Your daily dose of HP news
- slow and unreliable

winoniel posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]winoniel
Date: 2008-01-31 19:58
Subject: Thursday Edition
Security: Public
The Editors feels:ditzy ditzy
The Editor is listening to:AFI--Clove Smoke Catharsis

Fics - One Shots:
[info]alisanne, [info]celandineb and [info]twilightsorcery wrote and drew Something New (Luna/Padma/Parvati, NC-17)
[info]kaycee wrote Final Farewell (Harry/Draco, PG)
[info]sassy_cissa wrote A Mother’s Love (Harry/Draco, G)
[info]marauderswolf and [info]omni_sama wrote and drew When Will You Forgive Me? (Severus/Remus, PG)
[info]misfit_ragdoll and [info]twilightsorcery wrote and drew From Out Of The Past (Tonks/Hermione, NC-17 *warnings))

Fics - WIP:
[info]dementordelta and [info]cruisedirector updated A Reason To Celebrate with chapter 5/? (Harry/Severus, NC-17)

[info]alisanne wrote New Entry (Remus/Severus, R)
---and Not So Fooled (Bill/Neville, PG)
---and Difficult Question (Harry/Ron, PG)
[info]torino10154 wrote The Eternal Optimist (Severus/Harry, G)

[info]vimessy drew Admiring new slaves (Lucius, Snape, Narcissa, Bill, Remus and Kingsley, R)

Community News
The [info]dailysnitch has posted a new edition
The [info]dailysnitch is looking for additional editors
[info]bottom_sirius is a new community accepting fic and art

[info]snegurochka_lee discusses Tonks as Metamorphmagus
[info]pre_raphaelite1 has posted a bestiality poll

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

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inkaddict posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]inkaddict
Date: 2008-01-30 23:43
Subject: Wednesday Edition
Security: Public

Fics - One Shots:
[info]misfit_ragdoll and [info]twilightsorcery wrote From Out Of The Past (Tonks/Hermione, NC-17, *warnings*)
[info]kennahijja wrote Nettle Stings (Ron/Lucius, *warnings*)
[info]boxedcrayon125 wrote New Year's Kiss (Arthur/Molly, PG-13)
[info]ravenna_c_tan wrote Closure (Severus/Harry, NC-17)
[info]enigmalea wrote Hand Worship (Snape/Lupin, NC-17)
[info]red_day_dawning wrote The beginning of all negotiation (Pansy/?, R)
[info]elfflame wrote Abandoned and Found (Blaise/Seamus, PG-13)
[info]arionrhod wrote Cupid's Little Helper (Severus/Lupin, Sirius, PG-13)

Fics - WIP:
[info]jamie2109 updated A Certain Kind of Memory. with chapter 1/17 (Harry/Draco, NC-17, *warnings*)
[info]boxedcrayon125 updated Before They Were Parents with chapter 8/8 (Arthur/Molly, PG-13)
[info]son_of_darkness updated The Comprehension Series with chapter 19/? (Albus Severus/Scorpius, PG)
[info]plotbunnyofdoom updated 100Feelings with chapter 10/? (Harry/Ron, PG)

[info]madam_minnie wrote three 1 sentence drabbles (Various, PG)
[info]alisanne wrote Vindicated (Harry/Severus, Sirius, G)
[info]alwaysasnapefan wrote 9 Snucius Drabbles (Severus/Lucius, PG-13 save for 9#, rated R)
[info]nimrod_9 wrote British Sauce (Snape, NC-17)
[info]spidermoth wrote Memorable Occasions (Snape/Lupin, R)
[info]harleen wrote Lonely in Your Nightmare (Fred/George, PG-13, *warnings*)

[info]ericahpfa drew (Bill/Fleur, NWS)
[info]ships_harry drew 3 pictures (Snape/Trelawney, Godric/Salazar, Bill/Fleur, NWS)

Community News
[info]hp_beholder sign ups will open February 1 in the morning
[info]phoenixfest you can now claim your prompts, here's the character prompts section and here are the quote prompts
[info]hexedprivate is a new RPG, set in 2001 and AU. More infos here.
[info]darkdissension is a slash friendly, EWE RPG set in 2005 More infos.

[info]amanuensis1 muses on the infamous epilogue.
[info]snegurochka_lee posted several Sirius/James recs.

