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May 17th, 2016

[info]author in [info]repose


[On the heels of this bit of happiness.]

I don't suppose anyone's got a room to rent, do they?

[info]flashofvenom in [info]repose

Quicklog: Gwen and Flash have lunch?

[After hours of tests, trials and training with the Reaper suit on, the scientists in the US-of-A government wing of the facility agreed Flash could go get lunch for a few hours. He needed to be briefed on the Tethys incident beyond "aliens fucked up so we need our alien to fuck shit up", but that could wait after a slice of cardboard, cafeteria pizza. Or two. Or three. Fuck it, he wanted the whole pizza. It had been years since he had even opened his eyes and while he was glad they threw him right in the deep end, he was shaking a little from a lack of energy. Gwen would have some science word to explain it. Metabolism? Wasn't that what fat people used as an excuse to not get fit?

He didn't know. The only thing Flash did know was that he was going to singlehandedly make the cafeteria put up a "NO SKATEBOARDING" sign. He pulled the banged up board out of his dusty, otherwise empty locker and skated down the hallways towards food. The smell of grease and sugar and burnt bread luring him to the promise land. Fuck pizza if they have burgers. Curly fries, mountain dew, bags of chips, chocolate- his mind went on like that, listing all of the gross American cuisine he could come up with as people dodged out of the way at the scraping roll of his skateboard.

People would have stayed away from him anyway, right? It used to be that people didn't know who the Reaper was, but anyone from his part of the facility knew it was the punk on the skateboard. That this 21 year old could rip apart fucking anyone he wanted. They probably thought he could do as much damage as that shit in Tethys. Flash sure as fuck wasn't going to correct them.

Once at the cafeteria, he loaded a tray full of junk food, sat down alone on a metal bench and pulled up the Tethys feed his boss wanted him to look at. Tiny, electronic screams sounded from his tablet as he opened up a bag of Cooler Ranch Doritos and murmured:] Oh fuck yes.

[info]freshblood in [info]repose


I never thought I'd see this day, but here I am, wishing school was out for summer because I need a teenager or two. Who knew it would be so difficult finding someone for day shifts?

I suppose that's my roundabout way of asking if anyone knows someone who has some free time (burning love of retail optional), send them to Helena at the general store. I'm the harried one doing stock in the middle of the night.

[info]ephemeras in [info]repose

Connie G, Janus A

[From the Capital.]

[Locked to Connie G]
Think we should shut down? Truth.

[Locked to Janus A]
One piece?