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March 1st, 2016

[info]bene_placito in [info]repose


What is this thing, and does it work like that in person?

[info]tinieblas in [info]repose

Oliver K, Jason W, Cris M (+Melody B)

[Immediately after this, as soon as the doors close and she and Melody are left alone in the art store.]

[Locked to Oliver K]
Greetings, friend.

[Locked to Jason W]
Sheriff Martin indicated you were concerned about my safety.

[Locked to Sheriff M (+Melody B), while Melody sleeps]
Are you still awake, sir?

[info]wants in [info]repose

Jason W, Oliver K + Hunter R + Jason W ( + Sam A)

[After this.]

[Locked to Jason W]
I found her. Her and another girl. She's okay, huh? Shaken and she don't trust me even a lil bit, but I told her you asked after her.

[Locked to Oliver K & Hunter R & Jason W (+ Sam A, if she wants to look)]
We gotta couple guests staying upstairsa in the shop. Oliver and Jason, you know Gwen already, huh? The thing is, I need you guys to keep the information to yourself on this. Don't tell nobody, that's paramount. Nobody. It could put em in danger and I'm trusting you with the information. Just do that for me, please. We're gonna keep running as usual otherwise.

[info]carnivalking in [info]repose



The carnival will be closed for the next few weeks in preparation for the spring season. If you are a performer at heart and want a change in lifestyle, come say hello. We've got a few openings.

[info]whitherwander in [info]repose

[locked to destiny s]

So, hi.

[Super good at this.]

[info]thefixer in [info]repose

Delivery, Daniel W

[It's actually taped (wrapped, multiple layers, around all possible openings to the box) and taped to the outside of the window. Do we ask how it got there? No, no we do not. A postcard, from Sonrisa with a pretty picture on the front, addressed to Daniel and 'look outside' written on the back, takes care of formalities. Inside (you'll need a knife, Daniel): coffee, five separate newspapers - one Le Monde - bar AND liquid soap, another round of cat toys for Madame Mimi and a copy of Jane Eyre, addressed on the front page to 'my dear Mr. Rochester'.]

[info]ex_gravedigg366 in [info]repose

[Call to Sonrisa. (Gwen)]

[Horribly early. Ring.]

[info]iascaire in [info]repose

Phone Call: Cris M


[info]rasatabula in [info]repose

Backdated: Sunshine and Jack

Who: Jack P and Sunshine F.
What: Aborted bartering of services
When: Some time back, pre-fog.
Warnings: Adult situation and swears.

There was a hook near the door, and hanging from it was a wall plaque from the 70s - 'You are my Sunshine, my only Sunshine…' )