Editor's Pick
[info]kennahijja‘s Nettle Stings (Ron/Lucius, *warnings*)

A pairing I don’t usually read and at first I was a bit squicked but it turned out to be a fabulous (and actually squick-free) fic, with wonderful characterization for both Ron and Lucius –something I wasn’t expecting. It’s a real challenge to write this kind of pairing and keep the characters IC without going for the awfully dark and angsty. *Bows to the author*

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

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쉘리 I whip my hair like Bang Bang posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]sdk
Date: 2008-01-28 19:11
Subject: Monday Edition
Security: Public

Fics - One Shots:
[info]pre_raphaelite1 wrote Please (Greyback/Draco, Remus/Bill/Draco; NC-17)
[info]iulia_linnea wrote Thank You for Not Cringing (NL, SS; G)
[info]elfflame wrote Chocolate and Toffee (Seamus/Dean, Blaise/Seamus; R)
Anonymous in [info]snarry_swap wrote A Thousand Years Spent Sleeping (SS/HP, R)
[info]ldybastet wrote Life has a stench (v.2) (LM, PG-13)
[info]angela_snape wrote A Lesson in Herbology (Bill/Neville, PG)

Fics - Drabbles:
[info]alisanne wrote Weekend Ritual (HP/DM, PG)
[info]witch_babe wrote Honesty (HP/DM, PG)
[info]nimrod_9 wrote Perceive (RL/SS, PG-13)
[info]sweetmelodykiss wrote Hands of Time (RL/SS, PG)
[info]esmestrella wrote The Devil's Tritone (SS, LM; G)
[info]severed_lies wrote Drowning (SS, LM; PG-13)
[info]alwaysasnapefan wrote Actuality (SS, PG-13)
[info]xx_kerriann_xx wrote Not Fair (SS/SB, R)

[info]lizardspots drew The One He'd Miss The Most (HP/RW, G)
[info]ships_harry drew Slipping (Harry/Umbridge, NC-17 *warnings*)

Community News
[info]phoenix_flies posts a reminder that they are accepting prompts until midnight (EST) tonight.

If you have any tips or links, send them to potterprophet.ij at! Thanks!

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elfflame posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]elfflame
Date: 2008-01-27 17:55
Subject: Sunday Edition
Security: Public

Fics - One Shots:
[info]boxedcrayon125 and [info]paraboban wrote Of Vacuums, Explosions and Showers (Arthur/Molly, NC-17)
[info]purpleygirl wrote The Best of Him (SS/LE, G)
[info]westernredcedar wrote Five Arguments (SS/RL, PG)
[info]florida_minxie wrote Cry for Me (HP/PP/BZ, NC-17)
Anonymous in [info]snarry_swap wrote 101 Uses for Frog Parts in Potions Making (or How Harry Almost Became an Ingredient) (SS/HP/RL, NC-17)

[info]celandineb and [info]alisanne wrote a selection of drabbles (various, G)
[info]red_day_dawning wrote Handbook for the Recently Deceased (RL, SS, G)
[info]alisanne wrote Made for Him (HP/DM, G)
[info]aras_fixation wrote An Average Catastrophe and Similar Minor Occurrences (SS/HP, PG13)
[info]nimrod_9 wrote Decipher (SS/RL, PG)
And Paraphrase (SS/RL, PG)
And Explain (SS/RL, PG13)
[info]sassy_cissa wrote Never Resist (HP/DM, PG13)
[info]sweetmelodykiss wrote Do Not Panic! (SS/RL, PG13)
[info]aras_fixation wrote Chimera (SS/HP, G)
[info]bluestocking79 wrote Guilty Pleasure (SS/RL, PG13)
[info]alwaysasnapefan wrote Resolutions (SS, PG)
[info]harleen wrote Melting the Ice Away (GW/PP, PG13)
[info]angela_snape wrote Lucky in Love (SS/HP, G)

[info]sweet_lemmon drew By All Means (HP, HG, R)
[info]julythirtyfirst drew Something Important (SS/RL, G)
Anonymous in [info]snarry_swap drew Let's Give Them a Twist on the Old Cliche, Potter (SS/HP, NC-17)

Community News
[info]quibbler_report's latest issue is up
[info]snarry_games has posted their teams for 2008
[info]snape100 posted their latest challenge
[info]awdt posted their latest challenge
They also announced a valentine's day quickies challenge

Editor's Pick
[info]westernredcedar's Five Arguments (SS/RL, PG)
A selection of moments between Severus and Remus. A bit AU, but oh-so-sweet. And check out the picture it is based on, as well. Just lovely.

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

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Sebastian posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]kabal42
Date: 2008-01-27 03:10
Subject: Saturday edition
Security: Public
The Editor is in:Copenhagen, Denmark
The Editors feels:tired tired

Fics - One Shots:
[info]foudebassan wrote Ironing out the differences (HG/LM/SS; mature/immature *sort of a warning*)
[info]rakina wrote Janus Nonogenus (SS/HP; NC-17)
[info]dingochow wrote The Cinnabar Sling, a story from Not Groom Lake (SS/HP; NC-17)
[info]elfflame wrote Christmas Present (Blaise/Seamus; PG-13)
[info]melusinahp wrote Better lucky than good (Pansy/Ron, Ron/Hermione; NC-17 *warnings*)

[info]alisanne wrote No so cursed (Bill/Neville; PG)
[info]alisanne wrote Satisfaction (HP/RW; PG)
[info]alisanne wrote Blame the nargles (7 linked drabbles) (HP/DM; PG)
[info]alwaysasnapefan wrote Lightness (HP/SS; PG-13)
[info]aras_fixation wrote The Talk (HP/SS; PG)
[info]lilyseyes wrote Sharp Gasp (4 drabbles) (HP/SS; PG)
[info]cricketlostlove wrote Favours called (4 drabbles) (Snape?; G)

