Queer as Folk Drabbles - January 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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January 2008
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04:54 am: [info]avonnova Challenge #45 Blowjobs - 14 comments
08:58 am: [info]foreverbm Challenge #45 - Blow Jobs
12:35 pm: [info]foreverbm Challenge #45 - Blow Jobs
02:27 pm: [info]foreverbm Challenge #45 - Blow Jobs
04:19 pm: [info]foreverbm Challenge #45 - Blow Jobs - 1 comment
05:12 pm: [info]vamphile Whore In A Hoody - 48 comments
05:45 pm: [info]foreverbm Challenge #45 - Blow Jobs - 4 comments
05:15 pm: [info]vamphile Whore In A Hoody - 28 comments
10:37 pm: [info]doppelganger44 Challenge #45 - Blow Jobs - 16 comments
10:56 pm: [info]vamphile Whore In A Hoody - 35 comments
11:27 pm: [info]faile02 Challenge #45 CLOSED//Challenge #46: e.e. cummings - 15 comments
10:28 am: [info]noteverything *Challenge #46: e.e. cummings* - 27 comments
06:23 pm: [info]queerasfruit Challenge #46: e.e. cummings - 37 comments
08:35 pm: [info]vamphile Whore In A Hoody - 33 comments
10:51 am: [info]doppelganger44 Challenge #46 - e.e. cummings - 10 comments
11:18 am: [info]foreverbm Challenge #46 - e.e. cummings - 11 comments
12:27 pm: [info]noteverything *Challenge #46: e.e. cummings* - 7 comments
03:32 pm: [info]vamphile Whore In A Hoody - 35 comments
07:56 pm: [info]philflam Challenge #46 - e.e. cummings - 6 comments
03:07 pm: [info]vamphile Whore In A Hoody - 39 comments
08:41 am: [info]foreverbm Challenge #46 - e.e. cummings - 14 comments
10:31 am: [info]philflam Challenge #46 - e. e. cummings - 16 comments
07:03 pm: [info]vamphile Whore In A Hoody - 37 comments
03:18 pm: [info]foreverbm Challenge #46 - e.e.e cummings - 4 comments
06:30 pm: [info]avonnova Challenge #46 - e.e. cummings - 8 comments
06:43 pm: [info]vamphile Whore In A Hoody - 55 comments
09:58 pm: [info]foreverbm Shopping Trip
03:26 pm: [info]vamphile Whore In A Hoody - 36 comments
06:50 pm: [info]foreverbm Challenge #46 - e.e. cummings - 2 comments
04:49 pm: [info]vamphile Whore In A Hoody - 44 comments
05:25 pm: [info]happier_bunny Challenge # 46: Closed// Challenge # 47: ICONS - 12 comments
12:07 am: [info]noteverything *Challenge #47: Icons* - 18 comments
12:18 am: [info]exmptfromsanity challenge # 47: Icons - 16 comments
12:57 pm: [info]foreverbm Challenge #47 - icons - 4 comments
05:31 pm: [info]vamphile Whore In A Hoody - 51 comments
07:35 pm: [info]foreverbm Challenge #47 - icons - 2 comments
06:49 pm: [info]vamphile Whore In A Hoody - 40 comments
09:50 am: [info]philflam Challenge #47 - Icons - Justin and Stockwell - 2 comments
10:11 am: [info]philflam Challenge #47 - Icons - #2 - Always - 29 comments
07:31 pm: [info]vamphile Whore In A Hoody - 33 comments
12:35 pm: [info]brianswalk Challenge #47 Icons - 29 comments
04:11 pm: [info]foreverbm (no subject)
08:38 pm: [info]vamphile Whore In A Hoody - 38 comments
02:23 pm: [info]doppelganger44 Challenge #47 Icons
05:01 pm: [info]doppelganger44 Challenge #47 Icons - 14 comments
05:55 pm: [info]happier_bunny ANNOUNCEMENTS - 20 comments
06:21 pm: [info]vamphile Whore In A Hoody - 48 comments
05:14 pm: [info]vamphile Whore In A Hoody - 41 comments
05:23 pm: [info]hounded Challenge # 47: Icons - 18 comments
01:19 pm: [info]happier_bunny Challenge # 47: Closed// Challenge # 48: ANGST - 16 comments
08:01 pm: [info]vamphile Whore In A Hoody - 43 comments
12:01 pm: [info]orlith Bonus Drabble - 52 comments
01:50 pm: [info]foreverbm Challenge #48 - Angst - 12 comments
02:02 pm: [info]catcayman Challenge #48: Angst - 25 comments
06:12 pm: [info]vamphile Whore In A Hoody - 32 comments
06:44 pm: [info]doppelganger44 Challenge #48: Angst - 12 comments
07:13 pm: [info]doppelganger44 A Drabble For 4cupcakes1988 - 12 comments
09:34 pm: [info]foreverbm Challenge #48 - Angst - 6 comments
10:11 pm: [info]xanister Out of Challenge Drabble - 32 comments
10:15 pm: [info]foreverbm Challenge #48 - Angst - 4 comments
10:31 pm: [info]pendulumchanges Smackled - 21 comments
12:22 pm: [info]pendulumchanges (no subject) - 28 comments
02:54 pm: [info]foreverbm Challenge #48 - Angst - 7 comments
