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March 4th, 2016

[info]afrit in [info]repose

Capital: Sam & Lou

Who: Sam & Lou
What: Visiting
Where: The hospital in the Capital
When: After Cris heads to NY for vacation
Warnings/Rating: Sam's language, drug mentions

Sam had a week left in the program. )

[info]fuadan in [info]repose

Narrative: Faol Crowe

Who: Faol
What: Catching up
Where: Home
When: Currentish

Where do you go when you're lonely? )

[info]cyclical in [info]repose

Billy K

[Phone call to Billy K]

Ring, ring!

[info]beyondsense in [info]repose

[Manning T, Louis D]

[Several hours after this, as a black, hired car pulls into town in the hours before dawn. Two texts to two different people:]

[Manning T]
We're close.

[Louis D]
There has been a change of plans, and I have returned to town. If you would need me for any other reason, it's probably easiest to try texting first. I check my phone more frequently than the other messages. Thank you.

[info]carry in [info]repose

News: Movie Theater

[(In which Bree has been having issues and can't post anything on time. -_-) Sure enough, Thursday evening brings the familiar lights of The Senator back to Main Street. The interior is not so familiar. Instead of the plush velvet seats and curtains that had been there since the mid 30's (and sadly completely overrun with mold due to neglect/lack of funds from the previous owner), they've been replaced with cars and fencing and twinkling star lights. It is eerily reminiscent of a certain drive-in from New Jersey, but when asked, the owner responds with how it's very family friendly and the kids love it.

For those interested in the workings, there are three projectors in the aptly named projector room; the original from the 30's, the "newer" one from the mid 50's, and now the snazzy digital so there is no need for hard copies on film. However, there is a large storage room filled with so many classic movies on both 16mm and 35mm (there are a few on 70mm but not nearly enough to brag about).

The bench seats in said cars are comfortable and good for snuggles on dates, while the tables meant for snacks also, unfortunately, act as shield for awkward teenage handjobs. We try not to talk about that, but we all know what goes on in the dark. There is a kitchen (along with the typical concession stand fare) that offers simple snacky foods and a variety of milkshakes.

For those that know Sasha? Yes, she tried to open her own homage to Jack Rabbit Slim's, complete with $5 milkshakes. Girl has serious Tarantino issues. No, she'll never admit it.]

[info]erased in [info]repose

reece e

[locked to reece.]