[info]karasu_hime drew Pin-up series 12: Snape (SS; PG)
[info]lizardspots drew A Cruce Salus (DM; NC-17 *warnings*)
[info]lizardspots drew Steal the moment (RW/HG; NC-17)

Community News
[info]lupin100 posted Prompt # 181
[info]slytherin100 posted Prompt # 8
There's now an unofficial [info]mugglenet on IJ

Editor's Pick
[info]lizardspot's A Cruce Salus (DM; NC-17 *warnings*). Because it hurts so much! *wibbles*

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

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쉘리 I whip my hair like Bang Bang posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]sdk
Date: 2008-01-21 20:06
Subject: Monday Edition
Security: Public

Fics - One Shots:
[info]lilyseyes wrote Angry Breath (HP/SS, NC-17)
[info]enigmalea wrote Not Again (SS/RL, NC-17)
[info]nimrod9 wrote Walking Down Memory Lane (SS, PG-13)
[info]celandineb wrote Departed and Desolated (HP/DM, General)
[info]enigmalea wrote Restricted Section Rendezvous (SS/RL, NC-17)
[info]snapelike wrote Precautions Before A Duty Dinner (LM/NM, NC-17)
[info]alisanne wrote Worthwhile Research (SS/HP, R)
[info]sweetmelodykiss wrote When Lady Luck Smiles (SS/HP/DM, PG)
[info]red_day_dawning wrote As Bright as the Sun (Regulus, Sirius, Gen)
Anonymous in [info]snarry_swap wrote Black Snake (HP/SS, NC-17)
[info]alwaysasanpefan wrote Play Between Friends (Mundungus/Sirius, NC-17)
[info]ac1d6urn wrote Fool's Luck, Changed Luck, and Lucky Guess (SS/HP, PG)
[info]eeyore9990 wrote Dainty Is As Dainty Does (Harry/Gregory, R)

Fics - WIP:
[info]lilithilien finished Architects of Memory. Link goes to Prologue. (HP/DM, NC-17)

[info]lizardspots drew One & One & One Makes Three (Bill/Tonks/Charlie, PG-13)
[info]lizardspots drew Ray of Hope (HP, G)

Community News:
[info]hp_polls is a new community for posting polls about Harry Potter.
[info]hp_april_fools posted a reminder that signups close tonight at midnight (PST).
[info]phoenix_flies is open for submitting prompts.
[info]quibbler_report posted a new issue.

Editor's Pick
[info]lilithilien's Architects of Memory (HP/DM, NC-17) is my pick today. I had the pleasure of reading this novel-length story as [info]lilithilien was writing it, and it kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time. She starts out with a unique premise and doesn't let us down in the follow-through. Plus her Draco characterization is just fantastic.

If you have any tips or links, send them to potterprophet.ij at! Thanks!

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elfflame posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]elfflame
Date: 2008-01-20 20:02
Subject: Sunday Edition
Security: Public

Fics - One Shots:
[info]alisanne wrote Close Attention (SS, NL, G)
[info]lilithilien wrote Architects of Memory (HP/DM, NC-17)
[info]quite_grey wrote Stud (RW/HG, HP/GW, PG13)
[info]misfit_ragdoll wrote Meeting the Challenge (Of Dark Eyes and Dancing Hippopotami (BW/NT, NC-17)
[info]ellid wrote Fools; or, the Choices We Make (SS/RL, PG13)
[info]kaycee wrote Reflections (CD/FD, PG)
[info]sweetmelodykiss wrote How to Take the Edge Off Dull Order Meetines (SB/SS, NC-17)
[info]witch_babe wrote A Life More Interesting (HP/DM, PG13)
[info]envinyatar15 wrote A Presence Still Lingers (SS/LL, G)
[info]shadowycat wrote Hobnobbing With the Classics (SS, RL, NT, DD, G)
[info]krystal_moon wrote Sirius Loves Mary Jane (SB/LE, NC-17)
[info]bluestocking79 wrote A Necessary Irritant (SS, RB, PG)
[info]alwaysasnapefan wrote Libraries and Their Inconcistencies (SS, Pince, Filch, PG13)
[info]severed_lies wrote Dream Date (SS/HG, PG)
[info]alisanne wrote Good Decision (SS/RL, PG)
[info]occasusvenustas wrote The Wrong Foot (HP/DM, PG13)
[info]sassy_cissa wrote Calculated Traditions (HP/DM, PG)
[info]littleblackbow wrote The Prize Pupil (GL/NL, PG13)
Anonymous in [info]snarry_swap wrote (SS/HP, NC-17)

Fics - WIP:
[info]amor_remanet updated Shallow with chapter 4/12 (ASP/SM, JP, LP, HP/GP, PG13)

[info]gold_loewin drew The Milk Bath Formula (BW/NT, NC-17)
[info]aleoninc drew Early Morning Snuggle (SS/RL, PG13)
[info]fanlay drew And the Party Ended (SS/LM, NC-17)
[info]nepenth drew Trading Places: Thaw (SS/RL, G)

Community News
[info]lupin100 posted the next challenge
[info]snape100 posted the next challenge
[info]harryron100 posted the next challenge
[info]awdi posted the next challenge
[info]snapenews latest issue is up

[info]elfflame posted the Next-gen house poll results
[info]thetreacletart has some questions about the HP books

Editor's Pick
[info]fanlay's And the Party Ended (LM/SS, NC-17)
The details and the facial expressions in this are just exquisite.

