March 31st, 2009

[info]fallenpriest in [info]parabolical

Who: Valek [Open]
What: Valek wandering about
When: After the musical plot
Where: Graveyard
Rating: TBD
making his way to familiar surroundings. )

[info]dracu_vamp in [info]parabolical

Who: Kennedy & Kumiko
What: A Slayer's dreams are said to be prophetic on occasion
Where: Her Bedroom
When: Late Night- backdated slightly to the 30th
Rating: High
Status: complete

Kennedy hadn't been sleeping )

[info]thenidied in [info]parabolical

Who: Annie and open
What: A new arrival
When: Mid afternoon
Where: Random not too busy street
Rating: TBD, probably not too high
Status: Incomplete

Cut for Being Human spoilers )

[info]thebigbad in [info]parabolical

WHO: Spike and Raidon
WHAT: killing the last of the Dracu-vamps
WHEN: the night of the ritual
WHERE: the streets of LA
RATING: High for character death? Even if it is bad guy death!
STATUS: Complete.

The singing had been interesting. )
Tags: ,

[info]nopoweroverme in [info]parabolical

WHO: Magic users getting involved here
WHERE: random secured location
WHEN: Friday, March 31, 2006;
WHAT: Taking down the dracu-vamps from the magic end!
STATUS: thread; in-progress
NOTES: Two parter thread here! One part is all the magic users working together on the ritual with the sword to strip the dracu-vamps of their power, so thread at will! The other part is Sarah, with Anya, cutting Kumiko's connection to Saga Vasuki. They can be posted in any order, as long as the threads are separate!

Why did it inevitably fall to warehouse-like buildings for things both evil and good? )

[info]selfpropelled in [info]parabolical

WHO: Nathan, Heidi, Simon & Monty Petrelli, Claire (ABC) & Claire (SBC) Bennet
WHERE: The Commons at Calabasas, one of the restaurants
WHEN: Friday, March 31, 2006; early evening, before the conclusion of the magical end of the dracu-vamps plot.
WHAT: Birthday dinner and shopping!
STATUS: thread; in-progress

Having this meal, all of them together – it was very nice. )

[info]batman2point0 in [info]parabolical

Who: Terry and Bruce
What: Um...probably nothing good?
When: Following the graffiti post.
Where: The cave and then out if they don't strangle eachother first?
Rating: A for Awkward?

It was a constant roller coaster and he wanted off )

January 2010



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