August 2020



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February 3rd, 2016

[info]soundofwings in [info]repose

[Eddie, Cat, Elan]

[Eddie, Cat]
[Locked to them both individually, but the same message.]

I have a job interview[...]!

I have a job interview in town. If I get it, it could come with a room.

[info]beyondsense in [info]repose

[Louis D]

[She hesitates a bit, as it seems overly presumptuous (and rude) to ask out of nowhere. And she can arrange a ride into the Capital if she needs (she does it several times a month to see her doctor). But... maybe it would be okay to ride with him. And so...]

Hello, Louis.
I've been told you're taking a trip into the city to visit the hospital.

[info]wants in [info]repose

Atticus M

[After reading through the ME's report (yes, in the hospital still), and all the statements.]

[Locked to Atticus M, as Sheriff Martin]
Mr. McVickers, please call me at [#] at your earliest convenience.

[info]afrit in [info]repose

Capital: Sam & Cris

Who: Sam & Cris
What: Hospital-ing
Where: The Capital
When: Nowish
Warnings/Rating: Language, sex talk and cursing stuffs

The nurse woke her. )

[info]ephemeras in [info]repose

Connie G

[Note left for Connie G, front desk, B&B]

[His scrawl is atrocious.] Call once you get in?

[He writes his number after, somewhat neatly.]

- AM

[info]wants in [info]repose

Penny R

[After talking with Atticus.]

[Locked to Penny R, as Sheriff Martin]
Dr. Ross, Mr. McVickers should be clear to see his parents. I'm outta town, but if you'd like me to send a deputy to accompany him, to make sure he don't disturb nothing, I can do that. Lemme know what you need so he can get what he needs.