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

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Sebastian posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]kabal42
Date: 2008-01-20 00:40
Subject: Saturday edition
Security: Public
The Editor is in:Copenhagen, Denmark
The Editors feels:sore sore
The Editor is listening to:None - headache :-(

Fics - One Shots:
[info]envinyatar15 wrote A pattern of apathy (Harry/Romilda, NC-17)
[info]emiime wrote Specs and Sex (PW/NL; NC-17)
[info]envinyatar15 wrote Life amidst death (RL/SS; R)
[info]pre_raphealite1 wrote Inflection (?/Anthony Goldstein; NC-17, *warnings*)
[info]coffee_n_cocoa wrote Nettled (PW/NL; NC-17)
[info]alwaysasnapefan wrote Behaviour (implied SS/AW; PG)
[info]envinyatar15 wrote Moments in time (SS/LP; NC-17)
[info]red_day_dawning wrote Oh bugger (RL/SS; NC-17)
[info]klynie1 wrote Love, pregnancy and camel riding (HP/SS; NC-17 *warnings*)

Fics - WIP:
[info]evegenia updated Dangerous people with chapter 7/? (RL/SS; PG)

[info]karasu_hime drew Cocoa Goodness (RL/SS; G)
[info]julythirtyfirst drew Another kind of fandom wank (RL/SS; PG)
[info]lyntek drew Slight adjustments (SS; G)
[info]stellamoon drew Back off! (DM; G)

Community News
[info]hd_worldcup announced The Teams!
There are also banners and icons for participants and cheering
[info]slytherin_100 have their next prompt up
[info]lupin_snape have a semi-official chat going right now!

[info]quibbler_report has a new issue out

Editor's Pick
[info]lyntek's Slight adjustments (SS; G). This is a companion piece for a fic that I don't know, but it's just so gorgeous that I don't care. There's something very captivating about this picture. Perhaps it's that the masque intrigues me. I don't know. But I do know that it's gorgeous art.

Also: GO TEAMS at [info]hd_worldcup *waves banners* :-D

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

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winoniel posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]winoniel
Date: 2008-01-17 22:12
Subject: Thursday Edition
Security: Public
The Editors feels:crazy crazy
The Editor is listening to:AFI--Affliction

Fics - One Shots:

[info]alwaysasnapefan wrote Christmas Spirit (SS/RL/AD, NC-17)
[info]alwaysasnapefan wrote To Keep a Pensieve (GG/AD, R *warnings*)
[info]alwaysasnapefan wrote Clean Slate (SS/SB, NC-17)
[info]alwaysasnapefan wrote Chalk It Up (SS/SB, NC-17)
[info]alwaysasnapefan wrote Writing Lines (SS/SB, NC-17)
[info]snegurochka_lee wrote An Affair (CW/Fleur, NC-17)
[info]gin_tonic wrote He's Dreaming of Detention (SS/HP, NC-17)
[info]sirenprincess wrote Someone to Watch Over Me (SS/HP, R *warnings*)
[info]eeyore9990 wrote The Consequence of Change (SS/HP, NC-17 *warnings*)
Ivy Riddle wrote Pretending That Isn’t (HP/NT, NC-17)

Fics - WIP:
[info]jamie2109 updated Issues with chapter 13/? (HP/DM, NC-17)
[info]witch_babe and [info]dracofiend updated Indetermination with chapter 4/? (HP/DM, HP/Greg Goyle, NC-17)

[info]bronze_ribbons drew HoneyMoony (SS/RL, G)
[info]omni_sama drew Cleans Up Well (SS, RL, G)
[info]thesnapelyone drew Choosing Sides (SS/RL, G)

Community News
[info]all_fiction is a new fanfiction and poetry communty
[info]snapenews has posted a new issue
[info]dailysnitch has posted a new issue

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

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suntzu_s posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]suntzu_s
Date: 2008-01-15 19:03
Subject: Tuesday's Edition
Security: Public
The Editors feels:sleepy sleepy

Fics - One Shots:
[info]sweetmelodykiss wrote Streetwalker (SS/SB, rated NC-17 )
[info]ceria wrote A Matter of Trust (JP/SB, rated R)
[info]r_grayjoy wrote The Frailty of Hope (BL/HP, rated NC-17)
[info]triceybabe wrote Just Relax (CW/SS, rated NC-17)
[info]gingertart50 wrote A Glow of Candlelight (HP/SS, rated NC-17)
[info]alwaysasnapefan wrote Hunger (SS/AW, rated PG-13), The Ring (AW/SS, rated PG-13) and Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Grimmauld Place (SS/SB, rated NC-17)
[info]theentwife wrote The House -elves Dilemma (LM, NM, rated Gen)
[info]cluegirl wrote Disenchanted (HP/SS, rated Nc-17 *warnings*)
[info]angela_snape wrote Proud Papa (BW/NL, rated PG)
anonymous wrote she loves me, he loves me not (Millicent/Pansy, rated PG-13)

