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May 25th, 2016

[info]sonrisa in [info]repose

Daniel W

[Locked to Daniel W]
hello~ 🙈

[info]cyprian in [info]repose

jude phonecall, but open to those nearby when this goes down

[After this. When he'd seen the really disturbed woman pull out a gun, he'd ducked behind the counter and stayed hidden even after the gunshot fell to silence. Eventually, he'd come up shaking with sweat on his face. The woman's body was an arc with blood splatter all across the floor like an impressionist volcano. He winced away, fucked up by the sight of it, sobbing to no one and shaking at the idea of having to call the police or who the fuck ever you were supposed to call in these situations. The woman was clearly dead, she didn't even twitch, and Oliver felt sick when he sank down behind the counter again.

Thats when the dog came. Oliver's fault for leaving the door propped open all day because he liked the breeze. They didn't have AC at the house in the woods, and breeze felt familiar, organic. The dog took her by the neck. He was big and black, and Oliver sat on the floor watching as the dog bared his teeth on her throat and dragged her out of the store, leaving a long trail of blood that would eventually lead to the woods.

Oliver covered his face with both hands, shaking. He felt sick, and he knew he wasn't supposed to be here. If the police came, because surely somebody called them after hearing a gunshot, he wasn't supposed to be here. What if the authorities asked about him or where he lived or where he came from? It was best to go unseen, but he didn't know what to do. So he picked up the Sonrisa phone and called the bar where his brother was supposed to be.]

[Phonecall: Jude/Oli]

[info]flashofvenom in [info]repose


[Private to MJ]


[Perry P.]

hey man. when'd you get here?