August 2020



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May 2nd, 2016

[info]thefixer in [info]repose

Oliver & Jude

Who: Oliver & Jude
What: Thievery and celebration.
When: Recently.
Where: Big house near the woods.

I won't love you at all when you're dead )

[info]carry in [info]repose

Theater: Oliver and Sasha

Who: Oliver and Sasha
What: They don't hate each other.
Where: The Senator
When: Uh, sometime-ish? Recently.
Warnings: Nope.

In the First World War, and for the first time in the history of man, nations combined to fight against nations using the crude weapons of those days. The Second World War involved every continent on the globe, and men turned to science for new devices of warfare, which reached an unparalleled peak in their capacity for destruction. And now, fought with the terrible weapons of super-science, menacing all mankind and every creature on the Earth comes the War of the Worlds. )

[info]volatile in [info]repose

New club opening [backdated: Saturday night]

Who: Anyone
What: New opening
Where: The roadhouse

The grand opening is advertizing. Flyers on noticeboards and a radio spot on the local station and a note on the forums that just says Lux: open Saturday. When it opens, there's a trickle of people from the Capital who are curious about small-town attempts at big city clubs and the trickle is enough for steady business.

Inside it's very different to burlesque velvet and beads, luxury oozing off the walls. It's pared down industrial, and lights and the music played is layered, modern with piano threaded over and through until you can't pull apart the classic from the newly invented. The piano? That's in the pit, lowered seating comfortable enough to get comfortable and a side-on view of the piano player. It's bigger on the inside than it looks on the out, optical illusion or just good interior decoration and as guilt-money tokens go? It's pretty impressive.

The opening night, the bartenders are still learning. There's laughter over music, and the servers circulate, all in black determined to ensure a good night.