[info]osmalic drew All You Wanted (Gellert Grindelwald/Albus Dumbledore, rated NC-17)
[info]thesnapelyone drew Severus/Moony (SS/RL, rated G)

Community News
[info]daily_deviant have posted their October, November Masterlists and their Kinky Kristmas Masterlist
[info]snarry_games have opened sign-ups for the 2008 Games
[info]meta_roundup have posted a new edition
[info]axial_tilt sign-ups end today

[info]westernredcedar has produced an audio recording of [info]bronze_ribbons The Hounds of the Baskervilles(SS/RL)
[info]icarusancalion talks about How to keep your challenge commitments
[info]minisinoo has issued The Murphy’s Law Anti Valentine Challenge

If you have any tips or links, please email them to I thank you!

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쉘리 I whip my hair like Bang Bang posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]sdk
Date: 2008-01-14 19:12
Subject: Monday Edition
Security: Public

Fics - One Shots:
[info]tattooedsappho wrote Unexpected (Tonks/Hooch, NC-17)
[info]severed_lies wrote Never Look a Gift House in the Mouth (SS, LM; G)
[info]amaneunsis1 wrote Dressing (HP/SB, NR)
[info]mnemosyne_1 wrote Love Me Till the Sun Shines (RL/SS, R)
[info]snowpuppies wrote The Steps (DM/HP, PG)
[info]kaycee wrote Undertow (HP/DM, PG)
Anonymous in [info]snarry_swap wrote Look. At. Me. (SS/HP, R *warnings*)
[info]its_art wrote The Bet (CW/NT/GW, NC-17)
[info]inamac wrote Babysitting the Cub (HP/DM, R)
[info]ozma_katiebell wrote Asylum (SS/NT, NC-17)
[info]stonegrad wrote A Perfect Forever (LM/DM, NC-17)
[info]stonegrad wrote Just Another Step Down the Abyss (LM/DM, NC-17)
[info]emiine wrote Chroma (Percy, G)
[info]alisanne wrote Against The Odds (HP/SS, PG)
Anonymous in [info]fem_exchange wrote Fantasy (HG/??, NC-17)
Anonymous in [info]fem_exchange wrote Personal Journalism (Romilda/Hannah, PG-13)
[info]rickey_a wrote While Making Other Plans (HP/RW, NC-17)

Fics - WIP:
[info]zephre updated Far Away as Moonshine, Part 1: Malfoy Manor with chapter 4/? (Luna, PG)
[info]enigmalea started A Severely Shattered Mind with chapter 1/? (RL/SS, PG-13)
[info]pimpinellae updated Kindred Souls with chapter 6/? (Snape/Filch, NC-17)

[info]skitty_kat drew Lord Rakehell (RL/SS, PG)
[info]brunaghot drew Courtship Among Plants (RL/SS, PG)
[info]melmoe1 drew Three Pieces (RW, DM, RW/CW/BW; G to NC-17)
[info]aleoninc drew Depth of Focus (RL, PG)
[info]zephre drew Glitter Kiss (SS/RL, PG-13)
[info]ebonyserpent drew Pink (Bellatrix/Tonks, NC-17 *warnings*)

Community News
[info]quibbler_report posted a new issue.
[info]phoenix_flies announced a new round for their fest.
[info]snarry_games announced the 2008 Winter Author Games.

[info]brimac13 posted a poll about how you choose a fic.

Editor's Pick
[info]ebonyserpent drew Pink (Bellatrix/Tonks, NC-17 *warnings*)
Bellatrix is deliciously evil and the expression on Tonks' face is just priceless.

If you have any tips or links, send them to potterprophet.ij at! Thanks!

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elfflame posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]elfflame
Date: 2008-01-13 18:32
Subject: Weekend Edition
Security: Public

Sorry for the lack of Prophet yesterday. There were technical difficulties. So you get a double Prophet today.

