Queer as Folk Drabbles - January 26th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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January 26th, 2008

Challenge #49 Mysterious Marilyn [Jan. 26th, 2008|01:30 pm]
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Title: Some things, thankfully, never change.
Author: xanister
Timeline: Post 513
Condom(s): Justin gets this one.

Alcohol could help you get over anything. Now if Brian could only get over Mysterious Marilyn staring at him a table over.

“Not into drag queens.”

“Brian be nice, remember the turnpike?” Michael unfortunately had a good memory.

She flipped a card over and didn’t seem phased. “You’ll be visited by someone special tonight.”

Brian coughed. “Bullshit.”

“No." She corrected, "he's more than special, you love him.”


“Michael shut the fuck –“

But there Justin was with that sunshine smile, duffel bag in hand. “I decided to visit.”

“I see that.” Maybe psychic drag queens were right occasionally.
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My first drabble here! [Jan. 26th, 2008|07:23 pm]


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Title: Chilled

Author: zortrana

Timeline: A few months post 513

Condom goes to: Brian


Brian didn’t look up when someone slid onto the next bar stool.

“It’s time for you to go.”

Brian scowled at Mysterious Marilyn. “It’s my first fucking drink.”

“It’s time to go to New York City.”

“Did Ted pay you to say that? Or Michael?”

“If you go, you won’t have a flat,” Marilyn continued as though Brian had never spoken. “If you don’t go, there’ll be a world without sunshine. You decide.”

Brian felt as cold as if he had never felt the sun on his skin. Reaching into his pocket, he tossed some cash at Marilyn and left.


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Challenge #49 : Mysterious Marilyn [Jan. 26th, 2008|07:54 pm]


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Title: Mysterious Marilyn Knows All
Author: Vamphile
Condom(s): One to Justin

Mysterious Marilyn Knows All

Brian and Justin each downed a shot of tequila. As the bartender poured them two more, Mysterious Marilyn walked by. She waggled her finger at them. “One of you is not getting laid tonight.” They scoffed, finished their tequila and headed towards their friends’ table.

Michael was staring morosely at his drink when they approached. “Brian, I need your help.”

Justin laughed. “Guess it’s you. Have fun.” As he said it his phone rang and Brian raised an eyebrow, recognizing Daphne’s ring tone. “Tell Daphne I said hi.”

Justin cursed, leaving Woody’s to answer the phone and avoid Brian’s laughter.
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Challenge #49: Mysterious Marilyn [Jan. 26th, 2008|08:11 pm]
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[mood |chipper]

Title: It Could've Been Worse
Author: Catcayman
Warning: Poor Ted
Condom Goes To: Ted

Since Ted’s call was interrupting an early-morning blowjob, Brian put him on speakerphone. “What do you mean you’re not coming in? Are you bleeding profusely or able to see bone?”

“Last night, Mysterious Marilyn told me, ‘You'll be in the middle of a terrible mess today.’ You’d prefer me not to be at work, correct?”

Brian and Justin heard a horrible retching noise.

“My cat just vomited all over my bed and tracked it across my new carpet.”

Justin’s laughter was drowned out by Brian’s reply, “I give two hours off for cat puke.”

Ted sighed, “It could’ve been worse.”
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Challenge #49 - Mysterious Marilyn [Jan. 26th, 2008|09:16 pm]


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Title: Road Trip
Author: Philflam
Timeline: Soon after B/J's sexcapades in New York
Condom Goes To: Brian

“Who’s that?” asked Justin.

“That’s Mysterious Marilyn, resident fortune teller, psychic, and tarot card reader,” Emmett said.  “She’s the one who told us where to look for you when you ran off to New York and warned us about the tire.”

“What about the tire?”

“We had a flat and I fixed it.”


“Yes me. Didn’t Brian tell you?”

“No, we didn’t talk very much in New York,” Justin blushed.  “I think Brian was glad to get his credit card back.” 

Emmett said, “Don’t tell him I said so, but that’s not all he was glad to get back.”

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Challenge 49-Mysterious Marilyn [Jan. 26th, 2008|10:01 pm]


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Title: Chilled: Part 2
Author: zortrana
Timeline: A few months post 513
Condom goes to: Brian

 “Come on in,” Justin hollered.

Brian frowned and opened the door. “You leave your door unlocked? In fucking NEW YORK CITY? What the hell are you thinking!”

 Justin looked at him with a combination of disbelief, confusion, and anger, followed closely by overwhelming happiness. He laughed, “You came here to talk to me about my safety precautions?”

 “You should be more careful,” Brian took a step closer, never taking his eyes off Justin.

 Justin wondered why they were still talking. “It’s usually locked, but I’m expecting friends. We’re going out.”

 “Please don’t,” Brian whispered and pulled Justin into his arms.


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Challenge 49-Mysterious Marilyn [Jan. 26th, 2008|11:52 pm]


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Title: Chilled: Part 3
Author: zortrana
Timeline: A few months post 513
Condom goes to: Justin


Justin snapped his phone shut, his face pale. “I can’t believe my friends were in the club that caught on fire last night!"

 Brian hugged him. “They’re okay though?”

 “Yeah, everyone got out, but some people got hurt when they were trampled.” Justin closed his eyes, chilled by the déjà vu, remembering the smells and sounds of a bombed-out Babylon.   He held on to Brian more tightly. “The police say it was a miracle no one was killed.”

 “Sometimes life is full of mysteries.”

 Justin looked up at him. “Like why you are here?”

 Brian smiled, “It was time.”



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