]spacecowboys in [info]repose

MJ W & Jude C

[Locked to MJ W and Jude C]
[After this.]

Claire J is coming by tomorrow night to meet us all. Let's try not to scare her.

[info]websling in [info]repose

Various locks.

[Jason W.]

What's happening in the facility?

[James W. or Wes, whichever he used here.]

Thanks for the ride.


Your friends checked in, it seemed like. Did they give you any details?


You're not staying there, are you?

[info]cyprian in [info]repose

[quicklog: oliver & hunter & puppies at the graveyard]

Who: Oliver & Hunter & puppies
What: A drawing session.
Where: The cemetery.
When: Late afternoon.
Warnings: None.

[Summers turned his paintbrushes all green and gold, all of his ocher pencils would soon be worn down to inoperable nubs. Oliver gave colors to summer, and it wasn't lost on him that a graveyard made for strange juxtaposition to that kind of palette. Maybe he didn't have a great and established experience with graveyards because he thought of them in slate and gray like graphite headstone rubbings on phantom paper. So Oliver didn't bring a plume of colors or varied supplies with him on the walk to the local cemetery. There was just a cheap, composition notebook in his hands and a couple of mechanical pencils sticking out of the front pocket of his blue corduroys.

The plans hadn't exactly been set in stone, and Oliver found a little irony in the turn of phrase as he wandered between headstones. He figured on just wandering with aspirations of finding the gravedigger at work. Oliver found it difficult to imagine Hunter going anywhere without his dogs, so it seemed like a safe bet to come here.

Maybe it was weird to want to draw the dogs of somebody who was practically still a stranger, but after what had happened with the woman in Sonrisa, Oliver couldn't stop thinking about that big, wolf-like dog with all those teeth. He thought that maybe if he drew it, he'd be able to get it out of his head. It seemed like a good plan of attack, but Oliver didn't have much experience with drawing animals. He needed some live models, to find his footing.

That was the plan anyway, as he made his way across the grass, squinting with appreciation for the summer sun that would provide light for hours to come even though it was late in the afternoon.]

[info]heir in [info]repose


I would like a cat or a dog.

[info]injectblue in [info]repose

Quicklog: Helena & Isaiah

Who: Isaiah and Helena
What: First night in a new town
Where: The 24-hour grocery store
When: Now-ish
Warnings/Rating: I don't anticipate it?

He didn't have much to lose at the moment )