Redux: An AU Harry Potter RPG

How far would you go to make things right?
Redux is an game where Aberforth Dumbledore went back in time to change everything. Neville Longbottom is the Boy Who Lived. The Potters lived. The Longbottoms were never tortured. Lord Voldemort never came back. It is now 2002 and the wizarding world has had twenty years of peace, but time has a funny way of correcting itself.

Aug. 31st, 2016



Just a little note

Hey guys! I hate to do this but I need to go on a semi-haitus for the next week. I have some IRL stuff I need to focus on and need to really crack down and motivate myself. If I'm currently in threads with you I'll still tag but nothing new probably. If you need Lydia for something I'm reachable by email. I may hop in chat every once in a while but no promises.



Aug. 30th, 2016



Just a friendly reminder to do the Activity Check! you have until 8 PM Pacific tomorrow! If you don't respond, and you don't email us, you will be removed.

Aug. 28th, 2016



So, I just realized that I never properly introduced Justin Finch-Fletchley (and I will get to the other intros shortly). Mea Culpa.

Anyway, Justin is a 98 Hufflepuff Muggleborn. For those on the more muggle side of the spectrum, you might be familiar with his father, Harvey Fitch, a prominent stage and film star (think Kevin Kline/Kenneth Braunaugh type). Yes, he was petrified in his second year, but thankfully(?) it was only a few months rather than the majority of the year. Otherwise, he had a pretty unremarkable Hogwarts career in terms of excitement, which he is quite happy about, thank you very much.

After Hogwarts he took a job in the Department of Magical International Cooperation for which he was overqualified for and in the last four years haven't moved much, despite others with less experience doing just exactly that. He's far too stubborn to quit or transfer. Meanwhile, when he's NOT working (which is rare) he's fond of driving fast cars and eating out (because lol, cooking).

Aug. 27th, 2016



It's packing day!

I won't be around online today or most of tomorrow as I get my things ready for and into storage.

If you need me or mine, email is a great way to reach me. Or you can ping me on aim. I'll get it as a text.

Aug. 26th, 2016



Hey all - it's Meg with my first newbie in forever! Meet Alexandra (Alex) Warrington. She is a professor of Arithimancy at Hogwarts. She also teaches the study sessions for OWL's. She has been there for about 3-4 years, so any recent grads - you definitely had her at some point. She has a tendency to enjoy sleep - so she has been known to make a mad dash into class - trading her other shoes (generally flip flops or slippers) for the more respectable teaching heels she keeps in her desk drawer. Due to having gotten her teaching credentials in New York City, she also got her early teaching done there as well.

She has come home due to family needs - and is okay with that. She lives in the castle during the school year and in a carriage house apartment during the summer months on her families grounds. Because she just doesn't see the point in a seasonal rental. (More like she never remembers to start looking soon enough.)

She likes flying - a bit too high and too fast at times. She has a love of coffee that comes from her time in NYC. Alex has several tattoos - and no she doesn't tell that to students. She dates - but hasn't met Mr. Right - so much to her mother's horror - she is still single. However she flirts with EVERYONE who is not a student - because flirting is fun and can lead to free drinks.

Let's see - she was Head Girl and a Ravenclaw. She was (and still is) a bit loud, a bit irreverent and more than a little nosy. She likes to debate (and win).

She is in need of ALL THE PLOTS EVER, also friends, ex's - and if anyone wants to pick up her siblings - I will love you ALWAYS.

Aug. 25th, 2016



Activity Check )



Hello! It is I, Ally, with another male character! Because, you know, who doesn't love men? Idk. Anyway, please meet Byron Farro. Some bits and pieces:

  • Slytherin, class of '95.(Same year as Rufio, Bethanie, Rosa, Toby, Ric and Arran.)

  • Plays keyboard in Toby's band (which Crystal and I have named Unspoken Enlightenment, you're welcome).

  • Suffers from a lot of social anxiety when it comes to talking, so... he doesn't? It takes a really long time to get Byron to get to talk, so he has approximately 2.5 friends :/ Poor bb.

  • Is Andrew's step-brother but neither of them know this, so that's fun!

  • Eh, I can't think of anything else. You can read his bio here.

    So yeah! Idk about 'friends' because Byron's rubbish at talking to people but I imagine a fair few people might know him as a friend of a friend or something.

    The end.
  • Aug. 24th, 2016



    hey guys!

    so from tomorrow until monday (25th to 29th) i shall be away camping. though will still be near reasonable amount of civilisation - in which case i should at least have cell reception and should be able to still hop on the internet to reply to things and keep up with tags.

    i will have im+ but i think we all know how reliable that is, so if it's anything super important email or even commenting here is the best bet in reaching me.

    just wanted to give everyone a heads up in case i do happen to not be around.

    - Julie (Astoria, Gemma, Draco, Mary-Anne and Tess)

    Aug. 21st, 2016



    Crystal here with another lovely to toss at you all. This is Sergei Melikov. He's Jun's on-again-off-again-lover-friend-companion and he's only recently been released from muggle prison after a short stint for an assault. He's closer in age to the older crowd so I'd love to have some interaction there, but aside from that, I'm down for any and all the things. He didn't go to Hogwarts, but he's been around the area - minus his prison stay - for quite some time and may already know some people (Especially people who work in and/or own bars). Have at him!

    Aug. 20th, 2016




    This is Seamus Finnigan, AKA the Captain Jack of with Wizarding World. He doesn't do labels. He's not picky about partners or who he flirts with. His longest term relationships have always been with his friends because some people don't like that he flirts with everyone. Boys, girls, he can't help it, bay-bee.