Fics - One Shots:
[info]boxedcrayon125 wrote Parenthood (AW/MP, NC-17)
[info]alisanne wrote Two Heads Are Better (HP/DM, PG)
and Alternate View (HP/DM, PG)
and Lucky (HP/DM, PG)
and Taking Flight (HP/DM, PG)
and Tolerable (BW/NL, R)
[info]bonfoi wrote Angel Upon His Shoulder (SS/SB, R)
[info]angela_snape wrote Starting Over (SS/HP, G)
[info]scribbulus_ink wrote A Fine Romance (SS/RL, NC-17)
[info]kaellite wrote The Most Important Thing in the World Is... (NL, G)
[info]sassy_cissa wrote Snow Angels (HP/DM, PG13 *warnings*)
[info]elfflame wrote Entreat Me Not to Leave You (Rodolphus/Rabastan, NC-17 *warnings*)
[info]bluestocking79 wrote Commander-in-Chief (SS, PG)
[info]scribbulus_ink wrote This Is the Night When the World Begins Again (SS/RL, NC-17)
[info]empress_jae wrote The Elites (HP/DM, NC-17)
[info]red_day_dawning wrote Welcome Wool Sweaters (SS/RL, G)
[info]snakeling wrote Paedagogy (RL/HP, NC-17 *warnings*)
[info]bitterfig wrote (LL/NT, NC-17)
[info]red_day_dawning wrote As Cutting as Betrayal (Pansy, G)
[info]salixbabylon wrote Harry's Favorite Sandwiches (SS/HP/RL, NC-17)
Anonymous in [info]snarry_swap wrote Comfort (SS/HP, PG13)
Anonymous in [info]fem_exchange wrote Return to Sin (FD/GD, GD/LL, BW/FD, R *warnings*)
Anonymous in [info]snarry_swap wrote All in Good Time (SS/HP, PG)

Fics - WIP:
[info]eyesemerald updated Broken Toy with chapter 28/? (HP/DM)
[info]amor_remanet updated Shallow with chapter 3/? (ASP/SM, PG13)
[info]amejisuto updated Haven with chapter 2/? (HP/DM, FW/GW/LJ, R)
[info]occasusvenustas updated Always the Hero with chapter 2/3 (SS/HP, R)

[info]zephre drew Key 9: The Hermit (RL, G)
[info]skitty_kat drew Hang 'em High and Severus the Gunslinger (SS/RL, PG)
[info]xnuinx drew Patronuses the final parts (HP, JP, NT, MM, HG, EM, G)
[info]jin_fenghaung drew At Spinner's End (SS/HP, NC-17)
[info]sweet_lemmon drew Awww, Harry... (HP/HG, G)
Anonymous in [info]snarry_swap drew The Hunter's Kiss (SS/HP, R)

Community News
[info]slytherin_100 posted their next prompt
[info]lupin100 posted their next prompt
[info]snape100 posted their next prompt
[info]awdt posted their next prompt

[info]elfflame posted a poll on the epilogue kids' houses
[info]cluegirl posted a drabble/art: Naga's Pool

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

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winoniel posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]winoniel
Date: 2008-01-10 17:36
Subject: Thursday Edition
Security: Public
The Editors feels:sick sick
The Editor is listening to:St. James Infirmary

Fics - One Shots:
[info]titti wrote My Other Life (HP/DM, NC-17)
[info]hemostepotente wrote Two Snarrys, One Albus Severus/Scorpius based on Hyde's 'Pay It Forward' concept (NC-17 [PG for AS/S])
[info]alwaysasnapefan wrote Tastefully Garish (AW/SS, PG-13)
[info]alwaysasnapefan wrote and drew Confiscated Birthday Party (SS, Filch, G)
[info]alwaysasnapefan wrote and drew Black Ribbons (SS/SB, R)
[info]alisanne wrote For His Own Good (HP/SS/DM, NC-17)
[info]brightflower wrote Comfort (NT/GW, PG)
[info]suki_blue wrote Reprisal (Gen, NC-17)
[info]florida_minxie wrote Welcome to Reality (SS/HP, NC-17 *warnings*)
[info]lore wrote Lighting Frozen Candles (SS/RL, G)
[info]omni_sama wrote Card 13 Means Change (SS/RL, PG-13)
[info]bewarethesmirk wrote First Time for Everything (SS/HP, PG-13)
[info]kabal42 wrote Showgirls (GW/Pansy, LL/Gabrielle, NC-17 *warnings*)
[info]snegurochka_lee wrote Fire Call (BW/NT/CW, NC-17 *warnings*)

Fics - WIP:
[info]jamie2109 updated Did you think I would leave you…? with chapter 13/? (PG, AS/S)
[info]miracle (for Draconis VonTrapp) updated Of Anemics and Horcruxes with chapter 2/? (HP/DM, PG-13)
[info]zephre updated Far Away as Moonshine with chapter 3/? (LL/DM, PG-13 *warnings*)

[info]alwaysasnapefan drew Frosting Fun (SS, PG-13)
[info]alwaysasnapefan drew Happy Deathday, Severus (PG-13)
[info]zephre drew Caught (SS/RL, PG-13)
[info]eeyore9990 drew Snape's Revenge (SS/ PG-13)
[info]freckles42 drew There Was Only One Part of Him That Was Still Warm (SB/NT, NC-17)
[info]karasu_hime drew Happy Bday Severus Snape! One day later! (SS/RL, NC-17)
[info]zephre drew Happy Birthday, Severus (RL/SS, NC-17 *warnings*)
[info]sh4rds drew The Gift, Ecnyss, Bitch, please (various, G-R)

Community News
The [info]dailysnitch posted a new edition
Fans of Harry Potter Femmeslash is a new community that welcomes your stories and art regardless of rating
[info]florida_minxie has announced a fic/art/icon challenge The Ides of March: A Fandom Frenzy of Fic and Art

Editor's Pick
[info]bewarethesmirk's First Time for Everything needs few words to present a remarkably in-character, heart-warming birthday fic that is not tooth-achingly sweet.

