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May 15th, 2016

[info]spacecowboys in [info]repose

Matt D

[Isolated comm: Matt D]
[After she hears his voice here.]

Top level, near the control center. What are you doing here?

[info]strikethose in [info]repose

[locked to sam a]

I owe you an apology. I'll make on in person as well, but I didn't want to wait. I'm sorry for what I said.

[info]iascaire in [info]repose

Log: Aubrey R/Louis D

[How much of Aubrey’s own damn indignation was meted out, that was the only question answered for any reason on this day. Not that he was questioning what any of it meant, and not that he was feeling things that came into play when he was more or less guaranteed a good lay - and more or less compatible with the whole good-feelings scenario that Louis had presented. None of the above. But most of it had a whole lot to do with his own shit, because how weird would that be? Whatever it was about his ex-whatever? Sure, okay. Good feelings bar none.

But Louis was kind of smart-assed about it, and Aubrey liked that. Aubrey was doing okay, just in general, and technically he hadn’t been laid since his arrival in Repose. (Sure, there had been that thing with Lin, but - really, that hadn’t meant too much of anything.) Aubrey knew people here, and he knew enough on his own besides that. He wasn’t aiming for smarmy know-it-all-ness, and didn't mean much besides when he angled his way towards the apartment over the antique shop dressed in a dark green henley and expensive jeans. Rapping knuckles in a knock, etc.

Maybe not so much with the naked horseback riding like Lady Godiva, but still smiling about the thought. Aubrey took it upon himself to assume that his own appeal was acknowledged by the other, even if he figured that it might have something to do with being used. But, like he’d said: he wasn’t so upset about the idea. He was even mostly sober, with just enough scotch swallowed down to deal with the suggestion of such.

And then just after he’d knocked on the door, Aubrey shot off a good-measure text to Louis to say that he was outside.]

[info]spacecowboys in [info]repose

Quicklog -- Tethys Lockdown: Cat, Matt, Steve

[The entire facility was dark now.

The only lights came from the corners, where a gel-like goop was dotted with circular lights that glowed. In Cat's opinion? The glow made it worse. The elevators were offline. Lockdown was secure. And, funnily enough, she thought the things might've been the ones to take out the elevators and shut down the power grid. She figured it was only a matter of time until the military facility evacuated everyone from the other levels of the science campus. And then? They'd burn them, or they'd blow them up, or they'd freeze them out. Or, maybe they'd be very lucky, and maybe it would be toxic gas. Either way? It was going to be a fun death, and Cat was so excited. (/Sarcasm)

And the control room? It was entirely compromised. Cat was alternating between her public comm with Steve, and the isolated one with Matt, but she got to the point where she cut both lines, offering a quick whisper of explanation. She couldn't talk, not without being heard, and she had company in the control room.

Bob. Alice. Archie. Even Old Madge. They were all wandering the space with her. Their gaits were ragged, though Bob seemed faster than the others. He was younger, and maybe that made a difference. He seemed, as far as Cat could tell, more verbal than the others. Old Madge repeated the same phrase over and over: No! Stay away! Archie and Alice? They alternated between screams in frozen mouths, and violence to anything that they perceived as moving. Bob. Bob talked. Bob talked, and that? Cat hated that most.

And her? She was crouched behind a server tower in the server farm, which was located at the far end of the control room. She was bleeding a little from a gash to the thigh, which she'd noticed quite a bit at first. She'd been so sure it was the femoral artery. But now? Oddly? She hardly noticed it at all. She thought it was the serum, or maybe it was the gamma still trickling thinly in her veins. She didn't think for a second that it could be anything else. Why would she?]