    He embodies Gryffindor: he's loyal, rash, irrational. He's always been an angry person, but that anger really came out when he lost his dad just before his fourth year. People--especially fellow Gryffindors--would know that he had nightly meetings with McGonagall for years 4-7. They won't know that it was because of anger management reasons.

    He is a recovering alcoholic. He will hang out in pubs with his friend, but he doesn't have anything stronger than butterbeer. He's good in a fight, but he works hard to be mellow and chill, so he'll try to use his words. If he can't talk someone out of something, he'll try to confuse the fuck out of them!

    He is the Flint's cousin, but he didn't know that until after his father's wake, when his mother drunkenly told him about her family.

    He needs ALL THE THINGS! Past flings, friends, people to flirt with (spoiler: he will flirt with anyone not related to him).

    OH! He's at uni pursuing a psychology degree so he can become a certified counselor, and he is, secretly, the Agony Aunt at the Prophet. There's a post here where you can put questions!

    Aug. 19th, 2016



    Hey all I'm just doing a quick note to say I'm going to be away this weekend.

    If anyone wants plottness please let me know I'm up for anything :-)


    (Lee, Gideon, Cassi, Haley)

    Aug. 4th, 2016



    Crystal here with yet another. This time I'm bringing you the lovely Neville Longbottom. He's a goofy lad with a penchant for all things plant. He works in Hogsmeade at the herbology shop and is besties with Hermione and Harry. All the things are needed for him, of course, and I'm sure he's got connections with all sorts of people, so have at him!



    Hi everyone! We have one addition today! Crystal brings us Neville Longbottom. Please run the button for everyone!

    We will get something up for the Quidditch Gala tonight or tomorrow.

    Thank you for being awesome!

    Jul. 30th, 2016



    My friends! This is Squeaky and I bring you some beefcake number seven! This is Nikolai Krum, who is two years younger than Viktor and really, really does not want anyone to make a fuss about that. He was so interested in getting away from his famous name that, immediately following completion of Durmstrang, he moved to the US where he's been living ever since, working as a Magical Conservationist for the Magical Congress.

    Nik is a werewolf and he believes in honesty and understanding (and lots of hand holding and singing and flower weaving and such). He thoroughly believes that, if people are informed about what it really means to be a werewolf, that there will be less fear and violence. While in the States, his pet project was setting up 'wildlife preserves' where werewolves could safely transform and also caring-based rehab and training programs for the newly bitten.

    He has just moved to the UK to sort of lend a hand with the current situation and try to get some things settled and smoothed over. I don't really know how he intends to accomplish that, so we'll all be surprised. He's working in the Magical Creatures department in the Ministry, I know that much!

    He's a pretty quiet guy, but he's very honest and is happy to answer any questions someone might have about being a werewolf, no matter how intimate or detailed.

    He can come off as kind of serious and such, though, but he really is a rather warm and welcoming to those he's close to. Really, he's just spent quite a lot of time building himself a stoic barrier to put between himself and people who are just interested in his surname, but he would make a very nice friend! (Or whatever.)

    So, since he's so new in town, I don't think he has much by way of established relationships besides his brother and whoever he will be working with. I think he'll probably start work on Monday?

    Still, feel free to throw your characters at him. He won't bite. :)

    Jul. 25th, 2016



    Activity Check )

    Jul. 15th, 2016



    Hi guys, Lis here with her newest one, Roderick Proudfoot adopted son of Auror Proudfoot and formerly a Borgin. He is a 1995 Ravenclaw and currently works as an Unspeakable in the Space Room at the Department of Mysteries after working for the Committee on Experimental Charms and obtaining an astrophysics degree at Oxford.

    Ric is quite possibly too smart for his own good and does not suffer fools lightly. He masks a lot of his caring under a thick layer of selfishness and general prickliness. He won't hesitate to tell people that they are being idiots, but on the same token he is someone who is vehement that people should be able to behave however they see fit, regardless of societal norms.

    He's currently in a long term relationship with Tobias King, which has lasted since Hogwarts (and has mystified Ric as to how it lasted this long). It will probably become more serious in the next coming weeks, but Ric's not going to have any idea that's coming. In terms of connections, he needs dormmates. Coworkers (or former coworkers). He would REALLY love to see his father and siblings in game.

    Jul. 11th, 2016



    Another one!

    Crystal here, once again, with my fifth. This is Caitlin Carmichael, Eddie's youngest sibling and only sister. She's 19 years old, a former Hufflepuff, and currently working as an intern at Gringott's bank. She loves numbers to the point of probably being a little weird, but she's all sorts of sweet and needs all the friends ever. She's also pretty good at mediating, haha, so there's that. Toss your plots at me!

    Jul. 10th, 2016



    Please run the Friend's Button. Crystal brings us Caitlin Carmichael. The button will also remove Theodore Nott, Percy Weasley, Katie Bell, Cho Chang, and Asher Spinnet.

    The unclaimed plot points are up for grabs.

    Jul. 6th, 2016




    Ale Contamination FAQ

    Hi! There have been a few questions about the ale plot on 29 July, so we wanted to put this together to clear a few things up. If you have anymore questions, please feel free to drop them here!

    Quick Question )


    Jul. 7th, 2016



    Hi guys

    I'm sad and sorry to have to do this but I'm going to have to slip away from the game - I'm struggling to get traction for some reason - totally no one else's fault! - and I don't want to sit on Theo if someone else could do more with him

    I'm really, really sorry with everyone I've had lines with and to be leaving you all because you're all lovely, it's totally just me struggling like a fish on a bicycle

    I appreciate you having me and hope that we can play again soon when (if) my brain starts working properly again.

    ♥ sorry again

    DCJ & Theo