January 25th, 2009

[info]demonvanguard in [info]parabolical

Who: Talia Al Ghul and OPEN
What: Overseeing construction and taking a walk
When: Afternoon
Where: Near the beach
status/rating: incomplete/TBD

It's going to need a fence. )

[info]faithinthedark in [info]parabolical

WHO: Faith Lehane, Sarah Petrelli, Jacen Solo (Tenel Ka Djo appearing!)
WHAT: Tenel Ka is being weird. First stop is the ex Sith lover.
WHEN: after the crazy
WHERE: Jacen's room at the Hyperion
STATUS: In progress

Faith was pissed off and rapidly struggling to remember why she didn't just punch Jacen Solo in the face )

[info]dontgiveuponme in [info]parabolical

WHO: Gabriel Gray & Claire Bennet (future)
WHAT: Gabriel took it upon himself to make comfort food for the Hyperion, but he can think of someone who might need some who isn't there to benefit.
WHEN: After this
WHERE: Claire's place
STATUS: In Progress

This was likely the worst idea that he had had in months... )

[info]faithinthedark in [info]parabolical

WHO: Faith Lehane
WHAT: She's tired, she's pissed and she's about to snap
WHEN: late at night after the long day from hell
WHERE: demon bars
RATING: R for violence and mentions of drug use
STATUS: Complete as a log unless someone wants to tag in.

'Oh I'm sorry, am I being elitist?' )

[info]thenothing in [info]parabolical

Who: Batgirl, and Open
What: A hunt for the Clown with a run in with some vampires. Wailing on some bad guys.
When: January 25th, around 9:30
Where: Docks, somewhere at the waterfront.
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

The night had just become more interesting. )

[info]rageofages in [info]parabolical

Who: Matthias Cronqvist and Integral Hellsing
What: Talking in the Castle
Where: Castlevania
When: This Afternoon
Rating: R
Status: Ongoing

I close my eyes, only for a moment and the moment's gone... )

[info]demonvanguard in [info]parabolical

Who: News people and a few servants
What: The Lazarus Pits are introduced into Los Angeles
When: Sunday evening news
Where: All over LA
Status/Rating: Complete/PG

you had to excuse them, despite the weekly apocalypses, they didn't get the opportunity to sensationalize much around their news room... )

January 2010



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