05:32 pm: [info]vamphile Whore In A Hoody - 44 comments
07:55 pm: [info]noteverything *Challenge #48: Angst* - 23 comments
12:17 pm: [info]foreverbm Challenge #48 - Angst
05:10 pm: [info]vamphile Whore In A Hoody - 46 comments
08:07 pm: [info]doppelganger44 Challenge #48 - Angst - 9 comments
10:01 am: [info]foreverbm Challenge #48 - Angst - 4 comments
12:31 pm: [info]foreverbm Challenge #48 - Angst - 13 comments
04:21 pm: [info]foreverbm Challenge #48 - Angst - 3 comments
06:14 pm: [info]vamphile Whore In A Hoody - 58 comments
09:01 pm: [info]foreverbm Challenge #48 - Angst - 15 comments
01:03 am: [info]pendulumchanges (no subject) - 34 comments
10:23 am: [info]foreverbm Challenge #48 - Angst - 7 comments
12:17 pm: [info]foreverbm Challenge #48 - Angst - 6 comments
03:48 pm: [info]foreverbm Challenge #48 - Angst - 8 comments
03:53 pm: [info]noteverything *Challenge #48: Angst* - 20 comments
04:25 pm: [info]vamphile Whore In A Hoody - 119 comments
07:44 pm: [info]foreverbm Challenge #48 - Angst - 4 comments
10:46 pm: [info]noteverything *Challenge #48: Angst* - 20 comments
11:29 pm: [info]foreverbm Challenge #48 - Angst - 1 comment
11:22 am: [info]foreverbm Challenge #48 - Angst - 2 comments
12:46 pm: [info]foreverbm Challenge #48 - Angst - 6 comments
06:30 pm: [info]vamphile Challenge # ? : Angst - 38 comments
04:21 pm: [info]noteverything *Matt Costa Drabble* (not for the challenge) - 9 comments
06:07 pm: [info]vamphile Challenge # ? : Angst - 28 comments
06:08 pm: [info]exmptfromsanity Challenge #48: Angst - 16 comments
07:35 pm: [info]foreverbm Challenge #48 - Angst - 5 comments
10:25 pm: [info]foreverbm Challenge #48 - Angst - 3 comments
05:29 pm: [info]vamphile Challenge # ? : Angst - 21 comments
10:41 am: [info]happier_bunny Challenge # 48: Closed//Challenge # 49: Mysterious Marilyn - 4 comments
08:55 pm: [info]vamphile Challenge #49 : Mysterious Marilyn - 27 comments
01:30 pm: [info]xanister Challenge #49 Mysterious Marilyn - 22 comments
07:23 pm: [info]zortrana My first drabble here! - 26 comments
07:54 pm: [info]vamphile Challenge #49 : Mysterious Marilyn - 30 comments
08:11 pm: [info]catcayman Challenge #49: Mysterious Marilyn - 22 comments
09:16 pm: [info]philflam Challenge #49 - Mysterious Marilyn - 20 comments
10:01 pm: [info]zortrana Challenge 49-Mysterious Marilyn - 17 comments
11:52 pm: [info]zortrana Challenge 49-Mysterious Marilyn - 14 comments
01:41 am: [info]exmptfromsanity challenge #49: Mysterious Marilyn - 6 comments
08:58 am: [info]queerasfruit Challenge # 49: Mysterious Marilyn - 20 comments
11:56 am: [info]foreverbm Challenge #49 - Mysterious Marilyn - 12 comments
01:17 pm: [info]foreverbm Challenge #49 - Mysterious Marilyn - 4 comments
05:28 pm: [info]vamphile Challenge #49 : Mysterious Marilyn - 11 comments
08:32 pm: [info]foreverbm Just a drabble cause I had to - 4 comments
08:39 pm: [info]irish_cream Challenge #49 - Mysterious Marilyn - 11 comments
10:35 am: [info]foreverbm Challenge #49 - Mysterious Marilyn - 3 comments
06:23 pm: [info]doppelganger44 Challenge #49 - Mysterious Marilyn - 8 comments
07:20 pm: [info]vamphile Challenge #49 : Mysterious Marilyn - 16 comments
07:42 pm: [info]positive_pat (no subject) - 10 comments
10:00 am: [info]foreverbm Challenge #49 - Mysterious Marilyn - 12 comments
03:29 pm: [info]noteverything Challenge #49: Mysterious Marilyn - 27 comments
08:35 pm: [info]vamphile Challenge #49 : Mysterious Marilyn - 27 comments
12:59 pm: [info]foreverbm Challenge #49 - Mysterious Marilyn - 4 comments
06:42 pm: [info]foreverbm Challenge #49 - Mysterious Marilyn
09:07 pm: [info]vamphile Challenge #49 : Mysterious Marilyn - 18 comments
10:55 pm: [info]faile02 Challenge #49 CLOSED//Challenge #50: Sue-Your-Self - 14 comments
06:07 pm: [info]vamphile Challenge #50 : Sue-You - 18 comments
08:21 pm: [info]faile02 Challenge #50: Sue-Your-Self - "The Apple Store" - 14 comments
08:31 pm: [info]vl_redreign Challenge #50: Sue Yourself - 19 comments
08:38 pm: [info]vl_redreign Challenge #50: Sue Yourself - 29 comments
10:51 pm: [info]vl_redreign Challenge #50: Sue Yourself - 22 comments
10:57 pm: [info]vl_redreign Challenge #50: Sue Yourself - 13 comments