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

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쉘리 I whip my hair like Bang Bang posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]sdk
Date: 2008-01-07 20:04
Subject: Monday Edition
Security: Public

Fics - One Shots:
[info]sweet_lemmon wrote and drew Perfect as it can be (HP/HG, PG)
[info]boxedcrayon125 and [info]paraboban wrote Rainy Day (Arthur/Molly, PG)
[info]boxedcrayon125 and [info]paraboban wrote Parchment (Arthur/Molly, G)
[info]alisanne wrote No One But Me (HP/RW, PG)
[info]its_art wrote and drew Rhapsody (Tom/Ginny, NC-17)
[info]coffee_n_cocoa wrote Lost and Found (Neville/Lavender, NC-17)
[info]sweet_lemmon wrote and drew That's the Way the Love Goes (HP/HG, NC-17)
[info]red_day_dawning wrote A Sacrifice of a Desk and a Filing Cabinet (Millicent, SS, RL; Gen)
[info]occasusvenustas wrote Together or Not At All (Harry/Cedric, PG-13 *warnings*)
[info]kabal42 wrote Angels Are not only For the Dead (Luna/Gabrielle, NC-17)
[info]florahart wrote An Orange Sort of Day (Gilderoy/Hermione, NC-17)
[info]leni_jess wrote You Can't Always Get What You Want (LM/HP, NC-17)
[info]angela_snape wrote Dance of Remembrance (BW/NL, PG)
[info]celandineb wrote The Only Final Path (HP/DM, HP/GW' Adult)
[info]alisanne wrote New Year, New Beginning (HP/DM, PG)
Anonymous in [info]snarry_swap wrote Figurine of Doom (SS/HP, NC-17)

Fics - WIP:
[info]jamie2109 updated Issues of Consolidation with chapter 12/? (HP/DM, NC-17)
[info]suki_blue completed Parity Transformations with chapter 21/21 (HP/DM, NC-17)
[info]jean_c_pepper wrote Harry's New Years Resolutions (Note: Part four the Voyeur series) (HP/DM/SS, PG)
[info]zephre updated Far Away as Moonshine with chapter 2/? (Luna, PG)

[info]ships_harry wrote and drew Ice Cream on the Ferry to Manly (HP/DM, G)
[info]blackcoyote drew Thwak! (Snape/Karkaroff, NC-17)
[info]vimessy drew Doggies like it rough (RL/SB, PP; NC-17)

Community News
[info]slytherin_100 announced a new prompt.

If you have any tips or links, send them to potterprophet.ij at! Thanks!

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elfflame posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]elfflame
Date: 2008-01-06 18:58
Subject: Sunday Edition
Security: Public

Fics - One Shots:
[info]red_day_dawning wrote The Beginning of All Negotiation (PP/?, R)
[info]lilyseyes wrote Infractions (SS/HP, NC-17)
[info]red_day_dawning wrote A Taste of Melancholy (SS/RL, G)
[info]solstice_muse wrote Minstrels (HP/RW, NC-17)
[info]cedar wrote People on the Edge of the Night (SS/SB, R)
[info]bluestocking79 wrote How Sweet It Is (SS, G)
[info]boxedcrayon125 and [info]paraboban wrote Burn Baby, Burn (AW/MW, PG?)
Anonymous in [info]fem_exchange wrote All I Need (CC/ME, G)

Fics - WIP:
[info]zephre updated Far Away as Moonshine with chapter 1/? (Luna, PG13)
[info]enchanted_jae updated Phone Sex Arc 9: Relentless Rhythm with chapter 9/12 (HP/DM)
[info]furiosity updated Interregnum with chapter 5/? (HP/DM, PG)

[info]aleoninc drew Snupin Elves (RL/SS, G)
[info]brunaghot drew The Iceman Cometh (SS/RL, PG13 [though I'd say R])
[info]skitty_kat drew Gone With the Wolf (RL/SS, PG)
[info]shadowycat drew two untitled pieces (SS/RL, PG13)
[info]venturous drew At Last I Found You (SS/HP, PG)
[info]brunaghot drew No Words (SS/RL, PG13 *warnings*)

Community News
[info]lupin100 posted the next challenge prompt
[info]snape100 posted the next challenge
[info]harryron100 posted their weekly prompt
[info]pornish_pixies first challenge on IJ is up

[info]chaeche posted a new vid: When You Were Young (SS/HP)

Editor's Pick
[info]pornish_pixies's first challenge on IJ
How can you not want to participate in that? :D And what better way to thumb our noses at LJ than to make PP the great community it was once more?

