August 2020



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January 7th, 2016

[info]housebroken in [info]repose


You told me to look for you, I'm looking.

[info]kayo in [info]repose

[connie, public]

[connie g]

seafood pukes: 0/10 would not fuckin recommend


ride a train, they said

itll be fun, they said

[info]verbumdomini in [info]repose

[News: Music Store]

[After this.

Any and all ritual effects have been removed. Just a normal music store. Carry on.]

[info]upintheclouds in [info]repose

[Public] - [Sparrow D]


Did anyone make any interesting New Year Resolutions?

School stuff:

Second quarter report cards go home tomorrow. Pleased to say that all my students should be having great weekends - so in light of that I'm having a waffle party in the third grade classroom tomorrow.

Want to know what else is going on? Of course you do - Because there are great opportunities to come around and spend some money to support your local elementary school:

January 13th - Early Release (1:15 PM)
January 13th - Parent/Teacher Conferences starting @ 5:00 PM
January 18th - MLK Day - No School
January 20th - PTO meeting
January 21st - First school board meeting of the new year
January 22nd - Bake Sale - hosted by yours truly to fund the grades 2-5 class trip to the science museum in the Capitol in May.
January 29th - PRETZEL DAY - last Friday of every month. My favorite day.

Entire month of February - Grades 2-5 are having a fundraiser for science museum trip.
February 12 - Presidents Day Recital in the gym @ 3:15 PM (I'm in charge. Hold onto your butts, those of you who saw my Holiday Spectacular two years ago know what you're in for.)
February 15-19 - Mid-winter break schools closed.
February 26 - PRETZEL DAY

[Sparrow D]

I don't know if I ever thanked you for the Christmas gift. I waited until Christmas and everything to open it. It's been years since I got a gift from someone that wasn't a colored picture from my kids, or a gift exchange from work. I love it. Thank you so much.

Were you okay on the train?

[info]agentacrobat in [info]repose

[Public] - [Cat C] - [Sasha J]


A New Year, a new act is brewing, and that means new blisters. But more importantly new music. The music choices are endless. Right now I'm leaning toward something Big Band-y.

[Sasha J]

My cat actually ate that goldfish on New Years Eve. Which is both sad and hilarious.

[Cat C]

[...] When is Happy Hour?

[info]jukejoint in [info]repose

Mum's - Daniel & Harper

Who: Harp & Daniel
What: Daniel being parental
Where: Hookerville
When: Immediately after this
Warnings/Rating: Flames?

Harper didn't actually expect him to come. Not that he'd have any trouble finding out where she was, because her mum was the only relation Harper had remaining in town - and even that was questionable. Ceil had gone to the Capital before the train ride, and Aunt and Uncle expected Harper to follow shortly. Honestly, Harper had no true idea why she was still hanging around this one-horse shitstand. She should've been gone at first light, immediately after the antics on the train with Elsa and her Condescension.

But Harper was not gone. She was curled up on the childhood bed she'd shared with Ceil, and she was feeling entirely sorry for herself. Mum was out with a regular in the Capital, and she'd be gone until morning, and Harper still felt weak and vulnerable. She'd returned from the Capital adrift, and the music store turning into some demon catcher hadn't made anything better.

The trailer was gross. There were probably more picturesque ways to describe her childhood home, but Harper wasn't feeling particularly surplus when it came to being kind. It was a single-wide, dingy and from the 70s. The tiny stairs leading up to its door were rusted through, and the carpet inside was a faded terracotta. The walls were paneled wood, and Harper and Ceil's mattress was separated from mum's mattress by a blanket bisecting the back room into two.

There were cereal bowls strewn about the floor, along with cans of pop empty and upended. Harper was wrapped in a holey quilt, and some trash played on an old and fat television in the corner. Harper had no intention of opening the door for anyone.

[info]ripe in [info]repose

public, sparrow d, sunshine f, daniel w

I don't know if it was the oysters or the champagne, but never again.

[Sparrow D]
What day should Wyatt and I come to your friend's carnival?

[Sunshine F]
I can't be the only one of us who overdid it on a train full of booze. Tell me you're just as miserable as I am.

[Daniel W]
When you left your coat, there was something in the pocket. I thought you might like it back.

[info]nobounds in [info]repose


[As Jason Woods.]

I think I'm going to start asking people if they're not hungover instead.

[info]nightingalenora in [info]repose

Routine Experimentation

Who:Zach and Nora
When: The day after the winter plot
Where: Zach's lab in Area 52
Warnings: Medical experimentation that results in high levels of pain

Until We Believe You Can Be Trusted. )

[info]roughwaters in [info]repose

[Log: Yuki and TJ]

Who: Yuki and TJ
What: Meeting up after the train
When: Just after leaving the train
Warnings: N/A

Yuki left his dance partner the moment the lights came up, blending in with the crowd after a quickly murmured ‘thank you’, then stomped his way out of the train station before stopping off to the side, looking around and waiting on TJ, hoping he was somewhere. He’d lost him on the train, got drug into dancing, and figured that the whole thing was more up his master’s alley than his. He shoved his hands into the pockets of the borrowed pants and bounced on his feet in the snow to keep warm, watching the people go by pushing up on his toes from time to time to find his friend.
Read more... )

[info]inconscient in [info]repose



Did the wine wash out?