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

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Sebastian posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]kabal42
Date: 2008-01-06 00:51
Subject: Saturday, 5th January
Security: Public
The Editor is in:Copenhagen, Denmark
The Editors feels:tired tired
The Editor is listening to:Blade Runner ST

Fics - One Shots:
[info]arionrhod wrote Not quite what the doctor ordered (RL/SS; R)
[info]alisanne wrote Good travellers (HP/DM; R)
[info]musesfool wrote A change is gonna come (LP/JP; G)
[info]mnemosyne_1 wrote Letters: a love story in two parts (RL/SS, HP/HG; NC-17)
[info]iamisaac wrote Promises broken (LM/NM; PG)
[info]sansa1970 wrote Draco, the magic dragon (HP/DM; NC-17)
[info]iamisaac wrote The bonding (RL/SS; NC-17)
[info]chazpure wrote On a sure foundation (Gryffindor/Slytherin, ASS/SHM, HP/SS; NC-17)
[info]alisanne wrote Attitude adjustment (DM/SS; NC-17 *warnings*)
[info]alisanne wrote Courage (Neville/Bill; PG)
[info]alisanne wrote Always helpful (HP/DM; PG)
[info]celandineb wrote Third time's a charm (NP/NL, HP/DM/NL; NC-17)
An anonymous friend of [info]eeyore9990 wrote Manual Dexterity (HG/SS; R)
[info]femmequixotic wrote Kiss a boy in London town (and other misadventures of a society whore (HP/DM; NC-17)
[info]severity_softly wrote Old time's sake (RL/SS; NC-17)
[info]fluffylama wrote The Haunting of Grimmauld Place (SB/RW; NC-17)
[info]florahart wrote Increments of one (HP/CW; NC-17)
[info]amanuensis1 wrote You didn't think they just sold it to him, did you? (FW/GW/DM; NC-17)
[info]coffee_n_cocoa wrote A blade in the soul (HP/NL; NC-17)
[info]bethbethbeth wrote Himself his own dungeon (HP/SS; NC-17)
[info]red_day_dawning wrote Closing doors (Pansy/Kingsley; R)
[info]bitterfic wrote a series of rare-pair drabbles (various)
[info]miracle wrote Beautiful (HP/DM; NC-17)
[info]nepenth wrote Mistletoe (RL/SS; PG-13)
[info]cluegirl wrote Disenchanted (HP/SS; NC-17 *warnings*)
Anonymous in [info]fem_exchange wrote The world spins madly on (HG/PP; R)

Fics - WIP:
[info]miracle updated Second misson with chapter 17/? (HP/DM; NC-17)

[info]cork drew All night long (HP/GW; NC-17)
[info]lizardspots drew Haven't you heard of knocking? (DM/RW; NC-17)
[info]ships_harry drew A Not So Graceful Redemption (Filch/Snape; NC-17)
[info]gold_loewin drew Harry's pet(s) (HP/DM/CW; NC-17)
[info]miracle drew Realization (HP/DM; G)

Community News
[info]snupin_prophet is looking for volunteers
[info]snupin_santa have their grand reveal! and masterlist
[info]percy_ficathon have announced their 2008 schedule
[info]lupin_snape announce the Trading Places challenge and are accepting sign-ups
[info]less_for_you is now acceptling sign-ups
[info]harry_gen_fics is a new asylum for gen fics and art that feature Harry.

[info]bethbethbeth is putting out feelers about possibly making a new fest
[info]painless_j has a 10th round of holiday recs

Editor's Pick
In the absence of time to read much right now (due to exams) I'd like to rec [info]femmequixotic's wrote Kiss a boy in London town (and other misadventures of a society whore (HP/DM; NC-17) which I read before I knew who'd written it :-) It's an absolutely gorgeous fic with excellent characterisation, wonderful language and a completely plausible OC, that really grows on you.

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

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winoniel posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]winoniel
Date: 2008-01-03 20:11
Subject: Thursday Edition
Security: Public

Fics - One Shots:
[info]red_day_dawning wrote Trying New Things (RL/SS, NC-17)
[info]alisanne wrote New Year Tricks (HP/DM, R)
[info]inoru_no_hoshi wrote An It Harm None (SS/HP, PG-13)
[info]rakina wrote Back From The Dead (SS/HP, PG-13)
[info]wook77 wrote More to Life (CW/LB, R)
[info]ruffians wrote L'effet Que Tu Me Fais (HP/DM, NC-17)

Fics - WIP:
[info]enchanted_jae updated Phone!sex arc with chapter 8/? (HP/DM, NC-17)

[info]its_art drew A Twist of Fate (HP, OCs, G)
[info]its_art drew Them Gryffindor Girls (LB/Parvati Patil/HG, NC-17)
[info]ericahpfa drew Some porn. :) (RL/SB, NC-17)

Community News
[info]hpfanart has announced a new contest
[info]dailysnitch has posted a new edition
[info]snarry_reader has updated its Master Lists for December
[info]sjc_swank has announced a new St. Louis fanfic meetup community: Potter Orgnanization Of Fan Ficcers - St.Louis (POOFS)

Editor's Pick
[info]inoru_no_hoshi's An It Harm None is a series of beautifully elegiac epigrams chronicling two men coming to terms with the physical/mental aftermath of war.

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

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January 2012